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Posts posted by Skabnoze

  1. 10 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    When did they say it was the Year of Death?

    LON, a new Nighthaunt release, a global campaign, the narrative being focused on the Soul Wars, multiple novels, a (supposed) magic supplement... what more do you want?

    Pretty sure i have seen this year referred to as the Year of Death in a number of different sites - but I could be wrong.

    I was replying to the "no idea what is coming next" series of comments previously.  I would hope that if this year has an emphasis on Death that we would see more for them.  Yes, Nighthaunt sounds great.  My comment was mainly that if there is an emphasis on that Grand Alliance that I would hope they would get more releases than they have so far.  For the Magic supplement - I really hope that is a game-wide supplement rather than just oriented around a specific grand alliance.  Not doing so seems like it would be a big wasted opportunity.

    As for  "wanting" you can always want more.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Ryan Taylor said:

    Ariel =/= Alarielle :)

    How dare you defame the Warrior princess of the Fathoms Below, Daughter of Triton, Arch-Siren of Under-the-Seas, Queen of Part-of-Your-World, Mistress of the Seashells!

    May her Royal-Majesty visit death and destruction upon all those who oppose her!

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    • Haha 2
  3. 7 hours ago, Hoseman said:

    Hi all.

    I'm a huge fan of wood elves since I was 14 back on 90's. I started playing AoS and was waiting for an elven faction to appear so now I was going into Idoneth before seeing anything but I'm sad because of the fact Sylvaneth have Alarielle and DoK have Morathi but seems like ID will not have Teclis

    I am heavily leaning into getting the Idoneth Deepkin (I will wait until I read their rules and decide if the playstyle appeals to me), and if/when I do they will be led by Ariel...

    • Haha 4
  4. 5 hours ago, Carnelian said:

    a trigger for awesome animated 90s cartoon segments featuring GIANT MAGIC FLYING TURTLES!

    80s cartoons are where it’s at.  I am pretty sure Saturday morning has never, and will never again, contain as much awesome as it did in the 80s.


    • Like 2
  5. Doing a “living” rule-book does not prevent them from releasing a big physical copy or a new box set.  What I was saying is that the core rules are tiny and one of the smallest parts of the rules now.  A big chunk of the older style rulebooks is already bound into the yearly release Generals Handbook.

    The core rules themselves is so small that they don’t need to do massive v2, v3, etc style releases like they used to do in the past unless they want to change the whole game from top to bottom.  But the direction they have moved Fantasy and 40k both seems like that is unlikely.  

    Matched play points already changes yearly.  Most of the rules of the game are held in warscrolls that they can easily change in generals handbook, errata, or a new version of a battletome.

    It just seems like they don’t need the old full edition releases anymore.

  6. I don’t think they care about leaving the current items.  But I am pretty sure that they do not want to maintain them longer than they have to.  Also, I don’t think they will issue future battletomes that continue the finecast range unless it is a Legion of Nagash style release -  which seemed like a get-you-by style of release.

  7. 3 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    I think a big boxed set in Summer is likely. It may even be a new starter. I am much less convinced that it is going to be an actual new edition.

    We are entering phase two of Age of Sigmar, in fact I think phase two started with the release of Malign Portents. However, I also think phase 2 unequals edition 2. A new edition right on the back of a magic supplement that likely changes how the game plays (though that one would not be unprecedented) and one year after 40k 8th (so not with enough time to see how the changes of 8th play out and take that into consideration designing AoS2) seems oddly timed. I also wonder why they did not announce a second edition for AoS at Adepticon when they did so for 40k (which released around the same time this one is supposed to?) last year? Obviously, I remain unconvinced of all the rumors floating around this one.

    I think Age of Sigmar is set up in such a way that a living rule-set is more likely than a full new edition.  The General's Handbook encapsulates the how to organize a game, and gets yearly updates.  The core rules are only a few pages long.  It would be very simple to alter a section of the rules, or even big chunks, and just reprint the entire rules in the back of a General's Handbook. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, Rogue Explorator said:


    So, while we have had no actual rumors of them, I think Moonclan are the most likely army to show up as an Wildcard, as there are quite a few factors to imply them:

    -They did not get GHB 2017 support.

    -They did get a herald though and they are a bit unique among the armies to do so, being the only one without at least allegiance abilities.

    -They already have quite the sizable selection of miniatures, three to five kits would actually push them into major player league among AoS armies.

    -Nightgoblins where among the iconic units/army elements of Warhammer Fantasy, about on the level with Slayers and Witch Elves, who have gotten their releases.

    So, they are far from assured, but if an army for AoS ends up shuffling itself into the release schedule, they are the candidate.


    I do not disagree that signs point to Moonclan coming at some point and I would be absolutely wallet-destroyingly thrilled with that (and I already own over 2000 points of pure squigs, more night goblin infantry than I can count, and at least one of every night goblin model released since the early 90s).  

    But, the issue that I see with GW releasing Moonclan similar to Daughters of Khaine is that the majority of the range is resin (most was metal converted to resin).  There are 10 Warscrolls in the current range if you don't count the Forgeworld Models.  You could split that into 11 if you consider Bosses on foot separate from the Skarsnik boss.  Of those only 2 are plastic sets, the Grots and the Fanatics, and neither of those are dual kits.   I am pretty certain that one of GWs current goals is to remove the Finecast resin models from the range as they go now.  So, to do that they would have to either remove these units or replace them with plastic kits.  Or, they would need to add a new release and keep the Finecast stuff (I don't see them wanting to do that anymore).

    They could get creative and probably knock out a huge portion of those resin kits with 2 multi-build plastic boxes.  They could make a multi-kit for the Cave Squigs that doubles as a box for Squig Hoppers and includes the herders.  They could also make a kit for the Mangler Squigs that could be a multi-kit and build the Warboss on Giant Squig (and possibly the Warboss on foot with Giant Squig) - and if they wanted they could also add a unit mounted on Giant Cave squigs (like Gore Gruntas) that the box builds.  And then they would probably still need to do something for Heroes and most likely they would also want to drop some sort of large centerpiece kit (they could always just make a plastic version of the Forgeworld Colossal Squig).

    It is doable, but they would have to commit to a decent amount of plastic box set releases in order to pull it off.  But, Night Goblins have always seemed to be an in-house favorite for Games Workshop over the decades.  They have not always been the most effective part of the Orc & Goblin army (although in some editions they were close), but they have always had a ton of attention whenever Fantasy Greenskins had any sort of releases (both for rules and for models), so it is obvious that someone in GW likes them (hard to not like Night Goblins though).  Also the recent Moonclan Herald indicates that GW is still thinking about Moonclan - so I expect they will do something for them at some point.

    • Like 3
  9. 9 hours ago, Spiny Norman said:


    That flying turtel is so goofy, it ruins the whole picture...


    Hopefully the Turtle is not the goofiest thing that we see in Age of Sigmar.  I would be pretty upset if Elves manage to out-goofy goblins.  The war of absurdity has begun!

    • Like 3
  10. 6 hours ago, Binabik15 said:

    I kind of wish Death would put more emphasis on the different vampire clans again, plus updated zombies.

    Personally I'm glad that the vampire clans have slid into the background for a bit.  Undead has primarily been about the Vampires for about 3 editions spanning almost 20 years.  Tomb kings were a non-vampire distraction in there, but GW always neglected them a fair bit.  As someone who enjoyed all of the non-vampire undead stuff and was then sad to see most of it fade out of the lime-light for so long I am happy to see the current emphasis expand out from the vampires.  I don't want them to go away, but I would prefer they expand death in other directions for a while.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, NurglesFirstChosen said:


    Morathi doesn’t kill things for killings sake.

    Ultimately daughters of khaine create cities where there is a form of law and order. They hate chaos, aren’t part of the living dead, and as I said before don’t fight for fightings sake. So the Grand alliance of order is logically where they sit. 

    Anyway there’s a thread where this is discussed, so back to rumours we go....

    To play devil's advocate, Orcs have a pretty clear-cut and ordered hierarchy.  The biggest one is in charge and what they say goes.  The only deviation from that now currently seems to be Bonesplitterz who follow the glowiest one instead of the the biggest.  A simple but effective ordering system!

    All the other races seem to make things way too complex...

    • Like 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    Are 'soup' lists an issue though? From what i've seen most people stick to factions anyway, soup is more a 40k problem.

    Probably not.  But I would say it is a potential issue when half the alliances have the overwhelming mass of choices that can go into soup lists and the others are picking from a handful of scraps.  Certainly not the biggest problem in the game, but I think it is fair to say that it is not an ideal situation to have and could possibly lead to issues further down the road.

  13. 15 minutes ago, Drofnum said:

    Getting rid of Grand Alliances wouldnt do anything to counter that.  And the really the only one that hasnt gotten some love in the past year is Destruction, which needs it nearly as bad as Death did.  GW have been pretty obviously working to correct the fact that some are underpowered/under represented though.

    If Grand Alliances went away, then there is little issue in regards to list-building for having so much junk crammed into one or two Grand Alliances and the others being sparse.  You still have the issue of some armies and themes being neglected, but you don't have issues with some big giant soup lists having more possible ingredients than others.

    If Grand Alliances went away, then the game would have a very large and diverse selection of armies currently.  And to be fair, the game does.  But, the Grand Alliance system puts those diverse forces into buckets that then make the distribution of armies in the game look very very skewed (which it is).  That was my point in the original comment.

  14. 11 minutes ago, TheDayman said:

    Really hope that the Grand Alliance system doesn't go away, was one of the main reasons I got into the game being a more fluff orientated player. I suppose there are a few ways of making it better though

    It's a fine system as long as you don't overly neglect half of the Grand Alliances in the game.

    • Like 2
  15. 3 minutes ago, Rogue Explorator said:

    I just do not see the other gods being good enough sports to make it a "propa" scrap, though with Sigmar sitting tightly locked up in his pretty fortress these days that is a distant memory. Maybe Gorkamorka should come knocking on the Gates of Azyr when this entire (obviously unrelated to our lord and savior Nagash) Portent and wonky time business has quited down (on its own accord, I am sure)?

    You know, just for old times sake ;)

    Well, it is just various degrees of fun.

    Admittedly, it is less fun if they just sit there and let you bash them on the head - but that's still fun nonetheless!  And why wait until the "Portent and wonky time business" has quieted down?  The absolute best time for any scrap is right now! 

  16. 17 hours ago, Soulsmith said:

    What I really don't want is the removal of damage carrying over from one attack to multiple models. If my megaboss has a huge axe doing two damage, it simply goes through one guy and takes out the other. The armour save represents them both. Makes sense to me.

    I GREATLY prefer this rule to how 40k currently handles it - despite having played with the system where damage does not carry over for decades in most GW games.  I really like the damage carry-over mechanic of Age of Sigmar, and without it I think this game would require a rebalancing of half of the weapons and wound characteristics in the game.  It is very cleanly implemented and accounted for in the stats for Age of Sigmar right now. 

    I was so used to damage not carrying over in GW games that it took me a while to realize that did not apply to Age of Sigmar.  I only realized it after watching a battle report video and being confused as to why more models died than I expected.  I had to go back to the rules and check that specific rule.  But, again I have to say that I really enjoy it.

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