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Posts posted by Galdenistal

  1. 1 hour ago, Ravinsild said:

    I think for now this will be the list I run with going with the Skullfiend Tribe perk:

    Allegiance: Khorne

    Mighty Lord of Khorne (120)
    - General
    - Artefact: Gorecleaver  
    Bloodsecrator (140)
    Bloodstoker (80)
    Slaughterpriest (100)
    - Blood Blessing: Bronzed Flesh
    Slaughterpriest with Hackblade and Wrathhammer (100)
    - Blood Blessing: Killing Frenzy
    Aspiring Deathbringer (80)
    - Bloodaxe and Wrath Hammer

    10 x Blood Warriors (200)
    - Goreaxes
    - 1x Goreglaives
    10 x Blood Warriors (200)
    - Goreaxes
    - 1x Goreglaives
    10 x Bloodreavers (70)
    - Meatripper Axes

    5 x Skullreapers (170)
    - Goreslick Blades
    5 x Skullreapers (170)
    - Daemonblades
    - 1x Soultearers
    5 x Skullreapers (170)
    - Daemonblades
    - 1x Soultearers
    1 x Khorgoraths (90)
    1 x Khorgoraths (90)

    Skulltake (190)

    Total: 1970 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 144

    The problem I'm kind of predicting with armies like this, is that you now have too many units that care about battleshock.

    I'm thinking about a new style of army, where we have units of 10 Bloodreavers that we don't care about and then maybe 2 big units to do 'stuff' with that we protect with command points and any other battleshock immunity that we can find. For the rest of the army we then just use single models (therefore ignore battleshock) to do the rest of our damage .. like Bloodthristers, other killy heroes, skull cannons, priests etc.

  2. 6 hours ago, States said:

    Is ethereal better than the suspicious stone?

    In a mostly / exclusive Skryre army, I'd say the Ethereal Amulet is better, as you have plenty of long range sniper ability to weaken any mortal wound output that you are afraid of.

    It will be my go to artifact in all games I play in the near future.

  3. I think making the Bloodsecrator optional should be one of the main aims of the new battletome, just doesn't seem right to have him as the first name down in every army list you write. I think he'll end up with some kind of AOE effect that isn't tied to him being immobile and hiding at the back of the army.

  4. 1 hour ago, mastercrafted said:

    So they can get an easy +2 attacks with the portal and Deathbringer, +1 to wound off a juggerlord? Any others?

    While bloodletters do get an easy reroll 1s to hit, and can run and charge with the WoK thirster. 

    I'm still undecided myself on which way i wanna go with my own khorne army. I've been doing a mix, but i guess its best to choose mortal or Daemon? 

    Don't forget the Chaos Warshrine !!! .... Its ignore wounds bubble and reroll all failed hits only apply to mortals. I feel like we'll be seeing more Warshrines in the coming months, I'm not a great fan of the model but there's plenty of alternatives. I'm cooking one up involving a Khorne themed Herdstone.

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  5. 6 minutes ago, mastercrafted said:

    I know the 6+ change did somewhat reduce their effectiveness, but are they suddenly not worth taking anymore?

    Bloodletters are still quite good in terms of their warscroll, just not at their current points level, especially with Crimson Crown only working on a 6 in 2nd edition.

    Skullreapers are now looking like the better choice as they can benefit from mortal buffs and are more durable.

    • Thanks 1
  6. I don't think Khorne needs nerfs (although as a Khorne player I would say that !!), but repricing the other battalions so we aren't reliant on Gore Pilgrims as a crutch would be a good starting point. Having 800 points of most lists already decided for you gets a bit tedious.

    Some of the Daemon battalions are nicer now that Bloodcrushers aren't as rubbish as they used to be, I'll need to go back and look over those for some new ideas.

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  7. 1 hour ago, mastercrafted said:

    Whats our best bet for stealing objectives from big blobs of things like chainrasp hordes? I seem to be struggling with this at the moment 

    If by 'Stealing' the objective, you mean remove them in 1 turn,  you'd have to focus multiple units to wipe them out. Khorne is pretty much built to wipe out non elite units, but removing 30 Chainrasps (1 wound, 5+ unmodified save, probably immune to battleshock) is going to be hard work in a single turn.

    With a lot of our infantry on 32mm bases with a 1" range, I can't see us generating enough attacks via combat, you'd have to whittle it down via ranged attacks first.

    You could also use the Slaughterpriest prayer to force them to move off it, might need 2 casts though to move them fully away from the objective.

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  8. 14 hours ago, 123lac said:

    Anyone here like to play 1000 point games? What lists do you run?

    I play most of my games at 1000, my lists change a lot just to mix things up, but my core is usually:


    Aspiring Deathbringer,


    Bloodmaster or Daemon Prince,

    30 Bloodletters,

    10 Bloodreavers.


    Units like the Daemon Prince do really well for me as there isn't much that can stand up to him at those lower point levels. I always enjoy running Wrathmongers but at 1k there aren't as many monsters around to use them properly.

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  9. 7 hours ago, Cambot1231 said:

    What's the status of our old friend sayl the faithless these days? Any luck running  him and punting  chaos chosen or the like across the field? He looks somewhat over costed now that he has to bring the chaos spawn with him from first glance but if anyone has had some good experiences including him lately I'd like to hear about it.

    I use Sayl in a Khorne army that contains Knights and Gorebeast chariots. I feel the unit he teleports need to have a charge bonus to be effective, so being whipped by the Bloodstoker works really well combined with the Chaos Lord on Daemonic mounts command ability.

    This gives you a real back line assassination threat, which to some degree forces your opponent to bubble wrap important units or hold other units back for cover which lessens their presence in the middle of the table.

    Having to take Nightmaw isn't ideal but it makes Sayl significantly tankier and much less likely to get blown up with 1 ranged attack.

  10. 3 hours ago, Coyote said:

    Game today - Please help  me avoid opponents Sniping my characters -

    My last game My opponent sniped my characters- out of the game by turn 2 - primarily using spells.  

    My first question is how do you avoid having characters sniped out of the game?

    Second, because of the Sniping - I’m likely going to *bring 2 Bloodsecrators * - Is this an overreaction?

    2 bloodsecrators are rare to see and expensive in terms of points and using up your hero limit.

    Better to have 1 with the Brazen Rune, in cover and near a unit for maximum protection. 

    • Like 1
  11. 26 minutes ago, mastercrafted said:

    With 3 weapons it can benefit well from extra attack buffs, and any to hit or to wound buffs would certainly help. I'm determined to keep taking it cos i love the model so much!

    I'm thinking having him near wrathmongers could be good, cos its easy to get him in their buff bubble and units that can wreck the soul grinder probably don't wanna be in combat with Wrathmongers 

    The Soul Grinder is expensive, but he scales very well with buffs, +1 to hit with Slaughterpriests is great as it effects his ranged attacks too.

    I played a bit with my unpainted one and can't wait to start painting him in the new year when my painting schedule clears up a bit.

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  12. 1 minute ago, Oreaper84 said:

    question..... Is max squad blood warrior worth it? In any battalion, with certain buffs, with a particular load-out?

    I want to think maybe, but lately iv'e been struggling against nurgle and I'm looking for some answers that doesn't involve 30 bloodletters. Is there a mortal way to do it?

    Once you get past models 10 then those 32mm base sizes start to become an issue. Also bigger units leads to less Blood Tithe generation. Multiple units of 10 work well though.

    If your goal is to chew through tanky Nurgle units then Blood Warriors might not be the answer, maybe Skull Reapers and other mortal wound output ... like Bloodletters :(

  13. 23 minutes ago, ledha said:

    For example, my bloodthirster is in melee with 2 ennemy units. It's my opponent's turn. He must choose its first unit to attack. But it's only in range of my bloodthirster and he didn't attacked yet. So they can't attack it, but can't attack anyone else. So do they "waste" and loose their activation ? If yes it seems pretty damn incredible

    We've played it as they lose the option to attack, after all, its their turn and there are no targets. No idea if there has been any official word from GW though.

  14. 31 minutes ago, mastercrafted said:

    Can you take a realm artefact as well as normal artefact, or do i need battalions and such to take the extra one?

    You still need the battalion to generate an extra artifact, but you can pick and mix between the artifacts in the book and a realm artifacts. And a hero can still only use 1 artifact.

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  15. 17 minutes ago, phizzco said:

    Stupid question but can you use a blood tithe ability AND summon in the same turn to use all of your points, like you can summon more than 1 type of unit?

    Once you use a Blood Tithe ability then you lose all remaining Blood Tithe, so your hero phase usage would have to kill something to generate more Blood Tithe. Then at the end of the movement phase you could then use the new Blood Tithe to summon something.

  16. What are your favourite units to use as allies? The way I see it, once we go over 1000 points, were are just picking more of the same models as the Sorceress on Black Dragon isn't worth it due to her melee / ranged identity crisis, so I'm looking towards maximizing my ally allowance.

    I've earmarked the Knight Azyros due to his re-roll 1's bubble, any other favourites? I'm thinking there is room for 2 or 3 ally heroes after picking 2/3 Sorceresses.

  17. 13 hours ago, Mikeymajq said:

    " I don’t know. I keep using them but I keep wondering why. "

    This. This is me every battle. Damn Blood warriors xD

    Also, I just built 5 wrathmongers and reading about the other dudes makes me feeling like I done goofed ?




    No way, wrathmongers are great, if your opponent has a monster then you match ur guys up against it, otherwise position them correctly to buff one of ur other units.

    • Thanks 2
  18. 10 minutes ago, Agent of Chaos said:

    Alternatives would be 5 x blood warriors/chaos warriors, bump the reavers up to 20 or 5 x flesh hounds (which is probably my preference). I suppose I could take Karanak (from what I can tell he doesnt take up a hero slot) and just summon 5 x hounds for free but I dont have his model as yet. 

    Sadly Karanak does take a Leader slot, he just isn't a Hero.

    • Sad 1
  19. 3 hours ago, Descho said:

    And I'm a bit disappointed in the Blood Crushers. Can I sell them or is there some trick to them?

    There is no trick, they just aren't very good, you can summon them in aos2 so it's worth keeping 3 of them for objective taking or tying units up.

  20. 10 minutes ago, medivouk said:

    That, and 10 std warriors with halberd's outperformed my blood warriors, so I might be swapping points about in my battleleine.

    I'm not surprised to hear that, this edition in mortal armies I see Blood Warriors falling away, for the cost they don't hit hard enough and they don't tank damage either.


    I think Bloodreavers and Chaos Warriors will replace them depending on whether you want survivibility due to numbers or the mortal wound save + shield.

  21. I find it very frustrating that using any Bloodtithe uses all of them ... seems like GW is keeping Khorne on a tight leash. I can't think why we should lose all of our BT points all in one go, doesn't seem fair considering what other armies can  do.

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