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Thalassic Monstrosity

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Posts posted by Thalassic Monstrosity

  1. Something just occurred to me: if the Great Goat Genocide happened, I wonder what would happen to Grashrak's Despoilers.  I don't know if you can even get them anymore off GW's website (I just looked, but I may have missed them).  Hypothetically, would they be removed?  Ported over to StD?  If they were removed from AoS, would they remain in Underworlds?

  2. 14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:


    8 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    Sorry I wasn't aiming my post at you, the original post with the "rumour" was several pages back by another user that people were getting excited about because they previously said we'd see Orcs and Goblins and Dwarves for TOW in January (we only saw one of those and they posted after GW announced they were doing a launch event for the game). They've also never posted any specifics and have only posted like 10 times. That said I wouldn't say it's generating discussion. It's generating a lot of hysteria the same as we get whenever someone mentions duardin being souped or bonesplitters being removed from the range swallowing the actual interesting posts about what could happen with BoC in the future.

    I apologize - I suppose I'm invested in this topic to the point of self-importance! Very sorry. 

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    The BoC model range is being squatted from AoS and being ported over to ToW. What remains to be seen is if BoC as a faction will remain in AoS under a new thematic identity, be removed entirely or be folded into other existing Chaos factions.

    I'd absolutely hate that. I love my goatmen and I love AoS. I'm pretty open-minded about range updates but I guess the current design is just special to me.

    Truthfully, I'd love to keep the current Gor (and friends) design in the main, but make them more feral.  These are savage, wild creatures that stalk through the woods with the ease of a man on an open road. 

    I just realized I just kinda supported your idea, in a way. Haha!

    • Haha 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, EonChao said:

    In general can we just put this nonsense to rest now, it's all based off a post from a random new member with no more rumour accuracy than getting a half guess about what would be revealed at TOW launch event right, which puts them on the same level of accuracy as Dana Howl's youtube video speculation. At least until we start getting 4th edition news from GW themselves.

    If you mean me, I've been very open about how I have exactly no evidence. I even said a little while back that I don't even consider it a rumor, just an idea that's been floating around in my head.

    Even if it isn't directed at me, I'd hardly call it nonsense. I mean it's generating discussion. We all seem to be of an accord that no one would like the idea of Beasts dropping from the game.

    But back to the topic at hand: someone on Facebook (where no one lies) said that the Beasts Question was brought up at a Q&A at LVO, where it was answered that Beasts are definitely remaining in AoS.

    That's a lot of acronyms. 

    But can anyone confirm this rumor? 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    To quote something a great man said once....

    Please treat anything like Beasts of Chaos being dropped as a range as a rumour. Until it happens, its a rumour. If you are a BOC player, carry on playing with your models. If you are thinking about getting a BOC army, you might want to wait just in case. ;) 

    Yes GW are a company out to make money and yes they can change things without notice. But for now, take it with a pinch of salt ;) 

    I've been talking about the Beasts removal for ages, but I want to throw in my opinion: this isn't even a rumor. It's been thoroughly unsupported by anyone aside from Rob, and to date Whitefang the Wise (Wisefang ha) hasn't addressed it at all.

    Is it worth discussing? Sure, we all care about this game and it's direction. Is this possibility going to stop me from pooping in the woods and bleating at the moon? Hell nah.

  6. 16 minutes ago, RetconnedLegion said:

    Beasts of Chaos haven’t had their niche filled by another. Aesthetically they’re the only wild, savage Chaos force. Until GW make “Creatures of Chaos” or something, there’s no real reason to assume their imminent squatting.

    Narratively, GW seems to have filled the "threat from the dark, untamed wilds" with Kruleboyz. They even had a teaser image about eyes shining from the dark woods or something. I like Kruleboyz just fine but when they revealed the image was for a new breed of orruk and NOT new Beastmen, I said a bad word or two.

    They don't even have horns. Losers.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  7. 2 hours ago, Hawke said:

    This so much, BoC for me are the purest chaos and I want to see this in the models. They should be dark, twisted and secretive, so much that they make chaos god aligned factions think: "oof now that's a little much". They should be out in the woods conducting rituals that make no sense to bring about imcomprehensible dooms and omens. So much potential.

    I love the goat and bull looks, mostly as they bring to life the old Christian aesthetics of what pagan evil looks like, and the fear of what happens when you stray further from civilization. What I'm saying is I want the devil goat, Black Phillip, from the film "the Witch" in model form 🤣

    This is exactly how I feel! I know Morghur is popular but Malagor has always been my favorite, ever since I read his fluff about an Imperial town waking up to find his hoof prints all through the snow, over walls, onto roofs, et cetera. The reference to the Devil's Footprints legend pleased me.

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  8. 10 minutes ago, Twisted Firaun said:

    Honestly IMO Sekhar just needs a mask and a better paint job for her skin. I'm thinking either the Tomb Guard champ's mask or one from The Masque of Slaanesh's wand:

    I plan on just painting her face gold as if it is a mask. That's what I do with a lot of models with faces I don't exactly enjoy, like Teclis and the GSC Sanctus.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Asbestress said:

    Pretty sure only Ynnead, Cegorach and Khaine (in shard form) are still "alive" from the aeldari pantheon.

    And we've had this DoK inner conflict between Morathi and some crone prophets setup already.

    Aye, but people can still use her iconography or give her praise I suppose. She's just as dead in AoS, after all!

    I know Hellebron was referred to as Crone, and she was mentioned in Covens of Blood, so who knows? I'm curious to know what it turns out to be no matter what it is! 

    • Like 1
  10. 31 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    I just want a single kit; heavily armored Tzeentchian Sorcerer-Warriors - is there room for those in the best Edition ever?

    I‘d take more though, just saying. 

    I figure Malerion is a given too, perhaps near the end of 4th ed?


    Can we get one of the GW sculptors to join? Anyone knows them? I‘d pay good money 😂

    I'd take that and/or Doom Knights such as TWW3 has. Something that makes them more than just Warriors/ Chosen in blue. 

    This is one of the best Warhammer art pieces, in my mind, and makes me really want armored Tzeentch.


    • Like 3
  11. 11 minutes ago, The Red King said:

    I'm just hoping the "BoC are getting squatted" rumor is false but didn't whitefang like the post where Rob said they were?

    No, they liked the post about Chaos Dwarfs (which was in the same video where BoC moving was discussed, but NOT in the post Whitefang reacted to).

    Whitefang has not reacted in any way about BoC being moved, not that I've seen.

    • Like 2
  12. 14 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    She is currently in the middle of the Aqshy side siege, if I am not wrong. That's why Tahlia has to leave the crusade.


    I'm really curious to see how that siege turns out, and to see what the Lady's model and backstory* are like.

    *My phone thought I was trying to say "backdoor" and that would have sent a VERY different message. Imagine if someone was like "Whitefang, confirm if the Lady of Ruin is caked up or not!"

    • Haha 6
  13. 7 minutes ago, Garrac said:

    Speculating here about things I still cope to nto see: well, a starter box with rats would be against GW's policiy of hating rats, but a starter box with chorfs would be even further against GW's policy of hating chorfs, so both happening at the same time would be just asking too much of nature.

    Just for that, you earned Stormcasts vs Marines.

    • Haha 6
  14. 6 minutes ago, Jetlife said:

    I don’t expect the new Chaos Dwarves to resemble the old ones. Again, looking at all the new stuff based upon old stuff they usually go in a different direction. In theory a dwarf can follow or be corrupted by chaos and could be into a million different things while still having a few call back strings. 

    I think it'd be weird for them to change up the look overmuch, since the dawi zharr have a pretty distinct - and unique in fantasy - look in my opinion. Particulary when compared to many of the other WFB factions. It seemed like an odd choice to me that it's taken this long for them to be released.

    But I agree, they have a lot of leeway with their design. I'd love to see what they do with it! 

    • Like 1
  15. 48 minutes ago, MitGas said:

    Yeah, godhood feels as if there are tiers - the only ingame char that feels like a proper god is Nagash to me as he’s worked for aeons on it… and Sigmar would be my second pick but he was kinda divine long before being catapulted into AoS. The rest mostly feels like „hey, we had this char, let‘s say s/he‘s godly now“.  And none of those feels like a Chaos God or Gorkamorka. I dunno, sometimes I think they should‘ve just stuck with the old pantheon like Ulric and company. 

    I don't know,  I think Alarielle has a strong claim because she did the fusion dance with Ariel, combining both of Isha's mortal vessels into one form.

    And Morathi, well.  She put in the work to get her promotion. 

    • Like 6
  16. 2 hours ago, Togetak said:

    I think this type of thought is kind of silly, it’s like thinking a 40k faction will be squatted from 40k to be added to the Horus Heresy system. GW makes bad business decisions all the time, but I don’t think they’re super likely to pull an established faction from a mainline game so they can be a side presence in a side game

    I mean... if there wasn't a precedent it wouldn't have occured to me. I just think given the removal of all High and Wood elves from Cities it's a possible sign.

    It's a leap, I'll be the first person to admit that. I'm just saying it's possible. I don't want it to be, but I just have a feeling it might. 

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