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Morglum StormBasha

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Posts posted by Morglum StormBasha

  1. Yeah I’m not sure on the Fellwater part of Fellwater Morruks so agree with salt on that - however an ambush and magic playstyle makes sense for the Mork faction. (Ironjawz being Gork).

    I hope they do either steal the Fellwater troggs or get their own trogg equivalent unit

    • Like 1
  2. So based on the image from the trailer and whitefangs hints and the rumour engine.

    Wiry orcs which resemble 80s c series miniatures.

    called Morruks (emphasising the Mork rather than Gork side of destruction - Ironjawz being Gork)

    located in the Morruk hills in THondia in Ghur next to Excelsis 

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  3. I see this - Ironjawz players don’t want new models - idea quotes often but I don’t believe it personally.  Ironjawz is the army that got me into aos in 2016 for the Season of War and the first ever army I fully painted to 2k in 25 years of hobby. 

    I want more Ironjawz models to paint and to play with and I’ve wanted them for 5 years. Pretty sure there’s a lot of people like me out there. 

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  4. The references to orruk warclans are more to do with whether the warscrolls have the ORRUK keyword. If they do even if they have their own book they automatically also go into orruk warclans. If however it’s spelt MORRUK then they won’t be in Warclans 

    • Like 1
  5. Arguments for Grombrindal 

    1. oaken coloured skin 

    2. white hair

    3. in disguise and with a fake name 

    4. Trying to help duardin remember what they’re culture should really be

    5. the last 4 months of new David Guymer short stories in white dwarf all of which feature points 2-4.

    arguments against

    1. in every white dwarf short story regardless of his disguise he has his axe. In this he has his pick.

    Other things to think about re Grungni is he was heavily featured in the Josh Reynolds Spear of Shadows black library novels, working behind the scenes in a Gandalf like way. I think but might recall this wrongly that there’s even a scene with Grungni and Grombrindal talking together in that novel. 

  6. All the changes mentioned in the list lab video seem reliable based on what I’ve heard.

    They’re also significantly changing unit size limits so that only certain units can be taken “overstrength” ie more than their base unit size. So hordes will largely go outside of some battleline.

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  7. So I have heard from someone I think is reliable

    1. All existing batallions to be taken out of matched play in ghb21

    2. New battalion/force org system introduced in aos3

    i can see this as a way to simplify the game slightly and take out some more egregious rules like Changehost.

    • Like 4
  8. Haven’t seen much discussion on the new warscrolls here.



    beast of nurgle 

    have all been rewritten and repointed.

    scrivener buffs Plaguebearer (possibly also drones) wholly within 14 in combat phase with plus one rend, save or attack and may well stack with multiple scrivener.

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  9. Also I guess I said overwatch but perhaps I shoudl have said “stand and shoot” and “flee and hold” as to an extent this is a return of wfb rules. 

    flee and hold is apparently d6 inch flee if the unit charging you starts a charge from 9 inches or less

    • Like 1
  10. Rumours circulating tonight about the following aos 3 news 

    - aos 3 releases in July

    - 60 by 44 board

    - oberwatch at -1 to hit introduced into charge phase

    - alternatively you can retreat when charged 

    - some type of new reaction points system being introduced to facilitate this. 

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  11. Ok my Main wish list for aos 3 is 

    HOBGOBLIN battletome for destruction. Grots but taller and meaner and with some type of warg/Wolf.

    CHAOS DUARDIN hopefully still with some elements of infernal machinery 

    at least one new HUMAN army hopefully either a devoted of Sigmar type thing  or else a freeguild replacement - preferably also with halflings ogors duardin and aleves mixed in.

    and yeah I’d like to see kurnothi and a second wave of orruk warclans 

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