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Everything posted by Malin

  1. Well: - plot thickens it seems - it is the first time since Initial book for Age of Sigmar that we finally get to listen to Malerion. We only saw his "oooh I am not so pretty" picture so far, - Malerion and his mommy are again in love-hate relationship, - What did Teclis do for Sigmar a.k.a. "this Barbarian", he ain't no Conan if you ask me - Gods (and Goddess wannabe) are talking on free channel Now, where are more Idoneth Deepkin pictures taken with a fridge/oven/iron or other not taking sharp pictures tool, from the latest White Dwarf. Would be nice to get a confirmation what is on pre order on 14th of April aside from cards and book itself.
  2. Considering neither Malerion nor Morathi "like" Teclis, and it was his name whispered/said by the soul. Well, we may assume this soul hit the wrong extraction neighborhood
  3. They are flimsy with those recently. Last week they posted picture of new knight's engine, which was revealed at ACON 2-3 days later.
  4. out of the two unloved kids in terms of alliances, up until Legions of Nagash, death got only FEC, while Destro had 3 books along the way. Still would wish that players of those two alliances get some new shiny toys as they are as unsatisfied as a Slaanesh can be these days Fingers crossed for some good stuff for you all. Now, where is my money for this new turtle and what will be its price?
  5. Sharknado inbound! If there will be a possibility to have them as a battleline, I am totally sold
  6. Slaanesh will probably return around the edn of tis year or beginning of next one for AoS, this may be preceded by 40K Slaanesh release. Hard not to see a pattern here with Tzeentch and Nurgle releases (first 40K, next Daemons and AoS). Still we might get some progress in the fluff in both systems for Slaanesh, the unloved child of Chaos Pantheon, It suffered so much pain, now is the time for Its pleasure My personal bet is Slaanesh next year, with Khorne re-release for AoS with major 40K release year after. Just my bet, nothing more
  7. Last time I had big expectations, they revealed Queen's model and new logo. So aside of Deepkin I am not expecting but waiting for the showdown
  8. Do we really need another Vortex? Looking as is it is a ship, wonder how many alternative pieces of terrain we will see in a form of ships bought in a pet shops Aside from this, can't wait to see the models, maybe will buy the book, So torn between DoK and this release already
  9. I tried to search for a pattern here. If this would follow, we would have a chance to "un-broke" Tzeentch as it is, make unplayable units viable - all for the greater good Besides Stormcasts and Space Marines, Chaos is most adored faction by GW anyway.
  10. Considering that both Tzeentch and Nurgle were released on January (for AoS). We might see late year Slaanesh release for 40K which will be followed by AoS one beginning of next year. Think that year after that Khorne might get a new 40K release and time for AoS Khorne shakeup might bo in line too. But this leaves us with no place for Skaven releases, but what true Chaos follower cares about those rats anyway
  11. Wasn't it Mannan (god of the seas in the old world or world that was)not Manthlan? Wouldn't count on that. Old factions are not that much of a focus, unless they are Chaos.
  12. Ok, this is little bit "funny". Death got one, literally one, new model since release of Age of Sigmar, and it is even not released yet. I do not count Shadespire warbands as they are specifically made for Shadespire not AoS. Compare it to Order Releases: Sylvaneth, Fyreslayers, Kharadron, Daughters of Khaine and this little faction, wait, how was it named, those guys in Golden Armor, Stormcasts or something along those lines. Seriously I can only admire Death players which remained with their alliance till now. No new model releases, only rules so far. Not to mentioned TK are biting the dust for some time. Luckily I play Chaos and I am more or less spoiled at least once a year. But the Daughters of Khaine, they so tempt me to look into Order side of the pond (back to my roots from the times of 5th edition).
  13. Go to Australian one, scrolls are already there some nice stuff to dwell upon. No rules for the tree though
  14. https://malignportents.com/#2 New Malign Portent shown. Falling Star
  15. I thought about that too. First cat, now Nurgling on fly, what we will see around end of next year?
  16. Think Nurgle would fit in nicely with nautical theme. Anyone recall Gutrot Spume and his fleet from End Times?
  17. Wonder if we will get any updates to the website along the way. Would be nice if little snippet popped up every full day till release is behind us.
  18. Wednesday 3rd of January 2018 it will be then. Enough time to cure hangover after New Year's celebration and off we go with new stuff
  19. Base size is what I am curious about, looks like 60mm. Any other wild guesses?
  20. As much as I would love to hear something new, this is too early. Looking at previous year, we can expect something more solid with this years' summary, in between Xmas and new year. If they will drop anything today I will be very happy bunny though
  21. This and "soon" should be forbidden for them to use. Those statesments from them usually create disappointment and overrated hype. Hope next year will give them the chance to improve in this field waiting for you, new AoS, not necessarily Stormcast, releases
  22. Tzeentch was announced with the 2016 year summary video, right at the end of the movie Fingers crossed for similar video this year None expectations though, as AoS "NEWS" recently were just what they were, disappointing...
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