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Everything posted by InSaint

  1. Hey guys, I just took part in a small AOS 1k Tournament and came in 4th out of 18 players. I am really happy with how versatile DoK is! ? Score - W/W/L Temple: Khailebron Bloodwrack Shrine w Gryph-feather Charm (Steed of Shadow) Slaughter Queen (General) - Sacrament of Blood Hag Queen - Catechism of Murder 20 Witch Aelves with Dual Daggers 10 Witch Aelves with Bucklers 5 Doomfire Warlocks (The Withering) 5 Khinerai Heartrenders 5 Khinerai Heartrenders Round 1, Opponent (Grand Host of Nagash), Battleplan (Focal Point), Realm (Chamon, Rust Plague) He-who-must-not-be-named 2x 10 Skeleton Warrior Outcome: Major Victory. Fighting Nagash was seriously nerve-wracking, he just went around killing whatever he wanted. But having only 3 units was a serious handicap for a 5 Objectives Battleplan. My Bloodwrack Shrine and Doomfire Warlocks was having a field day killing off skeletons denying objectives while Nagash Slaughtered all my Witch Aleves. Khinerais won me the game by dropping in on the last turn to secure multiple objectives and scoring me the VP to win the game. Round 2, Opponent (Blades of Khorne), Battleplan (The Better Part of Valor, 4 Objs). Realm (Ghyran, Lifespring) Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut Scyla Anfingrimm Karanak Bloodsecrator 10 Bloodreavers 5 Blood Warriors 5x Khorgoroths Outcome: Major Victory. This was an interesting battle between Khorne and Khaine as both were melee specialists and neither wants to be charged at and so I held back on Turn 1. On turn 2, I managed to kill off his Karanak before it could summon Flesh Hounds and used my Bloodwrack shrine to lock his Lord and 2 Khorgoroth in Close Combat. I dropped in my Khinerais forcing him to park his Bloodreavers and Blood Warriors on his objectives for fear of it getting hijacked and razed for VP. He also pulled back his Bloodsecrator with Sycla for fear of being assassinated. The game ended with 20 Witch Aelves punching through his Lord, Khorgoroths and 5 Blood Warriors to raze his objective. Round 3, Opponent (Grand Host of Nagash), Battleplan (Shifting Objectives), Realm ( Hysh, Gleaming Vistas) Vampire Lord on Nightmare 2 Morghast Harbringer with Spirit Halberds 4 Morghast Harbringer with Spirit Halberds 10 Chainrasp Hordes 20 Zombies Outcome: Major Loss. I have played against a similar list before and I knew a squad of Morghasts is a flying deathstar that could charge and pretty much kill off anything my army could... so I offer in my Khinerais and Shrine as tribute. The positioning was great and my 20 Witch Aelves landed a charge at his 4 Morghast. Unfortunately, the Dice Gods were unhappy. My Doomfire came off with just 1 Mortal Wound on a D6 and 20 Witch Aelves killed just 1 Morghast! His Morghast retaliated killing off all 20 Witch Aelves and by which the game has pretty much been decided with my main force broken. Interesting Observations Khinerai Heartrenders are friggin awesome. For just 80 pts, the strategic value they bring to the board is just phenomenal. And because their bases are so large; Opponents consistently think they are 2 wounds each and allocate disproportionately large amount of force to respond to them They are excellent screening units to block deathstar movement or charge, with a 5+ save and the possibility of dealing mortal wounds Khailebron Teleport Strategies Never Turn 1 "Khaileport" your Warlocks to Doomfire. This is overextending and they are 100% going to die. Too far to provide Witchbrew to a unit across the board? Just Khaileport your Hag Queen over to within 3" of a unit that is going to charge soon. Too far to use Orgy of Slaughter? Khaileport the Slaughter Queen to within 14". Khaileporting your Khinerai Heartrenders after they have landed will give them addition -1 to Rend again which is useful against high save targets. And they can still do their special movement after shooting! Bloodwrack Shrine is literally useless w/o getting Steed of Shadows off. Thankfully it is a 5+ to cast. -1 to hit on the Shrine really keeps it alive long enough until the next Hero Phase for Aura of Agony to go off. I actually think Crimson Rejuvenation Prayer might actually work well in this situation. Even if your Slaughter Queen is not within range, it is good to pray for Dance of Doom just in case the opponent has a double turn or she somehow gets the chance to attack. My opponent tried to assassinate her and a nearby Hag Queen, she survived and counter-raped 5 Flesh Hounds.
  2. Did you guys see the Nova results? Excluding painting, DoK armies were ranked 4th, 8th and 9th place. Seems like DoK is fitting very well in the current meta, Tier 1 fraction.
  3. Oh yes you are right, it explicitly states General, my bad!
  4. You will need a few Queens, their prayers are just awesome. ??‍♀️ You should have 1 hag and 1 slaughter queen from each Blood Coven box. I do believe Morathi's command ability stacks with the Slaughter Queen's command ability allowing a single DoK units to attack twice during the Hero Phase. Pretty sure nothing much can stand up against 20 Witches attacking twice in the Hero Phase and one last time during Combat Phase. Another favorite combo of mine is to have a Bloodwrack Shrine Medusa cast Steed of Shadow on herself and flying around the place causing havoc with her Mortal Wounds.
  5. Put the Medusa on a Shrine and cast Steed of Shadows - 16" flying shrine is hilarious! ? Mindrazor and Withering are not very easy to cast w/o any buffs to casting rolls as 7+ is only a 40% Try to include a Slaughter Queen so that you can use Orgy of Slaughter Command Ability - If you get a double turn ? Consider either Hagg Nar or Khailebron - Khailebron can teleport Doomfire to Arcane Terrain and snipe off hero with Doomfire Consider dropping the Endless Spells - I personally find it unreliable but very fun to play with Consider splitting the Witches into 2 squads for greater flexibility
  6. Hey guys, Quick question on Sisters of Slaughter usage which seems ambiguous; Can SoS retreat 4" during movement phase and pile-in 6" during the combat phase to attack again? If the opponent has resolved all his eligible units and have to pass because he has no more eligible units to fight in close combat, can he still elect a unit to strike back at the SoS after they pile-in to attack? If the opponent has an Always Strike First rule (i.e Indoneth Deepkin High Tide), does he get to attack my SoS first right after I pile-in? Thanks!
  7. Has anyone had any luck with Khailebron Temple? I'm testing this list and so far it is quite amazing for a 1000 points army. Fairly high amount of wounds for 1k Super high mobility for objectives capturing and outmaneuvering Reasonable amount of mortal wound dealers to handle high saves unit Able to assassinate lone hero or unprotected buffers This list severely punishes opponent who neglect to properly position their armies.
  8. I think I may be wrong but isn't this extremely risky? For most battleplans, you score VP at the end of your turn. Hence, the moment you leave it empty, smart opponents will tap it during their turn to score VP. Like how you could with Khinerai on the opponent's unattended objective. So the golden rule is if your opponent still have units in reserve, never leave your controlled objective points unattended.
  9. What is an excellent DoK (or ally) unit for holding far off objectives? I currently just park 10 Witch Aleves on the objective. Cheap and high model count. Blood Stalkers are too expensive and less model count though they can provide some some fire support. Khinera are cheaper but lacks the model count and are fragile.
  10. Gryph-feather Charm is better. It has the effect of Miasmatic Blade AND gives you additional 1" movement. Thermalrider Cloak is pretty good as well, +4" to movement and can fly. Your Cauldron of Blood can now move 10" and fly! Any artifact that allows you to ignore wounds works with our innate ignore wounds though it does not stack. This means you can literally roll 4 layers of saves to infuriate your opponent!
  11. Magna racks are an amazing storage and transport solution, I swear by this. I magnetized my entire army for zero breakage. A 432 battlefoam pack size magna rack is sufficient to house a 2000pts DoK army. 1 platform can house up to 60 25mm models and adjustable height.
  12. Has anyone reviewed the new Malign Sorcery - Artefacts of the Realms yet? It says you can declare which Realm your army hails from and pick a Artefact. Edit: Sorry forgot to mentioned, specific to DoK.
  13. Considering how fragile the Queens are, I would rather they blend in with a sea of Witch Aelves though. If they don't ask, you don't tell. The Druchii way. Lol ?
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