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Twisted Firaun

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Everything posted by Twisted Firaun

  1. Looks like today was just 40k (barring one LOTR/Middle Earth article of all things), so it seems they're playing it pretty close lip until Adepticon.....
  2. Oh the non-Arabic culture thing is easy to justify: draw from the islamic world and the ancient cultures that came before it. That opens up everything from Moorish Spain to Indonesia/Malaysia as far as inspiration goes.
  3. I sure hope so! My only question is which "Arab" culture are they going to use as a base for them? Are they going with the Abbasids, the Ottomans, the Safavid Persians? It may seem trivial but depending on which one they choose we could get some really crazy armies and characters to build armies around.
  4. I was playing Total War yesterday and came across this quote on my loading screen: I checked Lexicanum and the old warhammer fantasy wiki and I couldn't find any mention of a Saalakil anywhere. Does anyone else think this might be a sign of something to come? or am I pulling a Valrak and grasping at the hint of an Araby army?
  5. First off we’re going off topic, secondly they haven’t really given up half of the tropes you think they’ve given up. Kharadron trim their beards and still tend to venerate their ancestors, it’s just their gods that aren’t really worshipped outside of one or two settlements. While I’ll admit that the two factions are too unique to ever be mixed, that doesn’t mean we can’t get more lore of them helping each other out for nothing else besides the fact that they’re both Duardin. As for the isolationism? The Kharadron only came out of hiding for trade and are willing to abandon their “allies” when it’s no longer profitable, meanwhile the Fyreslayers have taken heavy losses due to the Necroquake turning most of their homes into a necromantic ground-zero, and many factions won’t help them due to their past behavior and mercenary ways. Regardless of what GW ends up trying to do, I think it’ll go the way of Storm of Chaos: so badly it’ll have to be retconned. Let’s just agree that dwarfs are awesome, elves are untrustworthy, and that Nagash needs to pay for what he’s done.
  6. Never said merging, just reconciliation. I like my steampunk pirates thank you very much, but I do like the idea that some of the old ideals of the dawi start reappearing due to the influence of a few long beards. Besides, if they ever did merge again it's clear that the Kharadron would be the faction absorbing the other two, not the other way around since they are the most developed of the three.
  7. Personally I like the Black Library’s approach to Duardin reconciliation: Grungi staying in the background while more “mortal” Dawi like Gotrek and Grombrindal go around reminding everyone they meet about honor and Grudges. Grombrindal’s short stories are the better of the two, as he seemingly knows every trick in all three factions book, and is using that to push his distant kin to be the best they can.
  8. Don’t get me wrong, I too hope for a Wild Hunt type faction. In mythology it’s just the coolest thing imaginable, an army of pagan deities/damned souls lead by legendary king is just awesome. I don’t doubt we’ll see the Kurnothi again, but it’ll be a long time from now as we get another Lumineth expansion. EDIT: I'VE GOTTEN AN @Whitefang REACT!!!!! IT'S A LAUGH EMOTE BUT STILL!!!!!
  9. “Apes Stupid” Maurice the Orangutan. Jokes aside I don’t understand why everyone thought the Kurnothi were gonna be this big thing. We’ve had the Mistweaver Saih character since 2016, but we still haven’t seen the faction it belongs to appear….. both are probably just concepts pieces meant to test the waters of a distance future release.
  10. Act strangely? Well I have a thief based off of Shaggy from Scooby Doo, an insomniac scribe who can speak to vultures, a berserker whose a mixture of the first Muezzin Bilal and Yasuke (who’s cursed to not be able to die), and an army of demons taking over “Not-Persia” and beyond. Don’t get me wrong, Fromsoftware games confuse the hell outta me, and I can’t play them for long periods of time without getting angry or depressed…. But the worlds are incredible, the characters fun and intriguing (except Parches, ****** him), and there’s the satisfaction that comes from finally beating That One Boss who kept killing you that makes it all worthwhile. Though with Elden Ring I blame George R.R. Martin, as it felt like Game of Thrones mixed with Ragnarok.
  11. Are we Soulsposting?! Man I love the lore and gameplay of the Soulsborne series (even if I'm trash at them). The games have easily become the third biggest influence on my fantasy writing, behind various mythologies and Berserk.
  12. They wanted to make a chaos-djinn, but forgot to get rid of his legs. Amen, though it’s still pretty finicky.
  13. God bless CA, their attempt to hide the Chorfs' love of slavery gave us a brand new meme. I honestly don't care, I just wanna build Nightlords and lead them on a merry game of Space-Batman Mafia schenanigans.
  14. And people claim that the Dark Angels are gonna be the big marines of 10th Edition, Dante looks amazing! There goes an Adepticon preview though.....
  15. So when can I expect Dark Mechanicus Cultists?
  16. Nay @Beliman, that wonderous abomination needs to be a GW mainline kit, because I want three of them!!! I heard that this glorious daemon long-horn was turned into a Khorne Character, I sincerely hope GW isn't that idiotic..... Regardless I feel bad for the guys/gals who designed it, because it's simply delightful. It looks like it could fit right at home in AOS, TOW, or 40K, which is saying something.
  17. Not yet, for that to happen we'd need confirmation of Plastic Emperor's Children, a plastic Vampire Coast range, Cities of Sigmar to drop with a new Felix model to compliment Gotrek's and the return of Tamurkhan and his three brothers.
  18. I gotta say, the past two days have been nothing but awesomeness for TOW, here's hoping the hype trains continues!
  19. I just looked at the Steam Page for the DLC, it looks like the chorfs are gonna be competing for something called "The Blood of Hashut" that they can only get if they literally Drill into Hashut's portion of the Realm of Chaos. In addition to their quest for Chaos-Oil, the bois in hats get special daemon-forges, chaos conveys to sell their guns to rival/allied factions, slave labor, and some good old fashioned politics. Also, when they finally make it to the Tabletop I'm gonna run an army of Bull-Centaurs and Bale Tauri, the artwork for them is amazing. And the Kdaai Destroyer at the end..... *Chef's Kiss*
  20. @Public Universal Duardin! Wake up brother/sister! The holy day has come!!! https://www.totalwar.com/blog/tww3_thechaosdwarfs_astragoth/
  21. PRAISE BE TO PTRA AND HASHUT THIS TRAILER IS AMAZING!!!!! Come on GW, be awesome and adapt all of this stuff for TOW and AOS ASAP!!! We need chorfs and their daemon trains now more than ever!!!
  22. That sounds like an amazing idea! I would love to see it when the time comes @Neverchosen. On my end I'm planning on expanding my existing army of undead (naturally), but I do so love a take on the arthurian mythos.
  23. I'll join in @KingBrodd Seraphon full reveal Ossiarch vs Soulblight box with heroes + tomes New Underworlds Warbands (Tzeentch + 1 other) New army teaser (chorfs? Cities? up for grabs). 40K 10th Edition, Tyranids vs Dark Angels starring The Lion Returned. Dark Mechanicus Votann expansion New Primaris Lieutenant HH Mark II infantry Despoiler Squads "New" Named Characters kits. Kill-Team Space Marines or Tyranids vs *Insert minor faction here* I will be buying this book for two reasons: Lizardmen lore, and Vampires of the Coast expansion. Here's hoping some of the goodies inside get transported into AOS or TOW proper. ........ Excuse me I need to double check that I'm actually alive, and not a reanimated corpse IRL.... *pulls on beard* OKAY THIS WEEK HAS BECOME AMAZING AND IT'S NOT EVEN MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! First Tomb Kings get new models teased and now Chorfs are inbound?!?!?!?! Oh what a time to be alive!!!
  24. While the HH box was essentially one giant army box (Space Marines), it came with two lords, two sets of terminators (elites), a dreadnought (monster(?)), a land raider (war machine), and a bunch of regular marines (battle line), plus the rule book and dice. Overall cost was 310 without tax, and that’s honestly a steal.
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