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Everything posted by shinros

  1. Er so I was just looking at my witch hunter warscroll did they change it at any point? I recall his special ability affected wizards only but now it's wizards and daemons. Am I remembering wrong? Or could this be a sign of the future?
  2. Pretty much that piece is from 40k I am betting cypher as I said before. The one before it? Was definitely AOS.
  3. They post rumor images on both pages all the time I don't think it's AOS though I am guessing it's cypher.
  4. There are two human factions free guild and devoted of sigmar, free guild is the more open option. Anyway new image from facebook. PLEASE LET THE RUMOR IMAGE BE DEVOTED OF SIGMAR PLEASE!
  5. Problem is that the order of ayzr is a separate organisation made up of witch hunters only according to nick that's the name of the witch hunter order created by sigmar. The name devoted of sigmar encompasses a broader range you can easily tell hey here is an army of sigmarite zealots. The devoted of sigmar I guess is made up of difference organizations working together.
  6. The order of ayzr is affiliated with the devoted of sigmar according to Nick I also recall the witch hunter in the novel has his own flagellant warband. It's why the witch hunter is a part of the devoted of sigmar army they are not separate. The order of ayzr are witch hunters that's just the more "official" name of their group. Check your grand alliance order tome the devoted of sigmar army is made up of warrior priests, witch hunters (order of ayzr), war alter of sigmar and flagellants. In my opinion they are in a similar position to sylvaneth and the rumor image is most likely free guild, stormcast or devoted of sigmar that's what I know for sure. There is a reason why the witch hunter in the novel has such huge pull with the church militant because they work together a lot that was the first group he recommend for the issue in the city but for reasons I won't say they are not available right at that moment.
  7. No problem that's why I do it to help people get an idea of a faction or piece of lore since they may not be able to put down the cash or they want to get an understanding of a potential army before they do it. Honestly I am not sure if I will get my hands on the disciple of tzeentch tome considering how fast they were blasted out of stock.
  8. Yeah just finished reading the city of secrets novel you can get the ebook version now and lemme say I loved the warhammer world but I think AOS with time and books like these will surpass it. To me the city feels more "real" in a sense even though there is some high fantasy blended in with the grittiness of the city and novel. Oh and I will be updated the lore thread with the general story at some point tomorrow.
  9. It is tzeentch I think look at his drawing from 2nd edition realm of chaos.
  10. Someone got the image in the war of sigmar comment section now I do wonder is that actually tzeentch in the picture? If so bloody hell.
  11. Trust me if they did it would fix so many of the problems and keep in style of how they fight.
  12. Well we do know for sure that the model is a sigmarite for sure and a normal human.
  13. Yes and chaos and plant life is also dangerous most things will try to kill you in the realm of ghur so the people who live there are tough as nails to survive through the age of chaos. It being ghur it's filled with beasts and monsters.
  14. Using fragments from the core of the world that was aka the warhammer world. There is a huge shard of it in the sea next to the city they use the magic from that to glimpse into the future. Of course knowing tzeentch he would exploit the hell out of that and as they said tzeentch thrives in civilization compared to khorne and nurgle. Same with slaanesh hence why I suspect the narrative will be looking at these two. Tzeentch is first and I suspect slaanesh is next.
  15. Yeah so they just finished the interview with Nick Horth on warhammer tv who is writing this book. He goes into some of the finer details of the book. Also Darth Alec was in the stream so he/she might correct me if I get any details mixed up. THE STORY Excelsis is the city of secrets, a grand and imposing bastion of civilisation in the savage Realm of Beasts. Within its winding streets and shadowy back alleys, merchants deal in raw prophecy mined from an ancient fragment of the World That Was, and even the poorest man may earn a glimpse of the future. Yet not all such prophecies can be trusted. When Corporal Armand Callis of the city guard stumbles upon a dark secret, he finds himself on the run from his former comrades, framed for a crime he did not commit. Only the Witch Hunter Hanniver Toll knows the truth of his innocence. Together the pair must race against time to save Excelsis from a cataclysm that would drown the city in madness and fear. Yeah so he explains further that a free guild captain see's something he should not have seen and only the witch hunter and his companion who is a duardin is helping him. He goes on to explain this book will see how normal people view all the craziness but on the ground level things are still similar yet not. Like there is a shard of the world that was in the sea next to the city that is mined as currency to be used to glimpse in the future. Nick also describes the protagonists as quite gritty as well. Also the scourge privateers(corsairs) control the docks and they are not nice people going by Nick's description of them twitch chat called them pretty much Aelven mafia well they sound like it. The witch hunter is from the order of ayzr created by sigmar to destroy corruption in the new cities but they are stretched to the absolute limit with all the new people coming into the cities. They also look at the divide between those who came from ayzr who are taking all the important jobs and the tribes nomands and people who survived the age of chaos coming into the cities it seems they live in the more slum like area. Also many of the people of ayzr view these people coming in corrupted by chaos because they wonder how they survived with the age of chaos hanging over them. Also we get to see how a normal human views a stormcast of course some are heroic and mingle with the populace but the ones in the city are the knight excelsior who hate everything to do with chaos and of course if they get a hint they will carry out a purge and purges happened in the past. Hence why the witch hunter's job is so important. One last thing sigmar's hope was to have all three main races living in the cities together of course certain armies are seperate and doing their own thing even if they are allies but largely the cities are a mixed population perhaps with one main group. Like the city in the novel is mainly a free guild city while let's say the one in the realm of life has a larger aelf population since it was mainly built by the phoenix temple. I quite like this since it makes it dynamic. Yeah so the city in the book is one of the main cities of the realm of ghur. Now people want a new mordheim or AOS RPG the book sounds pretty awesome.
  16. This might be the case I could see it happening. Perhaps it might be free people, Collegiate Arcane and then devoted of sigmar. Someone also did this image on facebook.
  17. They already have rules like that witch hunters do d3 damage to wizards and the war altar is a nightmare for chaos. Soon as disciples of tzeentch was announced Nico pretty much said the direct counter to the force would be devoted of sigmar. Their weakness is that the core infantry they have suck somewhat.
  18. Pretty much a witch hunter is one of the main characters in a upcoming novel and they are a part of the devoted of sigmar army. Also they have anti wizard and chaos rules. Compared to the guilds they are lacking in units similar to the sylvaneth. Also CJ noted they are mentioned in the white dwarf I really need to get my hands on the Jan issue. Plus it's telling in the novel the only person that believes the captain is the witch hunter.
  19. Yeah I think it's going to be devoted of sigmar also free people and devoted of sigmar are separate. Army wise since I run them they are in a similar position to sylvaneth. They need some form of cav and elite unit along with a plastic hero and they would be good to go. also in context of the narrative it would make sense for devoted to step up and sigmar to turn them for this problem. Since they have the correct mindset to deal with tzeentch cults and the intrigue. Also out of all the factions they gave them a new model in the sliver tower. I could be wrong of course.
  20. Also about the crescent moon I want people to look here. It's not only a stormcast thing.
  21. Why would they create a similar unit again riding most likely a demigryph? GW don't do that, Also GW said with the sliver tower warrior priest it will not be the last we will see of him or his faction. I still believe this leak is related to free people or devoted of sigmar.
  22. Stormcast already have a mounted crossbow option that rides a dragon and in the grand alliance tome devoted of sigmar's main colour is also blue like the hammers of sigmar.
  23. I think it might be free people or devoted of sigmar the runes look to be sigmarish and the mount clearly looks like a giant gryph hound or demigryph. I think it's devoted of sigmar since they are the ones who are meant to actually stop tzeentch's nonsense or keep it from happening in the first place. If it's a cross bow it seems very witch huntery in my opinion.
  24. Indeed, many people still feel that AOS is going to get canceled and it's not selling at all still people are also starting admit that in the end people are voting with their wallets. You should of seen the total war forums with the beastman DLC release oh boy. Trust me mate I am the same way I am not bothered to go through all of it and I personally don't want to deal with all the rule arguments that go on in my GW store either on not being clear on something. Or a rule that cancels another rule etc.
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