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Posts posted by Honk

  1. 5 hours ago, Cronotekk said:

    The app (official compendium of up to date warscrolls) has them at 6+, looks like the battletome was an error :/

    Maybe it is to deter the uninformed who think they might be worth buying...🤔

  2. 7 hours ago, Tizianolol said:

    Guys mannfred can use his CA +1 to hit and wounds on himself? 

    He is within his own aura, so yes, he profits from it...

    3 hours ago, Scythian said:

    GW was absolutely hammered by the release of Soulblight!

    the scarcity tactic is a bit questionable. The Soulblight hype was real, the rumor threat got similar post numbers than the old FEC/LoBlood threats. Plastic bloodknights were on the wish list for Ages...

    not a fan of the preorder all or get lost approach 

    • Like 2
  3. Just got my stuff for just a small little kidney... now I need to get building for my family&friends list

    Varkyros Dynasty 

    coven throne (general, pack alpha)

    belladamma, radukar, Annika, kritz and a necromancer (named all count as general)

    3x10 dire wolves 10 bloodknights 

    an extra command point

    fast and funky (maybe throwing out Annika and kritza for 5 extra bloodknights)

  4. 1 hour ago, Lobeau said:

    that its null and void only if chaos dwarves come out

    That is a classic phrase in marriage settlements all over the world...

    and GDubs can stormy stormboi them with their Wulfen wolfclaws, but I call a Chaosdwarf „stumpy of death“ and care not for the name of the IP protected rocket that blasts my foes.

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  5. On 5/28/2021 at 11:44 AM, Raptor_Jesues said:

    they honk you to death, very scary stuff.

    Vhat treachery ith this...


    btt non vampire lists are pretty easy, just  mortis engine, two necros and a wightking, a corpse cart and then all the rabble you like dire wolves, zombies, skellis and as stated above, sprinkle with little monsters... maybe even deathstench cove. Deathmarch with graveguard still seems legit for friendly games

    avengorii or Legion of Night fit pretty well

    if that’s all too complicated Nagash with Necromancer, corpse cart and chaff of choice and endless spells ( portal or if fighting hordes the corpsmare stampede from fec)


    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, KibaWildFang said:

    My problem with some courts was, why use their ability over Frenzy?

    I know... 🤣but :

    hollowmourne run&charge? That can be good

    blisterskin teleport? Sure, fast redeploy and with spectral host even ghouls can fly 

    gristlegore top level monster? Well, because you’re fishing for 6s with your Tg and the maw doesn’t degrade...only if you somehow end up with a wounded Zd

    morghaunt ? I had to look them up, buuuut if you play for fun with massed ghouls, resurrection on 4+ is pretty good too


    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Jaxler said:

    just ate arrows, or magic

    Just too bad, the age of big centerpieces... never really was there, but is now gone for ever. Lumineth and flamers... indirect fire with mortal wounds 🙈😖

    But i think we have great units that are not that hero dependent, wolves, bloodknights, vargheists... things that need to be considered. Even the trash mobs get their save from the sites now and can be left alone defending scoring something.

    So sad we lost our bats, but the target priority for shooting is not that obvious anymore...

  8. 24 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Anything more than one dedicated hero for a max-size unit (30 Skeletons with a Necromancer, 40 Zombies with a Vampire Lord...) seem like overspending to me.

    Especially with the „only one heal“ cap. Before that I had 60 zombies, vamp necro and a corpse cart as Death Star, and it was big and unwieldy, but fun to play. The regen was absurd and the damage output with vamp ca and can hels scary...

    but without re regen big blobs are kinda useless and the damage output is lacking. 
    msu and puppies are also big now, with belladamma 


    only big blob that might be ok are graveguard 

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  9. 7 hours ago, KibaWildFang said:

    I know its rumors at the moment but I’m a tad worried.

    Me too... but that’s because we got interesting ones like mordants, patrol or deadwatch and menagerie is funny. as LoNagash player nothing was really useful, deathmarch only for pros, first cohort 3/4 of your army and nerfed

    but, speaking of LoN, Soulblight has got battalions so my prophetic snails left sings on the porch:

    instead of ditching battalions, the AoS 3.0 handbook will introduce generic ones 🙀 maybe with keywords or with stat requirements:

    Outrider detachment, (120pts)

    hero, 1+ battleline, 1 elite; models in this battalion need to have a movement of 8+“
    then some „after set up, but before determining first turn, move up to the move characteristic“ 

    if they come up with 6 of them like, ambush, stalwart defenders, magic coven, outriders, artillery train and Guerilla force, everybody could find something useful, of course there will be waac-top level auto-include for army X for the most ambitious, but it would also boost some lower tier lists, if they are suddenly able to to some funky stuff...

  10. On 5/28/2021 at 3:09 PM, KibaWildFang said:

    what should I

    On 5/28/2021 at 4:27 PM, KibaWildFang said:

    My question:

    On 5/28/2021 at 3:09 PM, KibaWildFang said:

    Also it sounds like

    You‘ll have to feel it for yourself. It all depends on your opponent, its list and skill level, then the victory conditions and what happens, when the first dice come flying...

    usually my regent summons a varghulf, but for objective/backfield security, there was this game 😅 the only truth varghulf or ghouls, never other courtiers, because why...

    looking at your lists (sober this time 🥳) I need to try out a defensive mordant list, with 40 ghouls to slingshot roughly 18“ across the board to some far away objective. I‘m always too focused on  assault... 🤔

  11. The trouble for mordants is positioning, they have to land between the hops and support. A lone squad of flayers deep in enemy territory... 6 cost 340, so they need to kill 400+ points on impact. If your Regent summons a support Varghulf, they need to kill 550+ points or significantly hinder your opponent. Take out vital support pieces, distract,cripple a big threat...

    Just think about an attack into your lines, if your opponent send in something very expensive and it kills only 5 of 6 flayers before getting ripped... you regen and thx for the good talk. But if it kills your regent and a varghulf before your first turn, also brackets your GkoTg down to 10“/8“ move 🙁 sad face

  12. 15 hours ago, KibaWildFang said:

    What do you mean no extra ghouls?

    Back in the first book, you got d6 extra ghouls per hero phase, even above the unit size...that was pretty cheesy.

    Royal mordants works through its speed... flinging fully buffed 6 flayers across the board (12“ in HP, 12“ in MP then charge) or in hollowmourne with the CA you‘ll get run&charge and +1“ to the roll... so about 16“during HP (12+3+1) another 16“ during movement and then 8“ (7+1) charge, total of 40“.

    SUMMON up a varghulf to have a hero nearby and those flayers will wreck face with frenzy and if they are not deleted... all the better. next round superbuff your battalion varghulf (maybe the general artifact fits) and send it somewhere to hurt something...

    The respective court is just the flavor topping for the battalion, blisterskin is for speed, deepstrike CA and extra CP on 4+
    gristlegore for the GKoTG general and extra hits on 6, something that flayers also like.

    feast day is just pure frenzy and I always take an infernal as general (flayers bl) and give him the wizard trait 


  13. 3 hours ago, KibaWildFang said:

    Ghoul Patrol list has kind of fallen out of favor.

    Yes, Royal mordants is the cheese, but that doesn’t mean the patrol is invalid...

    sadly it lost some power (no extra ghouls), but the board control aspect is still strong.

    throw in some distractions GKoTG or flayers and your opponent might be busy, till it‘s too late

  14. 10 minutes ago, Cronotekk said:

    most of the deathrattle units have mistakes?

    For black knights I think it is really sad, for skellis, with rend everywhere, might as well scratch the stupid shield, still a bit sad...

    the wightking CA is a secret wrapped in mystery, especially since the model is pretty cool

  15. I also don’t think there will be warscroll adjustments...

    The new role/use of black knights needs to be determined... maybe they are out in WAAC-Games, but so is probably 75% of any given book.

    my real hope is for a nice twist for AoS 3.0 and then two/three calm years, after all the broken realms 

  16. 1 hour ago, BoneHeart said:

    I'm hoping the errata will include

    Now that’s a line that gets dropped far to often for a book, that kinda was supposed to be release a couple of month earlier...

    but maybe all this small „wait a sec, wasn’t this a bit better, isn’t there something missing“ moments are well thought out adjustments 🥳.

    From what I heard so far the book is fun to play...still waiting for mine 🥶


    Rule guy got crushed by the deathmarch list from ianob and so two years later they get the well deserved nerf 😒more likely

  17. 8 minutes ago, Public Universal Duardin said:

    Hashut would be proud of the flying bull

    Thx mate, but that one needs some tweaking...I went for XXXtra Detail, without the hardware or the software adjustments 😅 the Full smithy (that’s the top piece with „lava“ flowing out) still looks rad 

    Whole „Ishar Gate“ on the plate now, in 25% for planning purposes.

    Legion of Azgorh Gaming table is planned in my basement 😈

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