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Morglum StormBasha

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Posts posted by Morglum StormBasha

  1. If that’s a battlebox half I find that credible - the vermin lord will be the old verminlord out in to increase the price of the kit - see also the recent 40k eldar vs chaos marines box which was all new kits except for the old plastic forgefiend

    • Like 2
  2. So based on reading Season of War Thondia do we think we might get a Doombreed model? He’s very much been pitched as Yndrastas arch foe and the leader of khornate forces in Ghur. 

    He’s also on the Vengerful Spirit at the Seige of Terra and working with Abaddon in 40K so seems ripe for a tri system model 

  3. Ok so re the rumours of a new mega gargant model being connected to the 3 images of 3 fingered spites (the bone flute the dude in a bear and the dude on a skull) if this thread is right I am to understand these are the same creatures as the mysterious “creepers” on the final page of the sons of behemat battle tome ?

    i could believe that 

    • Like 5
  4. 826 is good sample size but bare in mind the honest wargamer stats now have over 2519 players covered and 3800 armies being used at a 5 person event. So whilst that is purely competitive players it’s a much larger data set than the goonhammer one for aos. The goonhammer survey is 826 players only 17 percent of which played 13 games in the last 12 months ie 140 tournament players vs the 2519 on the hwg stats 

  5. So with ossiarch confirmed as a white dwarf update I think we can assume rumours of new bonereaper models in 2022 are false. 

    so we are left with 

    idk fyreslayers and nighthaunt books to come. 

    and then some sort of dark elf release maybe ?


  6. I think they’ve reached a point where they are close to a point where they can’t realistically support all the books in a one edition cycle with 24 tomes now in play.

    i still think it’s likely that in fullness of time we see chaos dwarfs, malerion elves and kurnothi but I could see all three of those as going into existing tomes (slaves, dok, sylvaneth)

    • Like 4
  7. I’d actually question the idea that each faction should even get a tome each edition. Idk and Maggotkin never got a second Ed tome and actually I think that’s fine if the books is well written when it initially dropped (eg Maggotkin).

    I don’t want to see books every 3 years if there’s no reason for them. 5 is fine for books when there’s nothing incompatible about their mechanics and the edition. 

    as for new model releases I think it really depends on if expanded factions is more fun than brand new ones. Third is probably the first time gw could consider not launching 2 brand new concepts each year and could probably go down to one if they wanted as the games matured 

    • Like 4
  8. The only thing I believe currently about aos rumours is that idk/fyreslayers and either obr or nighthaunt are the next 3/4 books.

    and that we’ll probably see malerion /chaos dwarfs and lumineth wave 3 this edition. Beyond that I think it’s a great unknown 

    • Like 3
  9. 12 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    Do OBR need an update just to overhaul RDP? Its not like anything actually changed, they couldn't use the generic CAs in aos 2 and they still can't in aos 3. I understand every other army got access to a system closer in strength to what ossiarchs had but the mechanic isn't broken or anything and obr are in a very healthy place from a balance perspective based on the statistics.


    I mean I'm kind of expecting a second wave at some point too but mechanically it seems fine?

    I don’t feel they need an update as much as say Beasts and Nighthaunt but then I think with OBR it’s more a case of as with Lumineth that they’ll probably get a wave 2 which expands there playstyle.

    as for competitiveness the book is currently a bit too reliant on Nagash to be successful but I agree it’s mostly fine . 

  10. From a publishing pov I understand idk coming after nurgle as idk have the most need of incorporating the broken realms content back into the book in order to sell it to new customers as the current book is full of invalid content.

    Obr have a core mechanic which needs an overhaul and a reported wave 2 to come to justify their slot.

    Fyreslayers really don’t feel like they need an update as bad as some others though. So I can only assume they are early because they genuinely are getting more than one model, a Redone Flame Cannon to go with the hero perhaps ? In order to encourage the range to sell more. 

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