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Posts posted by Nubgan

  1. 10 hours ago, Iksdee said:

    Hi all. I was building a black coach this week and its an awesome model. but i was wondering what i could do with the spare cairn wraith rider model. Was hoping to get some inspiration here. Also got a spare hourglass part from the executioner kit.

    I made a Necromancer style character out of mine. He is sat on a gravestone from the black coach kit, skulls on the base and some bits from dryads for the magic and the raising skeleton.

    Not really useful, meh, looks nice :D


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  2. image.png.22da9fb4a39424d56c133185a2e3401d.png

    Well, because of my failure with the Battalion and not being able to afford that extra box in time I am having to drop the Dawnriders and twinstones and replace them with LoE and the Rune of Petrification. Its far from perfect, but it'll help me learn! Also, people are taking equally as nonsense lists.

    Reasoning for Syar, because of how important that unit of Wardens are, being able to give them an extra Aetherquartz and potentially protecting them from a massive hero with Goading arrogance seemed more sensible than giving the Cathallar extra unbinds and +1 to the casts.

    I'll let you all know how they do in a couple of weeks!

  3. 41 minutes ago, Aelfric said:

    You need a minimum of 2 units of Sentinels for an Auralan Legion.  It looks a bit tricky to find the 140 points required.  Have you considered not taking a Battalion in favour of another unit of Wardens or Stoneguard for the points?

    Yeah, just reread the battalion. My bad, it was never about what I could take, its about being that guy that enjoys playing with painted models and affording that extra box of guys. Might have to drop more bodies in the Dawnriders at this rate in favour of LoE in the first list. But I think that gimps my movement bodies on the board too much. Its only a fun thing though, so really I should probably keep the cost down this close to Xmas.


  4. image.png.233297d03168422324455793111b8b2a.png

    Hi guys, 

    I am doing a little 1500pt game day between 6 of us in a couple of weeks and I have two/three choices really.

    • One list with Teclis and 2 Endless spells
    • The other with LoE, Stonemage and Spirit of the Mountain, 1 Endless Spell
    • Third potential choice LoE, Spirit of the Mountain, 5 Stoneguard and 2 Endless spells.

    I know the lists are far from what you would want to be competitive, but I am using minimum buys on top of the original prelaunch box to get to 2000pts to start with.

    Obviously, Teclis will make the Hero phase and casting mine against any army I am likely to face. But I am wondering whether the potential combat power of LoE and Cow would be more powerful in a 1500pt game. What would be peoples thoughts on the 2 options?

  5. Hey guys, I am still painting my way through the first 10 wardens and at least 4 of them are already bending on the stupid weak point where the lines are on the haft. I know a few people have expressed how silly the pikes are and I honestly feel bad about putting then on a table to get broken by your opponent, because I would feel bad about breaking them :(

    Now, a lot of people I know in my hobby group straight away say 'Brass rod this, brass rod that' and I am not convinced you even need to do this, because stick a bit of metal that is equally as long off the edge seems preposterous when you balance them on not flat surfaces and doesn't solve the issue of people not being able to properly pile in because of your social distancing pikes. So below I have attached pictures of what I think I am going to do with mine.

    I believe this alternative, compared to others will:

    • Make them more stable than the brass rod.
    • Make them friendlier to play against.
    • And if you use plastic glue, stronger than the original and alternatives.

    How I did this was:

    1. Cut behind the blade at the pointy end.
    2. Cut hand side of the moulded line on the haft.
    3. Quick file/emery board to flatten both sides.
    4. Plastic glue together.

    Please feel free to share your alternatives to this problem. Would be good to see how people approach this. But it looks like I am going to go back and retroactively fix this problem!

    Example length.jpg

    shafts cut.jpg

    • Like 3
  6. 7 hours ago, ThalmorRepresentative said:

    Question, and sorry for the double post! Has anyone able to play with the wardens already have any experiences they like to share with the pikes? How much of a problem are they on the table when breaks / cumbersome pile-ins are concerned?


    I'm honestly thinking I just chop this entire section out between the lines to be fair. I already have a couple bending at the bottom line, so it's a bit of a weak point. 

    @LuminethMage, yeah I'm thinking the same with the amount of bodies, but to get to 2k quickly it's the cheapest route, I can replace Teclis further down the line with Cow and cow troops if I wanted variety, or even just more varnari. 


  7. 4 minutes ago, Eldarain said:

    The prices are eyewatering for sure. I can only recommend getting creative with alternative or older Elf models for those who balk at the price but love the lore/gameplay.

    The sad thing is though, the models are that good that its a crime to do that. My mind is doing a Gollum right now.

    My 2k list, that uses everything from the prerelease box, I have managed to get down to £183 through loot room. I guess that isn't the worst, I am not sure its what my final 2k looks like though for sure!

    What do people think of:

    Archmage Teclis and Celennar, Spirit of Hysh (660)
    Scinari Cathallar (140)
    The Light of Eltharion (220)
    20 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (240)
    10 x Vanari Auralan Wardens (120)
    20 x Vanari Auralan Sentinels (280)
    5 x Vanari Dawnriders (130)
    Auralan Legion (120)
    Chronomantic Cogs (80)

    That comes in at 1990

    • Like 1
  8. 32 minutes ago, Acid_Nine said:

    That really pisses me off too is that good sales do not guarantee more product down the line either, so it’s kinda souring the mood for me too.

    My mood was that soured that I spent all afternoon looking at how easy a Sylvaneth army is to start. It's crazy when Alarielle which is a chunkier and more attractive model is £20 cheaper. I get about 4 times as much infantry for the same price too. 

  9. Dead GW, 

    I am a man that religiously spends money on your models, I'll get models when I like them, no problem, until today.

    This whole Lumineth range is ludicrous, and you crossed a line I never thought you'd cross for 1 model (and it isn't even your biggest or most plastic heavy).

    £105, look, I love the models, I was ridiculously excited to get into this army and enjoying painting up my shiney pre release box. But £105????? Not to mention your mono pose troops, again with less plastic and options than a Stormcast equivalent, and again even more pricey. What did I honestly deserve being kicked so hard for.

    For the first time ever, I am saying no, and as sad as it makes me, the Lumineth might have to be put to one side for now :(

    I'm out for now guys, But do feel free to justify that cost to me! 


    • Like 4
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  10. 14 hours ago, JonnyTheKing said:

    In fairness the main two people I’ve heard this from I sat and witnessed the games myself and the main problem was Teclis and the Sentinels, also the veil lady, forget her name. They felt the army was a tad uninteractive? 

    What makes this army uninteractive is the amount of things you either just do, or the abilities that this army has without dice rolling.

    I honestly think I have been suckered in purely due to the aesthetic without even thinking through the consequences on the board as someone who only plays once a month. The army has slow play and yawnfest wrote all over it with all the extra stuff you have to remember, say, do each phase. Its probably what makes the army so uninteresting to play against.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, LuminethMage said:

    That's probably better. 10 Sentinels could be too few to have much of an impact at all. 20 with a bit of luck (and maybe Lambent Light) could take out a low wound hero in one shooting phase. But I want to put my 30 painted Warden on the board 😅 

    30 painted wardens aside, I don't think this army can function properly in theory without 30 at 1000, let alone 2000. The big block of 20 seems to be a staple part, especially to get any amount of sentinels and dawn riders. The fear at 1000pts is mobility will be a huge issue in objective based scenarios due to the desire to 'shield wall' if your spending that much on wardens. Do people think units of 10 are really durable enough though if you did drop that to 20?

    • Like 1
  12. 17 hours ago, Aloth_Corfiser said:

    I have a small question and I do not know if anyone else has had this problem:

    2 of the Warden Spears are slightly bent - one came already bent on the Sprue and I noticed the other one when I had glued the Spear to the Warden already. 
    So, would you prepare slightly hot or lukewarm water and try to gradually and carefully bend the Spear back to a straight shape?

    The 2 Spearshafts are both attached to their respective models already (because I was dumb and too eager and wanted to glue them all together) but they are not primed yet.
    I am sure that I have not bent them myself because I have been very careful with the Models.

    I am not sure whether the risk of them potentially braking them would be worth it? I have one already that is on the verge of snapping. :(

    To be fair, I think these pikes on the wardens are going to make me sad for ages. I feel like it won't even be me that will end up braking them either, you know some poor person is going to move there models into combat with the pikes and brake them.

    Has anyone got any good practical solutions for replacing the pikes? The hands are so small on them, will the usual rod tricks work? Has anyone got some images? I am tempted to make them smaller if people have a good alternative.

  13. What people need to realise about the win ratio, yeah its not Flesh Eater Courts, but you have WAY more people polluting that sample, you probably have just as many people playing on bottom tables with 1 win as you do nearer the top with 4 wins. And how many of these lists are going to be optimal?

    Yeah I agree that it's not great right now, and like was pointed out above, our units are not points efficient compared to other armies, but it probably accounts for a couple % surely?

    • Thanks 1
  14. Yes there are meta chasers, but people aren't telling me that those meta chasers are spending more than 1% of GWs overall profits every year. The amount of people the term applies to is probably a drop in the ocean of there sales.

    I think most people rather enjoy the huge differences and will always find a flavour they like because of these differences. Yeah its sad that it has such a massive impact on win ratios at tournaments. But as we can see from 40k, it only takes 1 round of changes to make an army ridiculous (space marines), and I think that is fun too. :D 

    PS: I do think that Infinity statistic is pretty impressive though!

    • Like 1
  15. Hey guys,

    I went to build some decks there last night and I am wondering whether I am assuming correctly.

    So I currently only have the Shadespire box, Farstriders and now Beastgrave, I am filtering, saying that I have those and it is showing me a bunch of universals still from the shadespire core set. I am guessing those are ones still legal in championship, as I am guessing they were perhaps duplicated in Nightvault (haven't got the cards).

    If not, is there a decent way of filtering this does anyone know? Or would I have to have a list of the cards I can't use.

  16. Hey guys, acquired a bunch of Nighthaunt in a trade recently (about 4000pts). Pretty much got all the models but Revenants and Harridans. My question is, I obviously see a lot of Legion based death armies, over just pure Nighthaunt, is that a coincidence on the strength of the army alone, or are there decent-ish battalions that people suggest I look at?

    Looking to make a 2000pt list so I know what to paint first. All suggestions welcome!

    Don't mind adding potential allies either! 

  17. Well, just over 5000 pts. Though I think Stormcast is a bit soft compared to some of these cheap pt/troop armies.

    All painted apart from the Lord Arcanum on Gryph Charger who is getting the Duncan treatment at the moment.

    Allegiance: Stormcast Eternals
    Knight-Incantor (140)
    Knight-Questor (100)
    Lord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)
    Lord-Castellant (100)
    Lord-Celestant (100)
    Lord-Celestant on Dracoth (220)
    - Tempestos Hammer & Thundershield
    Lord-Celestant on Stardrake (560)
    - Celestine Hammer
    Lord-Relictor (100)
    Neave Blacktalon (120)
    Vandus Hammerhand (280)
    10 x Judicators (320)
    - Skybolt Bows
    10 x Liberators (200)
    - Warhammers
    6 x Aetherwings (100)
    6 x Castigators (160)
    5 x Evocators (200)
    2 x Fulminators (240)
    6 x Gryph-Hounds (140)
    3 x Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers (100)
    10 x Retributors (440)
    10 x Sequitors (240)
    - Stormsmite Mauls and Soulshields
    3 x Steelheart's Champions (100)
    3 x The Farstriders (100)
    5 x Vanguard-Hunters (120)
    - Boltstorm Pistols and Shock Handaxes
    3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows (180)
    3 x Vanguard-Palladors (200)
    - Boltstorm Pistols and Shock Handaxes
    3 x Vanguard-Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows (140)
    Celestar Ballista (100)

    Total: 5040 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 285





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