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Posts posted by Malin

  1. 3 hours ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    People who know people who know people. I haven't directly seen anything. I likewise asked about Nighthaunt but they had no info for me (other than genric "points decreases").

    Do you have any info regarding 1k MP games? Anything on Beasts of Chaos changes would be also appreciated ;)

  2. 10 minutes ago, Mandzak-Miniatures said:

    Not much to talk about yet, but I’m pretty excited about the “return” of “DoW”.

    should be cool to see what sell swords are available 

    Hope we are not returning to era of:

    "Enlightened/Skyfires everywhere"

    At first glance it looks like it might have negative impact on matched play. Curious about the details, right now this is very clouded view we are having on this topic.

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  3. 30 minutes ago, Zanzou said:

    I thought it was strange too, but at the same time we haven't seen if there are any changes on the tree-revenant warscroll or what his new battalion synergy with the tree-revenants might be.

    Or they left point for the price hike of Kurnoth Hunters. Some say they have 3 shots now instead of 2. This ain't that visible or readable on the scroll shown in Looncurse reveal article.

  4. 21 minutes ago, novakai said:

    Varanguard Hero or dismounted Varanguard are my guess

    Probably without run and charge, so he can't keep up, with 6" range wholy within ability bolstering mounted Varanguard. ;)

    Just joking, but hope for some cool looking model.

    CSM already received a lot of cool models quite recently so it probably ain't something for them, unless there are Emperor's Children on the way.

  5. I do not expect anything particular, what they will show, they will show. I do hope it will be more than single miniature and logo of something, like when they showed warqueen and 2nd edition logo. This sucked big times. Also not a fan of videos showing nothing like the one for Forbidden Power, could easily live without such productions, more was revealed in one sentence written above the video than in itself. 

    Few more hours and we will see which allegiance's players wallets will cry the most ;)

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    8 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Adepticon is happening at the end of March and it’s been confirmed there is a studio preview. Be patient 😉

    Also GW are known for just dropping teasers out of no where 😉

    You tease and know more than average Joe, impatience grows ;)

  7. Marauder horsemen as the only set to be "Darkoathed" hopefully, for some reason, this set can't be ordered by LGS and is direct only.
    Warhounds are terrible set, metal predecessor were much much better IMO. This set is a pure example of going into plastic went wrong...

    Looking at the Warqueen book:
    - as @JPjr mentioned chariot pulled by giant hounds,

    - mutated/exalted/possessed hero, chance to have 2 models/2 warscrolls/ 1 hero entry like Morathi,

    - Shamans male and female,

    - infantry with plethora of weapons,

    Rules wise: access to all the marks without the need of battalions.

  8. 27 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    They normally only showcase a new book on WHTV after the pre order has been announced. So doesn't mean that much. 

    True, but after LVO announcement there was this slight piece of hope that it will be the new book used on the twitch. It seems we have to wait some more time though.

    Last year Deepkin were shown on LVO IIRC anyone recall what was the time from seminar to release? Not sure if this will be the case or there will be new pattern for release, but one can hope.

    4 minutes ago, Sleboda said:

    Good illustration of why abbreviations should always be spelled out in the first reference of an article/post (and cute little nicknames never used). Don't assume everyone knows your shortcuts, especially since there are new people here all the time.

    True to that, still we are in a very specific kind of forum and this society uses all kinds od synonyms and abbreviations, so one got to learn them to operate in here. We all learn new things everyday, just add this one to the pile. All in all, if anyone need help, he or she can ask and answer will be delivered ;) we are friendly society after all :)

  9. 2 hours ago, Sleboda said:

    Serious question:

    How many people complaining here have been in the hobby for under 5 years?

    This would be quite nice statistic.

    For me 23 years and counting.

    For AoS:

    Skulltaker, wasn't fan of the previous iteration and new one keeps the trend for me. If he will have good rules, will buy him. Think my main problem is that I am not a fan of existing bloodletters aesthetic. Technically model is coolb but not my cup of tea.

    Endless prayers: give it to me, only worry is that the skull will break too often.

    Sylvaneth, hate the walking trees ;) but would be insta buy for me if I would be Sylvaneth player. Lovely models. As with every underworld warband, rules will suck big times for matched play purposes, unfortunately.

    The trailers - this formula is terrible IMO, it brings nothing aside of wild speculations and hypothesis most of the time far away from the truth and how the final product will look like. Would much prefer picture of single model connected with the release instead. All in all it gives something to talk about, but picture of model would give something more solid to talk about instead. To sum up I really don't give a FAQ about them just like old GW didn't in the days of long forgotten past.

    40K Chaos. Not a player, but spider and Obliterator, give it to me, let the grey horde of unpainted plastic grow...

  10. 8 minutes ago, Shankelton said:

    The long wait for LVO continues. xD

    Anyone have an exact time for the panel from now?


    Currently it is around 16:30 in Las Vegas. Seminar was to start at 20:00. So do the math ;) Community site should be updated hour later as previous experiences show. 

    Time is ticking away...

    • Thanks 1
  11. 20 minutes ago, someone2040 said:

    Imo people are expecting too much from the LVO reveal. 

    My bet would be we see the remaining shadespire warbands and a teaser of the next aos release but nothing definitive. Like some form of teaser video without showing any models. 


    Gloomspite gitz was a pretty big release after all, and we'd just have skaven and fec dropping. I'd expect much more in the 40k side of things as they're due for a new release. 

    The more you expect the more disappointed you can be. From previous experiences, we might get shown things completely unexpected in volume completely different than we imagined. Best practice, expect nothing, appreciate what will be shown. GW is really good at creating the hype which in no way correspond to the reveals (like when we were shown warqueen and some logos last year). Luckily this time it is LVO so reveal can be bigger than usual.

    We will know in around 48 hours ;)

  12. @Ndabreaker

    Thanks for posting rumors, some actual rumors, will they be facts only time will tell.

    For Naysayers, this is the only way to verify is someone was right or wrong, we just need to wait as patiently or impatiently as we want.

    At least conversation moved from recently covered topics which have nothing to do with rumors, like:
    - Humanity of Stormcast in the Mortal Realms as  a wrong topic generating 20+ pages of discussion in the wrong forum,
    - Are Stormcasts Space Marines of the Mortal Realms? Do inhabitants of the said Realms or users of this forum even care, 10+ pages long essay. Guess what? Again in the wrong forum,
    - Credibility of Rumormongers, Grand debate on topic for which no study was ever run due to rumormongers resigning from posting any more rumors due to their hard welcoming, hair tearing of the head with loud "This can't be true!! What he said is so wrong and it will never going to happen, because I don't want to!!" Debate popping up right after new rumormonger appears on the forum, again, few more pages of pointless discussion instead of debate on rumor.

    Enjoy the rumors, discuss, dream of what is to come, express your expectations, but for goodness sake do not argue credibility of rumormongers. Without them we might get back to one of those pointless topics mentioned above ;)

    Now the rumor engine picture, this thing will broke much faster than we will be shown its true identity. I do hope I am wrong here, I really do!

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