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Everything posted by Malin

  1. @LLV any tips, hints, you can share with us regarding bright AoS future, to start some new wild speculation and discussion?
  2. The best thing is the fact, we haven't seen yet either name or allegiance of the battalion from the article yet. It might simply be Khorne, Beasts of Chaos putting nail to the coffin of this conversation
  3. Imperial Knights Special Characters gets on Pre-Order on 15th, according to what is available in White Dwarf. Also expected Beasts of Chaos week after at the earliest. But the sooner the better I am as inpatient as full of Bloodgreed Bullgor can be! BRING IT ON! as Harry used to say
  4. I think this might be the bottom part of it. It looks like some kind of engine with steering wing and exhaustion pipe on the right. 40K IMO
  5. Isn't WD covering 2 weeks of releases from previous month and 2 from the current one?
  6. My guess we might see Realm of Chaos sooner rather than later. Remember Blightwar box, it was released beginning of September, followed by January Nurgle release. As everyone mentioned, we can expect new Flesh Hounds and Fiends of Slaanesh. Point to discuss, highly unlikely IMO. GW announced that models in this box would be usable in 40K and AoS, Tzaangors appear in both universes, what if we will see return of Khorngors and first appearance of Slaangors? One can only hope
  7. You mean this one Wanted to do some venture i to 40K with Speed Freeks, but since Beasts of Chaos and Realm of Chaos got announced, think I lost interest in green hordes on wheels.
  8. Any info what other remaining factions there will be? Aside of mentioned Tzeentch and recently showed Troll one? Anything particular for AoS revealed? Seminar was supposedly booked for 2 hours...
  9. Considering there will be high quality pictures on community site afterward, there is no point in putting blurry-from-the-second-row-taken-with-sweaty-shaking-hand-photos so all we have to do is wait, tick-tack-tock
  10. Thanks, got the same info on twitter. So 60 minutes or so before we know too
  11. Is it still ongoing? Any info from the inside if it ended already, not sure if it is worth to go to sleep or wait couple more minutes for all the reveals?
  12. Any sign of Start Collecting Beasts of Chaos in WD?
  13. Beastmen spell you say, quite interesting! Love your rumors, do not stop them even if GW act like a crazy night goblin fanatic and randomly changes decision on what to show us next Beastmen, my first true Chaos love. Is it time to get back to you and embrace true children of Chaos...
  14. Rules of GW seminars are: - there can be only one at an event, what will be shown there will be everything new there is to show, - expect unexpected, or something which was at least partially uncovered, - most of all do not build your hopes and expectations towards something in particular as big disappointment might happen, - try to enjoy revealed stuff, even if you are not going to collect it, few years back such seminars was something average hobbyist would love to happen Overall these are great events but it is very cautious to not build too much hope towarda certain reveals to avoid being disappointed. Been through this, so can relate, I know what you are goong through (Darkoath Queen reveal - weakest one for me personally) This time around: - Bull is such a horny and totally on fire piece, me want! - BB team - please bring Pestigors to AoS! - totally not 40k player - but for the glory of Mortal Realms or Gorkamorka himself, I do need those Speed Freeks cars in my life!
  15. @LLV any news on Darkoath/Beastmen? Like maybe new Beastmen chariot in plastic...
  16. Now you got me 2 important things: - do not listen to naysayers, we adore/love/wait/worship/read1000times each and every snippet you drop, as they result in 2+ pages of discussion in this thread, keep it coming, only time will tell that you were right again, - Darkoath/beast-men - Barbarians are not my kind of thing, Warqueen was disappointing model for me and still don't consider it as a must have model. But, but there are always some buts. Beast-men, my first true love for Chaos, true children of Chaos, now you have my attention, curiosity and wallet waiting for "click to order" state - Slaanesh - this was to be expected, that Jan 2019 is the earliest possible release looking at previous years. I am almost ready for this one too So 3 things in total, please spill some beastmen beans
  17. Lack of prices is either: - evidence of not the smartest photographer taking pictures - GW putting those pictures over the Internet intentionally to wet our appetites while not revealing everything
  18. This is sort of a sad news, but thank you for answering nonetheless What else have you heard then? Just kidding. I am sure if you are allowed to share something with us, you will do it in appropriate time. Thanks for your input and all the snippets you share, plus confirmations. You really help us build our hype and enthusiasm for the hobby, think even more than any rumor engine pictures!
  19. Slaanesh Carol On the first day of Christmas Joyful Slaanesh gave to me: One Keeper of Secrets to hide treasures now from me, On the second day of Christmas Joyful Slaanesh gave to me: Two steeds of Slaanesh pulling Hellflayer across the street, On the third day of Christmas Joyful Slaanesh gave to me: Three Fiends of Slaanesh with Vicious pincers to cut Christmas Balls from the tree, On the fourth day of Christmas Joyful Slaanesh gave to me: Four Different Heralds riding chariots and their steeds, On the fifth day of Christmas Joyful Slaanesh gave to me: Five Seekers of Slaanesh to search gifts below the tree On the Sixth day of Christmas Joyful Slaanesh gave to me: Some new clawed followers which were hidden till now from me Probably could be better, but the pressure of time has its rules you know
  20. Where is @LLV when we need him to confirm such a juicy stuff Slaanesh is coming, rejoice, time for some #PainAndPleasure
  21. Congratulations on proving all the nay-Sayers that they are wrong Taking the opportunity, can I ask if you have had any glimpse of information on new grot and chaos factions? Both SCE and Nighthount are correlated with Malign Portents Harbringers. In case of SCE war machine just screams "set me up close to the harbringer". Nighthount, well they do all look like best buddies with knight of shrouds. Can we expect new Conan like Chaos followers led by Warqueen and some grots which fell in love with some fungi and squigs. Not asking for your source, as its impolite, but any nod of approval will be enough to wet our appetites Thanks in advance! On the other field, has anyone seen that there were no news on Rogue Trader at the Warhammer Fest? Or am I wrong here...
  22. @Skreech Verminking 1. Thanks for giving the rumors, 2. Might consider being more vague regarding your source, cause it may negatively affect his/hers employment in company known by all of us ;)
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