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Thalassic Monstrosity

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Posts posted by Thalassic Monstrosity

  1. 2 hours ago, Togetak said:

    I think this type of thought is kind of silly, it’s like thinking a 40k faction will be squatted from 40k to be added to the Horus Heresy system. GW makes bad business decisions all the time, but I don’t think they’re super likely to pull an established faction from a mainline game so they can be a side presence in a side game

    I mean... if there wasn't a precedent it wouldn't have occured to me. I just think given the removal of all High and Wood elves from Cities it's a possible sign.

    It's a leap, I'll be the first person to admit that. I'm just saying it's possible. I don't want it to be, but I just have a feeling it might. 

  2. 2 hours ago, madmac said:

    I'm getting the increasing feeling that people saying Beastmen have no lore direction in AoS absolutely did not read their newest battletome, it's full of cool lore and new characters and concepts.

    I mean, that's usually the case with the books. But the dearth of representation outside their own tome is what I take issue with.

    I will say this: AoS gave us one of the best bits of Beastmen lore ever: the Beastlord called Ghosteater.

    "We rule, but only where you - where the Blessed Ones - do not wish to. You take our kingdoms from us when it suits you, and devour our young. You herd us into battle, and take the eyes of the gods from us. That is not the way it should be. We are more than meat. More than beasts. We are the children of the gods, no less than you. Now we will prove it."

    I read that and it makes me so happy. I'll be happy for that, at least. 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Souleater said:

    Nah, Hrud are so far just a sketch and name drops in fluff pieces. We have actual Beastmen (beadtfolk?) models. 

    As an old dude, I really felt. That beastmen should be a supported faction. They’ve kinda always been here as far as I remember. But I could be mistaken.

    Beasts have almost as little narrative impact as Hrud, was the point I was trying to make. But I definitely agree with you about how they should definitely be a thing.  There's so much you can do with them! I think they're so cool!  But I am also very biased - I like goatmen. My gamer tag has been Gharbad the Weak ever since my flippers have had thumbs. There's so much wasted potential with them. 

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  4. 12 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

    How do you feel about them leaving AoS to be a major faction in The Old World?

    I have come to terms with my Cities most likely being all humans in the near future, but interesting to see how people will react to their factions being cut out of one game for another.

    Other than being a little peeved that I'll have to rebase them again, I think... my first impulse would be to say "as long as they get the attention they deserve". But I don't think they would. They haven't even in the Mortal Realms, where the writers could do practically any thing. Instead they're being returned to their old place of being an ever-present "threat" in the Old World. Sure they are. The brayherds are swarming from the Drakwald! They've already taken over a Fort! They've truly earned their place in the backstory of whatever Empire character stopped them!

    I know I'm being negative here, perhaps unjustly so, but I'm trying to temper my expectations. The Beasts are like the Hrud in 40k. You know they're there, you know they're a threat. Rather, we're told these things.

    • Sad 2
  5. 2 hours ago, Tonhel said:

    Was he also correct with BoC being scrapped from AoS?

    I've been vocal about my belief this is the case.  The Brayherds don't do anything that isn't covered by other factions. Sneaky ambushers fron the wilderness? Kruleboyz have that covered now. Chaos in all its gribbly mutative horror seems adequately covered by the other factions.

    I know there's a bit of hope surrounding rumors of Morghur but heck, even Swifthawks still exist in the fluff.

    I've been an ardent beastman lover since their first army book. I'd love to see them return in glory.  But somehow it feels like no one at GW has an idea what to do with them.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, mawhis117 said:

    Judging by his reactions its Callis and Toll, Darkoath Riders, and Lumineth River Temple vs Nighthaunt for Warcry

    Darkoath riders would be so wild.  Wow.  I've been building my StD toward a Darkoath-themed force for a while and every new unit, even as a Warcry or Underworlds release, has made me happy. 

    4 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    I saw Whitefang reacting to the 4-5 months wait for Skaven, my dear @Garrac. There's your precious signal.

    After years of being drip-fed releases, to any Skaven all hints are precious.  Yet the children of the Great Horned Rat remain patient.  Soon-soon...

  7. 1 hour ago, mawhis117 said:

    Are there any Beasts of Chaos rumours at all?

    I still believe Beasts will be phased out and moved entirely to Old World, but it would devastate me.  They just have so little narrative presence in the setting.  I wish someone at GW would show them the love they deserve.

    1 hour ago, Ejecutor said:

    The last "and a unit of 10 Rats" are Clan Rats to me, but that bit is quite vague.

    Perhaps they're not Clanrats, but new Giant Rat models? That would make more sense than replacing the current Clanrat sculpts, and we could certainly use new Giant Rats.

    • Like 3
  8. Unless he left the Order, Toll is a witch hunter.

    Also, while I agree Darrock shouldn't really count in a tally of Cities named characters (not anymore), I don't think we should be so quick to discount Hexbane.  After all, he can be taken even if he was an Underworlds character first.

  9. 56 minutes ago, Thalassic Monstrosity said:

    I wonder if we'll see the boxed set before Christmas?  The early boxes usually have a pretty quick (relatively) release after reveal, right?

    Then it's about three more months until the full release? 

    Went back and looked at the Seraphon reveal and release.  The army box was shown at Adepticon - March 23rd.  The army box went up for pre-order April 22nd and the full release pre-order was May 27th.

    If this release follows the same formula, it may be that we'll have a... memorable Christmas feast to be sure.

  10. 1 hour ago, DinoJon said:

    Anyone have any speculation to the size of the Kurnothi release that is coming at some point? 
    I would assume since it'll be a pseudo sub-faction the Sylvaneth that we might see a Maw-Grunta esque size release wave?

    I would like to think we would get 
    -Woodland Aelves dual-kit (similar to the character from Cursed City) I would suspect the design would be similar to archers and blade-dancers from ole WHFB
    -Beetle monster kit, no basis for this.. just hope
    -Elite animal-aelves kit (this could easily be a Warcry Warband too)
    -Hero on foot

    Honestly, I expect a Warcry warband at most.

    • Like 1
  11. I hate to be the wet blanket here, but can we move this conversation to another thread?  This is a conversation which should - and must - be discussed, but by its very nature it's something that won't find a definitive consensus.  There is so much minutiae about the forty years of GW IP, you know?

    And while I'm not saying these topics should be swept under the rug, this thread is for two things: rumors and baiting Whitefang reacts.

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  12. 11 hours ago, Aleser said:

    Warcry next week?

    Artwork is from instagram




    I hope so! I'm so torn between getting into Ironjawz or Mawtribes.  It's a real dilemma for me, since Ardboyz and Gorgers are my two favorite units from each and wouldn't you know it...

  13. Just now, CommissarRotke said:

    that witch aelf is so randomly placed that I didn't understand what this artwork is for. Maybe supposed to be a 2-page spread in 4.0 tome?

    She looks like she and the Wrecka are deep in conversation.  Probably discussing their favorite violent memories.

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  14. 3 minutes ago, Captaniser said:

    Worst case scenario you just use the spicy pup as a Runefather proxy. 

    Nibbles-Grimnir is amongst the most renowned of all Runefathers.  When his voice yips across the battlefield Megabosses, Chaos Lords, and perrrrrrrfidious aelven brigands alike fall to the ground, hearts stopped by terror.

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