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Everything posted by shinros

  1. I honestly thin Morathi is going to mixed up in slaanesh over Malerion. He is most likely going to be the cthulu like God in a sense being the God of shadows.
  2. All the aelf organizations were not made in ayzr they are just from different realms that fled to ayzr after chaos went gung ho. I imagine since order is pushing back some went home or some stood and held their ground and never fled in the first place. The thing is with AOS we have to remember all the races live together in a sense they have branches of their organizations or cults in the cities hidden or in plain view. Which I feel is more organic but they also have their own communities, bases or towns as seen with spire of dawn. Think elder scrolls on how the races live. Fyreslayers don't live in the cities but GW made it clear they come and go considering I suspect it would be easier to find new oaths in the city. Considering scourge privateers and darkling covens the deep one/cthulu theme fits them pretty well. I also highly suspect that daughters of khaine will relate to tyrion in some form. It would not surprise me if wanderer's fold into the new slyvaneth tome in a DOT fashion. I personally feel the DOT format works quite well with AOS considering how many factions we have and I don't expect GW to do like 40+ books one of each faction, it's just unfeasible in my opinion.
  3. Yeah it's pretty clear they are hiding something they are keeping the Duardin under tight wraps.
  4. New video up on facebook for warhammer quest I kinda dig it along with the music from a certain game. When it goes up on youtube I will add it. Edit: Youtube version up.
  5. I think it might be duardin I dunno it seems more "stocky". Death stormcast? By Sigmar no! I hope that never happens.
  6. Was about to post that honestly the image is not much to go on, no symbols or anything all I know it is most likely someone's chest.
  7. Review is up by the great MongooseMatt. https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2017/02/22/review-warhammer-quest-shadows-over-hammerhal/ Honestly I might grab it for my local GW to play on game nights this seems pretty fun and family might be interested as well.
  8. New post on warhammer community the villains of this box. Guess who the main antagonist is? https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/02/21/closer-look-the-villains/ Finally, we have Lord Redomir, a Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Slaanesh. Long has he, and sorcerers like him, attempted to draw the attention of their lost Chaos God, but to no avail. Now he thinks he may have found a way to locate and awaken his gorged and sleeping deity. Gathering to him followers of Chaos and binding them with promises of bloodshed, mayhem and desolation, he has forged an alliance and seeks to fulfil his destiny…
  9. A skaven's worst nightmare made manifest. That would be a pretty cool conversion army a free guild regiment experts at rat slaying.
  10. Indeed as a fluff guy if someone runs a Death or Chaos hero I am going to make so many fun mini events in town that could possibly lead to injury.
  11. It's the same person who did the artwork for mordheim, what I am really liking is that the fluff like city of secrets is like a awesome blend of high and low fantasy.
  12. Fluff update on the new warhammer quest from atia(It's not all of it), I kinda want to buy this thing now take down my local store to play on game nights. GW PLEASE give us a new AOS RPG or new mordheim. *rolls on the floor crying* https://war-of-sigmar.herokuapp.com/bloggings/1734
  13. I dunno they don't seem like spiked fauna and if it was why paint it purple of all colours? They seem more tentacle like to me and the whiteish highlight near the end of it. Well that's speculation for you. Also I just want to add those bits coming out of the mistweaver arms? Look kinda creepy honestly.
  14. In the sliver tower novel they are working together for sure because another mistweaver and shard work together to murder their group mates in another group when the gaunt summoner goes over to look at others. Also I can't believe I overlooked the tentacle on shard's base. That was a good spot Rogue also the bird skulls as well you have to look quite closely at shard but he has a similar bird skull just like the mistweaver has one on her buckle. When the main group of the novel ask her why she is in the tower she told them they would not understand the gravity of her mission for being there. So I think it's a given they are a part of the same faction. As I said before the mistweavers powers pretty much can drive people insane to the point they rip out their eye balls. Also her warscrolls describes her as sowing discord and confusion with her magic as well.
  15. Yeah the rumor said eqsue so it's not going to go full blown love craft but just have some influences at best I think the sliver tower aelf's fit that theme if they are shadowkin. Well the mistweaver is a shadowkin for sure going by the magic she uses in the sliver tower novels.
  16. I agree that was one of my chief problems with dark elf fluff in whfb I do recall one of the main complaints leveled is that realistically they would not function as a society with how over the top evil they are. Well that's IF the rumor is true.
  17. Well it is still a rumor but I can see the logic in this.
  18. I see a walking skaven city does sound pretty awesome though.
  19. Well, someone noted in the new stormcast battle tome they see a picture of a skaven spider robot of sorts.
  20. Also If you read the sliver tower novel how the mistweaver fights it does seem rather cthulu esque she can make people tear out their eyes and rip off their skin and she can induce madness onto to people.
  21. If it is malerion's aelves it makes sense in context he is the god of shadows, secrets, maddening hidden truths etc.
  22. Oh yeah hastings just posted this on war of sigmar comments. If this is true I mean now that I think about it Malerion aka Malekith does kinda look lovecraft esque. BTW Bob have you guys heard anything about the slightly Cthulu/Deep One elves (Aelves) due out later this year? (After Steamheads, which I think are next - oh and there's chat of some skaven stuff too iirc)
  23. New post from warhammer community. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/02/19/closer-look-the-city/ It's a closer look at the city. We first saw the Free Cities of Sigmar emerge during the Season of War campaign last summer. Sigmar’s forces won decisive victories across the realms, and as a result, the the cities of the Free People were able to grow in the regions recently cleared of Chaos forces. We’re now a bit further down the timeline of the Age of Sigmar, and we find ourselves in perhaps the greatest of all Order’s new bastions: the twin-tailed city of Hammerhal. Why Twin-tailed? Because it sits on a Realmgate connecting the two realms of verdant Ghyran and ash-choked Aqshy. Lava from the Realm of Fire pours constantly through the rift, burning away the ever-regrowing forest in the Life-bound half of the city and keeping the flora from overgrowing the city limits. As you can already see – this is a far more unusual and fantastical city than even the most bizarre from the World That Was. This was one of the first cities to be established in the realms, at a vital trading point and strategic location, so it has grown to be one of the largest. The sprawl of the city can be seen best in the maps that are included in the Warhammer Quest: Shadows over Hammerhal Adventure Book. There is a great map of Hammerhal Aqsha (the half of the city in the Realm of Fire) and a close up inset of the Cinderfall District within it. Cinderfall is where much of the above-ground action in the game takes place (the city is so big, we explore just a tiny fraction of it in this adventure). Also in this book, and accompanying the thirty pages describing the quest’s backstory, are numerous illustrations of the city. These range from grand Sigmarite cathedrals to warrens of houses and dwellings among great statues of the God-King and his celestial champions. Many of these images are reminiscent of cities from the Old World, but with a more expansive, grander and fantastical aspect that sets them firmly within the Mortal Realms.
  24. Yup disappointing oh well. Still for the new sliver tower I am quite interested in the fluff I hope someone give's us a summary.
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