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Posts posted by Luke1705

  1. 9 hours ago, Magnus The Blue said:
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    Post Beasts of Chaos, Skyfires are meh.  Not awful but  I'd struggle to justify 9, especially without any Shaman to get them at least hitting on 3+.   600 points for an average 4.5 hits a round just isn't worth it.  Sure they are decent in combat if you get to attack first but still doesn't feel like those 600 points are well spent.






    I'm not sure I agree with that.  Having the ability to kill support characters is so important.  Sure spells can do that, but most support characters can just hang back and stay outside of casting range, or they can at least do so until their front lines have hit yours.  Skyfires give you the ability to kill the characters on your very first turn.  Or I guess I should clarify - they're probably only killing 1 support character per turn.  But them getting to do what they do when they go first is pretty important IMO and very nice with fold reality.  It's just so many attacks and those re-rolls are beautiful.

  2. 4 hours ago, mmimzie said:

    It was in the FAQ that you use the newest warscroll of the same name or something like that.

    Of course that just makes sense. My (apparently erroneous) assumption was that the newest warscroll would be in the azyr app, and that the beasts of chaos skyfires would be the same as the tzeentch skyfires in the app. It’s not that new of a battletome any longer. GW gotta get that straightened out

  3. 3 minutes ago, Drib said:

    You are looking at the old Skyfires warscroll. The +1 to hit rolls was moved to the Shaman.

    They Azyr app updated it to be unmodified 6 but didn’t change the +1 to hit location? Smh. I just assumed that since they updated it to have an entry in the BOC section of the app that the entire warscroll was updated. Oh GW

  4. Also why are there two special rules for the shaman? His warscroll says “visions of the future” which lets you add 1 to the hit rolls for skyfires, but skyfires have their own rule “preternatural enhancement” which lets them do the same thing. Does this mean that you get +2 to hit from a single shaman? I guess this would offset the fact that only unmodified 6 proc the mortal wounds now

  5. 7 hours ago, Isotop said:

    How can the "roll itself" be modified after ther attack sequence ended? I think I showed pretty clearly that a rolled 1 ends the attack sequence before modifiers take place.

    I would like you to support your claims with the core rules in order to have  a productive discussion on the topic.

    @Darksteve, same for you, mate.

    I hope this does not sound to harsh - I really do not want offend anyone (really).

    I’m not sure what you’re arguing. Are you saying that the attack sequence ends as soon as you roll to wound, or that the attack sequence ends for skullreapers if they roll a 1 to wound?

    I’m assuming the latter since otherwise modifiers to wound could never exist if it were the former. If the latter, you would have to show rules support for why the attack sequence would end. Take the spirit hosts for example. They clearly denote that the attack sequence ends on a roll of 6 to hit. No such rule exists for the skullreapers. Your assumption is that the sequence ends because no save throw needs to be made. However, that is only because you do not wound on a 1+. This is possible (though unlikely) because unlike in the rules where it is stated that a hit roll of 1 always fails, no such rule exists for wound rolls (unless I missed something in the core rules)

  6. Actually I think Darksteve is correct now. The roll itself is stil subject to modification. The rule would have to say “if you roll an unmodified 1” for it to be unstoppable.

    Interestingly, the reverse would also be true, where if they ever suffer -1 to wound, those mortals would proc on 1’s and 2’s

  7. 41 minutes ago, Kazimer said:

    I've been thinking about using the Khorne Beastmen warscroll. Is it worth it to run? Furthermore, should I get those Khorne Beastigors while they're on made to order? Or would it be better to just run Bulls or stock standard Gors instead?

    You mean the khorne battalion? Yes it might be the best thing in that book.

  8. If you are in combat with a shooting unit, they must target a unit that they are in combat with.  It doesn't necessarily mean the *closest* unit, but for example if my unit of blood warriors is 5" away, and there is a unit of reavers 2" away, then they have to shoot the reavers.

  9. 4 hours ago, Dan.Ford said:

    New topic

    So how about bloodthirster (big axe boy) with Devastating blow which does have an faq (6+  ). ( also he re roll 1's to hit on the charge)

    Magical item : you now the one with the Plus 1 to hits and wounds.

    Gore pilgrim with 2 or 3 priests Killing frenzy.

    And a Crimson Crown near by on second character like another Bloodthirster 

    4 attack base , +1 secator& maybe 1 from crown . Re rolling 1's on the charge.

    Think about it , now that is a mortal wound payload. 

    I think I like Slaughterborn or deathdealer better for that guy. Slaughterborn lets you fish for more “6”, whatever actual number you’re looking for. Deathdealer is just a flat bump. Devastating blow is of course nice, but with rend -2 already they’re already saving on 5 or 6. Helps out against the grims certainly but with only 6ish attacks you’re getting 1 or 2 outrageous carnage rolls on average. I’ll have to do the math, but my suspicion is that it’s better only against ethereal units

  10. For the record, I am also not convinced that the flowstone blade works like that. After more reading of the core rules on page 232, specifically the “making attacks” box,  I think the +1 to wound only applies to the attack, or hit, that had a result of 6+, not to all of them, and thus you are unable to ever get more than +1 to wound out of the item. I think this because the rules refer to rolling through the attack sequence for each individual dice, not for many at once. It says you may roll many at once to save time, but this does not mean that the outcome of one roll can affect another roll. Quite the opposite, in fact

  11. 33 minutes ago, Dan.Ford said:

    Lets not go down that road , please. Thank you

    I’m not sure I see the distinction. Clearly you wouldn’t get to double the damage of all the grave guard in the unit time after time, but if a single grave guard model made multiple attacks, it should double the damage of all of that model’s attacks if we’re being consistent, correct? Or am I missing something?

    Also Dan I know you’ve played a lot of Khorne at a fair few big events. Have you been to large events that have ruled that the flowstone item works this way? And as a secondary question, have you found this to be a game-breaking mechanic? Being able to pump out 20 or 30 mortals to every unit in an 8” aoe just seems like there is very little counterplay outside of doing your best not to clump up units

  12. 1 hour ago, Dan.Ford said:

    I'm sorry to say this is incorrect.

    It must state that natural 6 or unmodified 6.

    If you play at an GW event an ability that is triggered by a 6 is subjected to mod's .

    so for example Crimson Crown with a +2 to hit would only trigger on a 4 and 5&6 are only normal hit and do not trigger the ability . :(

    This not my interpretation , it's from GW rules panel.

    Do you have a rules source for why the Flowstone Blade works to increase all of the wound rolls and not just the wound roll for the attack that rolled a 6 or more?

  13. I’ve been seeing a couple people doing Council of Blood lists with 3 or 4 bloodthirsters, and that’s really all I’ve ever wanted in life. So what would you guys reccomend taking as the extra artefacts, assuming realm artefacts are in play? Im probably going to run it as a 2 drop, but I’m not sure which other battalion I’ll use. There are a few that are alluring. So I’ll likely have 3 artefacts to switch around.

  14. 17 hours ago, CanHammer-darren said:

    Anyone play with 60-90 grimghast yet?



    k ightt of shrouds on steed

    guardian soul

    60 grimghast

    2x10 chainrasp

    double mourngul

    I’m running 60 grims in a tournament, but under legions of Nagash. Makes them more durable of course but actually reduces their offensive output a touch since I don’t get the guardian’s to wound buff. They’re still rather stabby though. 2-1 after the first day and an impressively awful dice showing vs daughters. Like I didn’t cast hand of dust. At all. Not he guessed right. It just never cast

  15. Oh and it being one drop was just in line with the idea that multiple units could teleport using the dreadwood ability.  If the entire army is part of the battalion (and the rule works for all) then the whole army could redeploy if you were a one drop

  16. 18 hours ago, Isotop said:

    No offense guys, but I think @Luke1705 deserves a better answer/explanation than just "it can´t work this way, otherwise Dreadwood would be overpowered". The argument about ""A" always means singular" is probably pretty confusing for him as well, since he just quoted an FAQ that told him otherwise (in some kind).


    I am afraid the FAQ is not as clear as you wish for. It does not talk about the phrases "a" and "any" in general, but refers specifically to the Gnarlroot wording. Nowhere does the FAQ state that it counts for every case of this formulation. They really should have added "Sorry for our terrible rules writing causing such an ambiguity ". I get where you are coming from, though, since the Ambush ability from Dreadwood has exactly the same wording as the Gnarlroot one. 

    The bottom line is: In most cases, "a" just means "one". For me, the fact that GW did FAQ Gnarlroot but not Dreadwood (although the share the same formulation) and did not generalize their statement, leads to the conclusion that the Ambush-"a" does not work like the Gnarroot-"a" and therefore means "one" in this case.


    Additional point: In my view it does not matter wether you deploy as a one-drop or not (for our argument), but maybe there is a thought about this point you would like to share?

    See to be honest, I never even imagined that it would count as all of them until someone told me that people played Dreadwood that way and that’s why it was good. I said “no don’t be silly, that can’t be right. ‘A’ means one. Perhaps there is an FAQ that settles this”

    What I see the FAQ as is setting precedent. Why would they say that a means all for one formation and not intend to imply that this is the case for all formations (or at the very least, all Sylvaneth formations)?

    I can understand and appreciate people saying “hey until it’s explicit, I’m not going to play it like that”. And Sylvaneth is like my fourth next army project. Might be 3rd edition before I actually play them so it’s likely rather moot for me.  But to me, this seems to have been answered. I’d be very curious to know how some larger events have played this (because I would be decently surprised if every event was in agreement one way other the other)

  17. 16 hours ago, Isotop said:

    How are you getting +2 on the Dryad summoning? If you are thinking of Ranus´ Lamentiri - it only grants +1 to Roused to Wrath since it is not a Deepwood Spell Lore spell (you still get +1 tho). The only other way of getting +2 (or more) I can think of is Throne of Vines on a Branchwraiht and/or a Harvestboon Wargrove Branchwraith with Ranus´. 

    How are you charging turn 1 with three units? The redeployment-ability is only one unit, while the movement-ability only gives 5" additional threat on Hunters and Durthu. Am I missing something?

    Yeah totally misread the +1/+2. Forgot that didn’t apply. That’s what happens when I theory-craft late at night!

    The number of units you can redeploy is the entire army though if you play it as a one drop. The FAQ is clear that an ability that says “a unit” like where it says “a dreadwood unit” in that redeploy ability actually means “any dreadwood unit(s)”. I assumed it meant 1 until I read the FAQ

  18. 7 hours ago, Domowoj said:


    Your list looks pretty solid and competitive to me. I think you've picked out an extremely pure version of a tried-and-true archaon list. It's simple and elegant. It's super defensive, but I also think you will kill plenty of stuff just by sheer number of dice. My initial instinct is to want more toys in the army, but it's probably best the way it is now.


    Yeah I saw the old list that Darren Watson used to run. RIP when it could be nurgle and have the witherstave and blades of putrefaction ??? I still have a dream that we can do it again some day

  19. 3 hours ago, calcysimon said:

    The only things I don't like of that list are 2 :

    - if OPPO has something that can bring down archaon (or slow him, or debuff, or tarpit him) all the army collapse, no damage on table eccept him

    - only archaon has a fast movement, and he is the only one that kill things, on many "maps" I am afraid only marauders don't have any chance, they can be easily tarpitted by something similar with a save of 4 or a reroll to save (without rend and mortals) 

    This list does throw some buckets of dice at you, but generally has no offense whatsoever and just tries to out-durability you and have more bodies for the entire game. Outside of DOK that hit on 3’s (so the -2 to hit isn’t as devastating) I think this is doable. Its goal isn’t to be fast. Even Archaon really isn’t that offensive. His job is just to force multiply. To be fair, though, unless someone is going to shoot him, he’s pretty durable at -1 to hit with a 5+ FNP vs mortals (not to mention his own eye of sheerian and 4+ spell negation) and the 5+ FNP that the harbinger of decay gives him

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