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Posts posted by Twh30

  1. 35 minutes ago, DestructionFranz said:

    I add my personal point of view at what the other guys said. 

    1)  Fungoid Cave Shaman

    I suggest to put in a Fungoid Cave Shaman, he's useful because he creates command points and he can cast the Gloomspite Gitz Endless Spells. 

    2) Mork's Mighty Mushroom

    Our BCR army suffers against horde armies. First of all, because of the body counts to contest the objectives and then because our strongest weapon, the Frostlord on Stonehorn, after the nerf, suffers against the big swarms of models. 

    This lethal Endless Spell is the only solution against them.  (1 mortal wound at 5+ for each enemy model)

    3) use at least a couple of Frostlord on Stonehorns in a 2000 point list. Then build the list around them . They'll be the worse nightmare for your enemies. 


    Cool thank you was thinking the shaman tbh mayb him and some goblins for numbers ? Like the look of the endless spell to tbh 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Calebexnihilo said:

    Yeah, they give you some more bodies... but at that point, you might as well go General Destruction.

    BCR new tome will prob be coming sometime this year. GW is on pace to update everyone. If it happens, they will hopefully redo ALL the battalions and nearly all the warscrolls. lol. Its a fun army, just not a competitive one at the moment.

    Cool thank you :) 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Calebexnihilo said:

    Grots are a decent ally for bodies. Butcher with Cauldron is great to buff your units (or kill himself).

    Advice - Decide which big guys you like best and target a list around those. Frostlords on Stonehorns are probably the best unit we have in BCR. Hit like a truck and survive decently well against the Monster meta right now. But they will get shredded by hordes.

    With BCR, you will lose a lot of objective based games... but will have a lot of fun doing so!

    There is nothing quite like charging in 4 Stonehorns! (well... I guess FEC does it better.... but Stonehorn look way more cool!!!).

    Any thoughts on a new battletome ? Are ogors consider good allies? 

  4. 5 hours ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    I took Stormcast to SCGT this weekend and went 3-3, solid mid table performance and all the losses were winnable. Managed to dodge the filth except Arkhan and 90 grimghasts (of which I killed 120 at least).

    Nobody will be surprised to learn that Sequitors are amazing. Unit of 20 was so tanky yet keeps dishing out damage. Died 5/6 games but always went down fighting and achieved something. The 2x5s were perfect objective holders and great fighters in their own right. The rerolls makes them so consistent.

    Evocators also put in a lot of work, with the 10 accounting for >60 of those grimghasts singly hqndedly. 

    With Astral Templars, realm spells and knight heraldor, I didn’t find myself struggling with mobility. 

    The knight incantor dispels 1 spell and that’s it. Still worthwhile just to stop some lists getting that turn 1 momentum     (Sylvaneth trees, Death spell portals, etc), but other than that has little value.

    The real stars of the show were of course the 3x ballista and Lord Ordinator. While they didn’t one-shot anything (except a poor vampire on foot), the damage output was crucial in every game to weaken key units/models before combat. Their resilience is also massively underrated: on day 1 they probably spent more time in combat than shooting, but in doing so bogged my opponents down much longer than they intended, allowing me to make gains elsewhere.

    Hiya what was your list looking to run something similar just with fulmilators in it 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    I think you're a bit too low on model count and countercharge threat. If something big and nasty like a Terrorgheist gets into your lines, you're in for a bad time. Maybe find a way to bulk the 10 Sequitors to 20?

    I would consider putting the Dracovators into one unit, they're much easier to buff and hit with that way. You lose a bit of splitting up power, but the potential gain in smash damage is quite noteworthy. Phalanx isn't worth it in this setup, imo, it's much better when you have big units of Evos and/or Sequitors being buddy buddy together.

    More Stardrakes!

    Cool that was one alternative maybe take judicators out and make up to 20 sequiturs 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Aezeal said:

    Yeah hope they don't do that to hardly.. stopping conga is one thing.. but making the dryad bonus "wholly within the wyldwood" would break us. (I'm hoping for wholly withing 6".. but 3"probably more likely)

    Don’t think will be wholly within 3 like u said mayb 6 well hopefully . And battalions will probably change 

  7. 3 hours ago, Belper said:

    Not to be that guy but no it isn't and no you won't. 

    Aetherwings have very limited area denial in very limited situations and drain a full CP worth of points for a  small chance of tripping up a bad deepstrike stormcast player.

    The stormcast battletome is very straightforward. Take Sequitors and Evocators and things that support sequitors and evocators, sprinkle Celestar ballista for color. Everything else is either a meta specific choice or a s**ts and giggles option.

    Ok then very competitive list can and have been built through this thread and elsewhere in the community just means looking past the obvious 

  8. 2 minutes ago, jaebird said:

    You figure at least Castigators get a boxset and warscroll, right? They're the only unit that just has a push fit box, and still no options for the Prime in the unit. That and a new piece of terrain is probably a Forbidden Power release.

    I agree plus making them battleline could be possible and would be good 

  9. 8 hours ago, ledha said:

    I fought a FEC army based on 3  AGoTG , and one OVERKILLED 10 sequitors and a tauralon with bad rolls, while the other, not buffed, killed 10 sequitors without problem.

    Sure, they weren't under castellant + staunch but they still annihilated them with 0 difficulty (and one did 18 mortal wounds AFTER killing them)

    A big unit of castigators in a soulstrike brotherhood could deal with them plus 1 attack -2 rend also plus 1 to hit if in astral templers

  10. 16 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    Here's what I'm starting with:

    Arcanum - General, Staunch, Azyrite Halo
    Castellant - Lantern of the Tempest
    Incantor - Thundershock

    20 Sequitors
    5 Judis - Bows
    5 Judis - Bows


    3 Hurricane Raptors
    3 Hurricane Raptors



    You get 3 types of shooting, can work at a long range (Judis, Ballistas to an extent, Geminids) or up close (Hurricanes, Ballistas). 14 drops is a lot, of course, but that gives you 7 units up top, which will usually be Ballista x3/Ordi/Hurricanes x2/Aetherwings (or can leave one one Ballista on the table if you want more anti-charge). 

    To get down on drops, maybe something like:

    Lord Celestant on Dracoth - General, Staunch, Ignax's Scales, Keen Clawed
    Lord Relictor - Translocation
    Knight Incantor - Thundershock, Mindlock Staff

    5 Judis - Bows
    5 Judis - Bows
    5 Judis - XBows

    6 Longstrike Raptors
    3 Hurricane Raptors
    3 Hurricane Raptors
    10 Skinks
    10 Skinks


    Vanguard Justicar Conclave


    9 Drops is still not low, but better. Still 14 drops, so Hurricanes, XBows, and Birds up high. Longstrikes and Judis should be able to drop Heroes pretty reliably, while the XBows clear out units. Not sure on the Heroes - you don't particularly need the regular buffing heroes like Castellant or Heraldor, though an Azyros might not be amiss. I kind of like the Dracoth Celestant as a mini-combat piece. He's not clearing units by himself, but he's enough of a counter-charge threat to make them think twice, and he can move quick to clean up the last couple models after the bombardment. 

    Edit: you could potentially make that second list Templars, give the Relictor the chump artifact and the Dracoth Ethereal Amulet - makes it better against Monsters but worse defensively. 

    Both look interesting . I do think there is a lot of list out there to use . That fact could benefit us all as people can’t get used to a single stormcast list. Was thinking lacking numbers on second list but skinks really help with that 

  11. 33 minutes ago, Requizen said:


    Just a note: it looks like your Prosecutor numbers are a smidge off (should be .88 wounds for the Prime, doesn't take into account Trident Rend), the Longstrikes don't seem to take into account the MWs on 6s (shifts the numbers a bit, especially against high Armor values), and it looks like you calculated for the Rend-2 on the Castigators, but it would be interesting to also have a row for the Reroll 1s (shifts the numbers for lower armor values). Obviously a bit hard to automate in Excel but worth noting.

    I've been musing a lot recently on the differences between our shooting units, so obviously the numbers are good to have offhand. I'm trying to figure out what a true shooting army would look like, and it's become quite obvious that each of our shooting units has a very distinct role, and it's hard to say any one is strictly better than another, though it doesn't look good for Castigators or Prosecutors in any case.

    Building a true shooting army is actually fairly hard. We don't seem to have the numbers to wipe units, especially hordes, with any sort of efficiency. Both varieties of Crossbows are pretty good at it, but also quite short ranged and fairly expensive. Ballistas seem best at dealing with small/midsized units, while Longstrikes are clearly the best at Hero hunting (small Heroes they crush, big monsters with Anvils). Bow Judicators actually strike me as odd - despite them being so popular, their strength mainly seems to come from their range and generalist nature. They don't really put out an insane amount of value for their points, but they're pretty solid at sitting back on objectives and still contributing to the fight. 

    I'm still sure there's a shooting-focused list in here, and I think it'll be necessary in the coming months between FEC, Skaven, and the new Khorne book (terrified to see what buffs they give Bloodthirsters).

    I’m also interested to see how an mostly shooting list would look. When I have the models will be running the list we spoke about the other day and seeing how that develops 

  12. 1 minute ago, Requizen said:

    Well it's pretty light on bodies, but I think you have enough shooting to chew through whatever walks across the table at you.

    The Castellant doesn't do much in the list. He really wants one big unit to buff up with the Lantern, and your one big unit is going to be dropping across the table, far away from him and his buff. And even if he drops with them, he can't buff them until next turn. I might swap him out for a Veritant or Venator. 

    I actually don't think it would auto-lose at Total Commitment, given that you bubble the objectives properly and play defensively enough to just shoot anything that comes over, but it's not a great scenario still.  The list also will struggle in 3 Places of Power/Duality, but hopefully shooting Heroes will take care of that. Do keep in mind that you have an extra Artifact you're not using.

    Yea true about the artifact hadn’t thought which to use . Mayb could use lord relictor and have the translocation spell for total commitment mayb to shoot a unit over the board 

  13. 1 minute ago, Requizen said:

    Yeah it's a bit early to call it either way. I'm just wary of counter-shooting when I have a relatively squishy 540 point unit as the core of my army, it was a big point of fear against KO as well last month (especially with how many "extra wounds" a unit of Arkanauts have).

    I do still think that a Ballista list vs Anvils is favored towards the Ballistas, though, but that requires some testing and placement as well.

    Hm well basically I just wouldn't play an army that's build around requiring the use of Reserves. Like, the Castigators are already pretty poor when you have to walk them forwards on foot (not terrible, but not great), and then compound that with the fact that you paid for a Battalion that basically does nothing... feels bad. In other missions, it'll clean up.

    You could probably still run it and just play cheeky in Total Commitment, but depends heavily on the list in question.

    I like Hailstorm quite a bit, it's not a Battalion you build around though. It's just more of a "oh, I've already got the models and points, might as well take it" type of Battalion.

    This was the list thinking of using any opinions? 



  14. 1 hour ago, Requizen said:

    That's a lot of points, and again Soulstrike basically just cries if Total Commitment is on the docket (which has been true for pretty much every tournament I've been to since AoS2 came out).

    You're forgetting a couple things. Jezzails are basically Longstrikes, especially since rerolling hits on a 4+ is only slightly worse than having a 2+, and they can teleport through Gnawholes for no roll, unlike Translocation. Their 30" range and damage 2 makes everything a target, so the game between Jezzails and Longstrikes is basically a quick-draw game of seeing who can get in range first to eliminate each other/Heroes.

    Similarly, WLCs can move through Gnawholes (albeit one per turn), so unless you zone out 29" from the terrain pieces,  you're in trouble. Not impossible but really reduces where you can actually set up.

    I'm currently eyeing up something like this:

    Lord Arcanum - General, Staunch, Azyrite Halo
    Lord Castellant - [Artifact not sure yet (maybe Gryph Feather or Lantern of the Tempest)]
    Lord Ordinator
    Knight Incantor - Celestial Blades

    Sequitors x20

    10 Evocators




    For total commute what advice can you give on playing it. I’m thinking of castigators list like I said before but willing to adjust mayb hailstorm battery battalion freeing up 240 points?

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