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Posts posted by Galdenistal

  1. 1 hour ago, Souleater said:

    The battletome really feels like it came out in a different era to other recent ones like Orruks, for example.

    I was going to say something similar, it feels like it was written by someone who hasn't read any of the other battletomes and / or playtester feedback was ignored as the direction of the army was already set in stone by that point.

    • Like 2
  2. 35 minutes ago, Syrex said:

    Not entirely sold on the Gorebeast Chariots.

    To run the Gorebeast chariots at maximum effectiveness you really need a Bloodstoker and / or a Chaos Lord on Daemonic mount, which would probably involve you dropping the Skullgrinder and 3  Mighty Skullcrushers, which might not be a bad thing given the other mortal units in your list that could be whipped.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, ledha said:

    Did anyone here thought about using gorebeast chariot ?

    I've got 2 of them .. I bought that box set with 2 Chariots and 5 Knights that came out (last year?).

    They have been useful to me in the few games I've played with them, also the Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount can also use his command ability on them to give +1 to hit. I like their big bases, you can rotate them sideways to block a lot of ground. Just don't forgot about the impact hits like I usually do :)

    They require quite a bit of support, but I've noticed opponents tend to spend a lot of resources to stop them too, which can take the heat off something else that you think is more important.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Charleston said:

    Is there any advantage in taking a Wrath of Khorne or Insane Rage BT over him? I know IR can get a huge blastwave that AOE´s with MW´s and WoK seems like a nice utility mix with his unbind and solid profile.

    Skarbrand can't fly or take artifacts, so he usually ends up fighting what the enemy wants him to fight or he gets shot off as he can't take a defensive artifact. He is more useful as a 2nd or 3rd BT as then the enemy has some real target selection issues.

    • Like 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, Snakeb1te said:

    Quick question with respect to the rules and synergy - one of the Khorne prayers allows you to inflict D3 Mortal Wounds on a friendly unit in exchange for a Blood Tithe point.


    If used against Slaves to Darkness Chaos Warriors, can I get the point and potentially deny the damage using the Runic Shield save?

    Yes, a Chaos Warshrine will also help you out too.

  6. 11 hours ago, ChaosLord said:

    Question for my Khorne brothers ... did you find the mortal models to be tedious to paint? I've got a few mortal sets I'm getting ready to start working on, and there seem to be a lot of little details. I love the models but it's starting to look like a ton of work. Wondering if I should maybe grab some Flesh Hounds...

    Yes, Khorne mortals are some of the most time consuming models to paint in all of AOS, Points per hour spent painting is a depressing thought regarding mortals. I've recently plowed through 20 Bloodreavers and I've got 20 Blood Warriors to do next, not looking forward to it. I'm currently painting a Soul Grinder in-between as a distraction.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, JPjr said:

    Would you allow a model to move through a small gap, let's say 2", between 2 Azyrite ruin walls if its base is bigger than 2" (assuming the model has enough movement to completely clear the gap and walls and be set up on the other side)?

    Hell no, I always try and respect the base size where possible .. if I / you can't fit, then its climbing or moving around. Big models might be great at kicking ass, but there's got a be a penalty for being so large :)

    • Like 9
  8. Welcome to Khorne, you have a great selection of starting models, here's what I would recommend for your starting list at 1000 points:


    Mighty Lord

    5 Blood Warriors
    5 Blood Warriors
    5 Blood Warriors

    = 1000 points (I think)


    Karanak doesn't count towards your allowance of 4 leaders and his ability can be used to  summon the 5 Flesh Hounds you have. I'd recommend the box of Khorne Judgements as your next purchase, as they turn your Slaughterpriest into an amazing model and they bring lots of utility.

    All of your characters have the Mortal and Bloodbound keywords ... this gives them access to all of the Mortal and Bloodbound Command Traits and all of the non Daemon Artifacts.

  9. In general, I feel that the points values that are assigned to units, don't add enough weighting to the base size they are on, most of the problem armies in AOS right now (and other armies that I struggle to beat as Khorne) all have 25mm base size battleline.

    It offers so much board control for a quite small footprint and it makes using the max size unit points reduction so easy. Whereas my battleline is also offered a max size unit point bonus that seems totally arbitrary as 30 or 40 models on 32mm bases are completely unwieldy.

    So while not exclusively a DoK issue, I think its still relevant.

    • Like 2
  10. 1 hour ago, Ravinsild said:

    Well as of the GHB 2018 and FAQ no Skaven units can be allied with Khorne. 

    But wouldn't we be allying in from  Grand Alliance Chaos, not from the Skaventide Faction? And Grand Alliances are never listed in the allies section as it isn't a faction?

    • Confused 1
  11. Anyone had any success bringing in a Warp Lightning Cannon for shooting? It has the Chaos keyword which means we can ally it in from the Grand Alliance I think?

    Seems to be more reliable than a Skull Cannon with only a 6" shorter range.

  12. 3 hours ago, Priest118 said:

    Hey guys long time lurker first time poster. I have just started my first AOS army, which is obviously Khorne. I have just bought the Battletome and I am trying to wrap my head around it all. I was just wondering if you guys could give me any advice on what I need to purchase next or what list I could run with what I have. 

    Here is what I have:

    mighty lord of khorne

    blood secrator

    blood stoker

    exhaluted death bringer 

    10 blood letters

    20 blood reavers

    5 blood warriors 

    3 blood crushers 

    1 Khorgorath 

    Thanks in advance!

    As its your first AOS army, it makes sense to start at a 1000 point list, which you almost have already.

    At 1k you can have 4 Heroes .. which you have already, giving you something like this:

    Mighty lord of khorne



    Exalted Deathbringer

    10 Blood Reavers

    10 Blood Reavers

    5 Blood Warriors

    1 Khorgorath


    At this point you could plug in some random Daemon units, but you really need a Daemon hero to get the most out of them, so I'd try and fill your final 220 points with more mortal units. Take a look at Skull Reapers and Skull Crushers.

    Your also going to want a Slaughter Priest soon as they seem to be working out well for most people, but that means dropping one of your heroes (probably the Exalted Deathbringer or Mighty lord of Khorne).


  13. 1 hour ago, KhorgusCool said:

    I need to figure out the best list for my 100 painted bloodreavers. Kinda like breaking it into 20 man blobs with stokers, shrine and a couple of bloodsecrators.

    I think the best option would be 6 * 10 man units inside Dark Feast battalion, that way you get the support heroes you were going to get anyway, plus you get an artifact and command point for 110 points which is really cheap, and can deploy 710 points in one drop. Then spend the remaining 1290 points on units that kill stuff.

    You then have 6 units to give Look Out Sir / block charges / camp safe objectives / blood sacrifice.

    The extra ability you get from Dark Feast doesn't even matter at that point, if it happens then great.

  14. 1 hour ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    Based on the Order of Operations and my understanding of the rules, a slaughterpriest can attempt blood sacrifice to generate a blood tithe point, and then you can immediately spend that point for 1 CP as both actions happen “at the start of the hero phase”.

    You can't do that, Bloodtithe needs to be spent at the start of the hero phase, after you use Blood Sacrifice then its no longer the start of the hero phase so you cant use Bloodtithe anymore.

  15. Another thing I found using the new book and mostly mortal lists, is that the enemy has a hard time deciding what they need to kill first, its no longer a game of "Kill the Bloodsecrator". I even found the Bloodstoker getting some early heat due to his new buff.

    • Like 2
  16. Played my first 1000 point game last night with the new book, with the following list:


    Chaos Lord on Daemonic Mount

    Bloodsecrator (Banner Of Wrath)


    Slaughterpriest (Killing Frenzy)


    10 Blood Reavers

    10 Blood Reavers

    5 Chaos Knights

    5 Wrathmongers

    1 Gorebeast Chariot

    Skull Alter


    My take away’s were that the Chaos Knights are legit damage with high movement (With Chaos Lords command ability + whipped + killing frenzy).

    Using Blood Tithe to move in the hero phase is super useful when you have a unit that does bonus damage on the charge, I think all armies should take a charging unit to abuse this.

    Banner Of Wrath is strong, just charge the Bloodsecrator to the front line and start chipping mortal wounds in both combat phases per battleround.

    Positioning the Bloodsecrator for 16” wholly within is hard, you really need to commit him to an area rather than just sticking him in the middle and hoping for the best, thinking about trying Gore Pilgrims in a bigger game.

    Only 1 Slaughterpriest per 1000 points felt a bit low as he was super useful, I’d try to squeeze in another 1 next game.

    The Chaos Lord being both a mortal and a daemon gives him tons of choice in traits and artifacts.

    Sticking to MSU type lists offsets our lack of battleshock immunity as well as boosting Blood Tithe, can’t see myself taking anything other than MSU (maybe 1 large unit in a test game).

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