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Everything posted by Superninja

  1. Personally, I won't be happy with just the basic treatment. (book/terrain/endless) A new book will be good news. Terrain will be decent news. Endless spells will be ok news, but with our caster...it will be reduced to less than ok news. (He has 2 spells already) Without another caster or new units...meh. We need more units. More options. Honestly, it would be quite easy to give us more. The ideas are many for what you could add to us. The fact that we are in a beast laden realm give us so many options. Stormcast ride/use more beasts than we do... Factory contraints are one thing. But it isn't a good enough excuse. We are the greenskin faction. We are the face of destruction....or should be.
  2. I wish the Megaboss's (on foot) reroll hit rolls of 1 within 5 inches was larger. 5 Inches on a slow guy makes it hard to keep (brutes) in that area. I also love the idea that Malakree proposed that it should pertain to any Ironjawz unit. I also wish that our Weirdnob Shaman worked like this: When using Waaagh! energy with 20 ironjawz models around, you receive a +2 to casting and unbinding. (same as now) On a successful cast or unbind, with doubles, the nearest model/unit takes d3 mortals. On an unsuccessful cast or unbind, and doubles, no damage. I really hate failing the cast/unbind and taking the extra on top. The Goregrunta charge really needs to fixed to be useful. Tired of it. I would really like it if a Megaboss on foot, or even any Ironjawz hero, could be included in an Ironfist. That way the models on foot could actually keep up and reduce our drop.
  3. You cannot go over in matched play unless you and your opponent have discussed it and agreed to the overage. The best thing to do is up the max by 50-100 for each of you. That way it allows you both to add what you'd like. In matched play, when you are under the points cap, whoever is under the bar by the most gets a single use buff called a Triumph. This buff is a re-roll for a unit for either hit rolls, wound rolls, or save rolls. A d6 roll determines which. 1-2 hits, 3-4 wounds, 5-6 saves.
  4. The ironskull's boys can be used in a bloodtooth, but not as 1 of the 5 units needed for the ironfist.
  5. @Lanoss Long ago in this thread it was pointed out that you really want at least 140 wounds with any Ironjawz list. (there are exceptions)I have to agree with this sentiment. My experience has shown this to be good advice. With 2 mawkrushas and the 2 battalions, it is impossible to hit this target wound count. You would have to do so much work with those Mawkrushas to make up for the loss of the wounds. 2 Mawkrushas can do a lot, but they can also die fairly quickly, especially without defensive traits and artefacts. In the competitive scene, there are lot's of mortal wounds, alpha strikes, and other shenanigans to deal with. The extra wounds would allow you to weather that storm. However, try it. See what you think. Report back please.
  6. @Hammbone18 I have been wanting to try something like this for a while. Using the gorefist in addition to another battalion to pin the opponent back, reduce your drops, give you another artefact, and give you another command point seems great. Each time I build this in warscroll builder I end up feeling it is too much points to spend on something I think will die/not last long enough. However, I really have a nagging feeling that this can work. Ardfist battalion is good, this is known. I would like to see others explore/report on its uses in different setups(sets of 10/20/30 etc). I have used 5 sets of 10, bringing back 3 sets with good success(Winning game). I have also had another game where I brought back 2 sets of 10 (using 5 sets of 10) to basically no effect (lost game). Where/When they come back is critical. What I am not sure about in your list is this: (These are things I wrestle with in my mind when I build it) 1. Is the single Waaagh! source of a Megaboss on foot enough? With only 7 wounds and the armour, I feel like it isn't. There seems to be a good chance he would die. (though he probably is the 2nd target/1st being the warchanter) The armour is in melee I am pretty sure, so without movement bonus, he often has a hard time getting into melee. Though he shouldn't have too much problem keeping up with the ardboys, except when they charge. They have a +3 charge overall, so they can succeed at longer charges more consistently and reach farther than the megaboss (on foot) can. This is another facter in him keeping up and in range of Waaaagh! for all to get. (cogs would add to everyone of course) (using rampaging destroyers procs on him can help solve this, but what if you don't get that roll that turn etc?) 2. The problem I find with ardboys, especially when using this battalion(ardfist), is the +4 to hit and the possible -1 rend(if you use big choppas) That is better than plenty of stuff...but at the end of the day it is never enough (especially with all the -1 to hit modifiers floating around and great saves/buffs). Warchanters are a big part of our army. The single warchanter in your army is the one that is also in the ardfist battalion. (This is target #1 in this battalion) So, there is little chance you will be buffing your ardboys for long. It can be difficult to finish off stuff at times with ardboys. 3. You do have the points and the amount of ardboys that surely make the weirdnob work but he also has a hard time keeping up, especially when the ardboys charge away from him. Is he worth the rampaging destroyers roll, the ability to take an artefact, combined with with the negatives of doubles rolls over a fungoid? I always feel like no. But I have rolled horrible with weirdnob.(I have done more damage to myself than opponents so far with him, seriously) The cogs help, but with only 1 cast you won't be taking advantage of as many realm spells as you could. 4. This may be the biggest problem. No centerpiece. Without our Megaboss on Mawkrusha, we can have a hard time dealing with other centerpieces, have a hard time reaching all of our units for a Waaagh, and lower wound heroes are easier to focus which means no Waaagh! And no Waagh! = no win so far for me. (I keep wanting to try a 2-3 megaboss on foot with a greenskin warboss on warboar(or 2) but I always talk myself out of it) 5. With all these battalions and units you are still 4 drops. 4 drops is great but far off from many tournament lists you may face like sylvaneth or others. This could change how things go. However, gorefist can help mitigate things. 6. Setup with a secondary gorefist. Since the battalion wants to stay together to get the move bonus in the first turn, how do you set that up with the rest of your army? It wants to stay together, in front so to not be blocked, and it takes up a fair amount of board space. Is this mitigated by how much it pins and delays your opponent? Terrain plays a large role here. 7. Setup with a primary ardifst. What is the best way to setup 50, 60 or more ardboys? Especially when considering the other battalion. Long rows of 10 covering almost the whole board or blocks of 5 with 5 more behind? Terrain plays a huge role here.
  7. I think broche means you can take the aetherquartz and the mirrored cuirass. The Cuirass gives the 5+ against mortals and reflects on 6's to something within melee. Obviously, the aetherquartz gives you back command points when you use them on a 5+ roll. Thermalrider on the footboss is usually needed with a ironfist battalion or something like that. In a weirdfist it probably will not be necessary. Still useful though. Cogs are great, but if your focus is weirdfist then the cogs aren't really going to get cast when you have a balewind, foot, puke, and realm spells to cast as well. At least with 1 caster. Or vice versa, meaning if you cast cogs then prob won't be casting foot or puke, because your troops all just moved and charged out of your range that gave you bonuses to cast. So it is a lot of points on spells for one caster. Beyond spells and 3 gore gruntas, you don't have much that can stall, pin, or engage the enemy at range. This can be a problem if you fail the casting rolls. You have plenty of bonuses though. I think in this particular list I would take ironclad on the Weirdnob shaman. So many points are spent into make spells work, if he dies, you've lost 400 points. (shaman, 2 endless spells, and battalion bonus) Granted you would have the rest of your army and an Idol left, but with only 1 source of waagh, no aetherquartz, no fungoids, and no cabbage, you are behind the curve imo. If you get your spells off early, it may work fine. Again in this list, using broche's advice, Mirrored cuirass on the weirdnob(and ironclad) and aetherquartz would go on the warchanter. This would take a little of the heat off the Megaboss (typically waagh sources are killed first), making target priority more difficult.
  8. Rogue Idol most likely, especially in a weirdfist list.
  9. Treelord ancient, not sure about artefacts, but he was basically unkillable. 2+ save, rerolling 1's. 20 dryads, 5 tree revenents, 1 branchwraith, and 1 branchwitch. 2 battalions pretty sure. Doesn't seem like a lot. But it was. The woods were the most devastating. Lost my gorechoppa and then my brute boss the next turn due to charges within.
  10. Turned out ok. 1 major win, 1 major loss, 1 minor victory. Won first game vs. Seraphon 1st strike list. Just barely made it out alive and came back and won on points. Total Commitment. Lost 2nd game vs. Sylvaneth....WTF!!!! Holy ****** these guys are nuts. Unkillable hero 2+ save/rerolling 1's....a;fkldjl;sdjfjasdfl;kasfd;jasdf;kjlas. Escalation. Won 3rd, went to time, I had killed more models. Places of Arcane power, we both only had 1 hero with and artefact. I could have won a major victory on this one in my opinion.
  11. I think this is what I am taking: 2 sources of waagh. The gore gruntas can go off by themselves if needed. Leaving 6 units around for the waagh still. Extra Command Points: 20 Allies: 0 / 400 Wounds: 90
  12. What about this? I don't quite have the full 18 gruntas, but i have bases for the last 6 and proxy is ok. Also I don't mind ardboys, just love the look of brutes. I have used the thermalrider cloak, in fact the last match against the stormcast guy where the megaboss got killed with the ballista.
  13. Well, I am a living god. jk/lol. It's 3 matches. I agree with the problems you propose at 1k. It has me frustrated and looking possibly toward nighthaunt. However, I haven't run them yet, so I would most likely just forget half their stuff... I may have to leave anyway if wife calls me home because of our newborn. Which is fine. I am lucky she is pushing me to go to the tournament in the first place. So, back to ironjawz at 1k.
  14. Which of the lists are most viable? Is the Gordrakk list viable?
  15. I want to run a megaboss/brute list but I feel it just much to slow. I just love the look of it.
  16. @Malakree I am not sure about a 1 time use artefact for just the shooting. It definitely addresses the shooting situation, for a turn, but I feel like the -1 to hit from the gryph feather charm or miasmatic blade will provide a nice layer of protection against shooting (especially when combined with lookout sir) and add some more durability in melee as well. The other mainstay choice is Ignax's scales. To help vs. mortals. Obviously that would help vs. the field as well. But that's another can of worms. Thank you for the responses btw!!
  17. I don't have any sporesplatta fanatics. I am sure there will be a couple players using (2) stormcast and (2) nighthaunt. 1 player probably going to play KO, but could mix in dispossessed or fully dispossessed, or even go with Skaven. KO are my guess, but skaven is just as likely. I believe there is a Beasts of Chaos player. Possibly a Fireslayers player. One player will be playing Khorne, possibly a 2nd player as well. I have a buddy who plays tzeentch but I think he is unable to make it. Thats about as good an estimation as I can get of what I'll see. There should be 4 or more people that I have never seen at the shop I go to, so I am not sure what to expect for them.
  18. This is an ardfist list I was looking at. I think it may be the best of the bunch. Not sure if the ardboys are enough punch. I guess with Waaagh, they should be. Could switch in a megaboss, since there would be 6 Ironjawz units at that point, but I may want to put the warchanter hidden somewhere if possible. The lack of a wizard in every list is a problem as well.
  19. I have used a similar list @Timcz . The problem I had was that a buddy has been using the celestar ballista and taking out my Megaboss fairly quickly. I expect him to be at the tournament with a list that uses ballista. So I have been trying to build with 2 sources of waagh. But it just seems meh. I could switch out the ironskull's boys for a warchanter. I have half a mind to just take Gordrakk and some gruntas and just call it a day. Would be fun, quick, easy to play. But probably not competitive. Here is another list I was thinking about: Gorefist . This particular list could use another hero, but I feel it then waters down the gorefist, since the 9 would go to 6. Overall, I am feeling meh at 1000 points. HELP PLEASE.
  20. What is a good 1000 point list? I am going to play in a 1k tournament on sunday. I would like to bring Ironjawz but I could bring Nighthaunt. Help please.
  21. I think you are right. Especially for Ironjaws, more command points are gold for us. And despite having the -1 to be hit taken away, the 4+ should help compensate. Should be fun. I feel he is less "spell insurance" than he was and now just more offense. I'll probably feel like I want a 2nd caster now. A lot of times I'd allow myself to think he was enough and often it got by (barely). The -1 to be hit was nice vs celestar ballista that really wanted him dead. So, are 2 fungoids each creating command points?
  22. I am so excited at the possibility of an IJ update. What they have done recently is so fun and looks amazing. Additional kits would be so welcomed and would spice us up! I hope it continues for all. (us next please)
  23. oh ****** the fungoid changed a lot. not -1 to be hit anymore. (that made him so hard to kill) the 1 time use mushroom that gave him an extra cast/unbind, rerolls to cast/unbind/saves is now just a 1 time extra spell!! Man i really loved that. his +5 save after the save for wounds/mortals is now 4+ for wounds/mortals. https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/PDF/AoS_Warscrolls/AoS_Gloomspite_Gitz_WSCards_Fungoid_Cave-Shaman.pdf
  24. Ran this 1000 pt list against a Stormcast buddy. Knife to the Heart/Ghyran realm. Was probably the closest/best game I have had so far. He had a decent amount of shooting and ended up killing my Megaboss on 2nd turn before he could Waaagh! 1st round he had taken 3 wounds. A set of 3 gruntas held off a set of (3) prosecutors, a set of 5 Liberators, and part of a set of 10 for the whole game. They wouldn't die.
  25. I ran Prophet/Aetherquartz recently with a 1900 point list. Used a cp 1st round for a defensive realm command ability. Turn 2 I used 4 command points for Waaagh!, got 2 back with Aetherquartz, used them for Waagh! as well. So I rolled 6 dice, got one 6, re-rolled the other 5 dice and got no other 6's!!!! WTF! However, I had +7 attacks for my whole army and that pretty much ended it. I certainly like prophet and Mirrored Cuirass and Aetherquartz Brooch.
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