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Posts posted by XReN

  1. 16 hours ago, Storm1 said:


    Which tribe is the black/blue bases?

    The tribe I use is Morgaunt.

    I want to finish off my black primer because I just bought it, and I don't want to have to buy a new one.

    If I don't have an airbrush, should I spray the models black, then paint over the flesh with white, and then paint in all the details going over everything with a brownish blackish wash.

    Also, could I see a close up of the black crypt ghouls, and terrorgheist.

    Sorry, one other question, does matt or gloss finish ruin the look of the blood for the blood god paint?

    I'd recommend you to leave black primer for other projects or sell it to other hobbist and buy white primer, probably GW Grey Seer, though I don't have expirience with Army Painter's white primer, if you know it's good, than use what brand you prefer. Than go by the battletome guidelines and have yourself Morgaunt Flesh-Eaters.

    If you decide to stick with black primer than use grey paint as the base for white, painting white over grey instead of black will let you use much less layers of paint to get good coverage.  And also I won't recommend using pure white as your white, off-whites such as GW Ulthuan Grey are much less of a pain to use.

    If talking about varnishing than you shouldn't use gloss varnish as your finish varnish anyway, go matt or satin. Now matt varnish can possibly ruin Blood for the Blood God and there are 2 ways to go about it: you can either apply it after your finishing varnish, or apply gloss varnish by brush over BftFG after finishing models with matt or satin varnish. It will make it look wet and fresh. 

    • Thanks 1
  2. On 12/12/2019 at 5:11 PM, Celestantpants said:

    ...a little weak on the table top to anyone else?  Barring a few shoot cast lists, we just don't seem to have the ability to hang with other armies.  For how powerful and important the stormcast are presented as, they kinda get steam rolled unless we they are shooting, which doesn't really match up with fluff.  At all.  So why is that do you think, and do you think it might change in the future?  Just looking at the new chaos warriors and they are flatly superior to liberators, which is fine because slaves to darkness really needed help, but it just really drives home how weak much of our army actually is.

    Yup, we need battletome-wide buffs. And probably some baller Space Marine doctrine-like army wide rules that would give each chamber more defined fighting style. Also at least 1 more battle trait that would make sense, still can't wrap my head around the reason why we got only 2 in the last book whille nighthaunt got 5.

    Remark about chaos warriors - they have always been better than libs and also cheaper. We need buffs like they recieved for most of our units.

  3. 7 hours ago, Storm1 said:

    Is that good, because even if you only get one hit or wound, if you reroll hits or wound you take the chance of getting none, and for the 6s do 6 mortal wounds for terrorghiest, will the 6 mortal wounds still count?

    Sorry, one more question, why does the GKoTG cost less than the GHoZD, how is the GKoSD better?

    You don't have to reroll succesfull rolls, you just can do it. Examples when this is handy are: when you get debuffs to your hit/wound rolls, "reroll failed" only allows you to reroll rolls that are failed before modifiers are applied, so horrors with -1 to hit would only reroll 1s 2s and 3s, not 4s. And in case of horrors rerolling succesfull wound rolls allows you to fish for 6s, I usually reroll 3s along with fails.

    GKoZD gives more buffs to your army and has better breath and claws attacks than GKoTG, where the latter is just a self-sufficiet murderball that can also summon lesser murder balls. Guess that's the logic behind their costs.

    • Haha 1
  4. Following this now

    That is a cool list, really exited about literaly bringing the wrath of heavens upon the enemy!

    Have you thought about taking 2 Lords Celestant instead of any templars and bringing Spellmirror from Ulgu with them for 5+ ignore spells aura?

  5. 11 hours ago, lemonicus said:

    How do you all see the upcoming point decrease of Crypt Horrors from the new FAQ? (From 150 to 130). Will you be using them more in the lists?

    I'm happy about the change, might take them back into my competetive lists and for more casual games it's absolutely fantastic as I always liked them as a unit.

    First thing I want to try is taking them as battleline tax since they are now cost almost as ghouls in points per wound but are better at everything except board presence

  6. On 11/14/2019 at 5:39 PM, PJetski said:

    Here's my 2nd pass at the battletome rules: https://imgur.com/a/dHAJdvI

    I added command traits for Aquilor and made more changes to warscrolls. 
    I decided to take some of the feedback from this thread and changed all Paladins to a 3+ save, but I think Decimators still need to be a little bit cheaper to be a competitive option. I also changed the Castellants lantern to be -1 to wound rolls rather than a 6+ ignore.

    Let me know what you think!

    Now that appeals to me much more, but maybe the Houndmaster can be permament?

  7. 2 hours ago, Kaime said:

    How can they do that?

    Bonesplitters Orruk Arrowboys do 2 attacks each with a bow at 18" 5+ 4+ - 1

    They get 3rd attack for unit being 15+ models and they get rend -1 against monsters

    So 2 units of 30 will generate 180 shots, or 2 units of 20 in Kunning Rukk battalion that would allow 1 unit to shoot in the hero phase

    But I think @whispersofblood got modifiers slightly wrong. To achive 3+ 4+ they need to cast a spell on a double and generate 20 waaagh points. First is random, second is unlikely in the first turn. Maybe he is not aware of Kunning Rukk's restriction on unit sizes.

    But they also have a spell that makes unmodified 6s to hit cause 2 hits instead of 1

  8. 2 hours ago, Duke of Gisoreux said:

    What makes you think it doesn't need line of sight? All its special attacks are listed as separate missile weapon profiles and thus according to the core rules it needs line of sight like any other regular missile attack.

    Actually I didn't knew that attack sequence is clearly defined, since that wasn't very important to me, now I re-read the rules and understood where I'm wrong about Crawler. 

    It 100% reqires LOS to shoot special shots.

  9. 9 hours ago, Hannibal said:

    Make the owner of my local game store happy again!

    Hi all,

    I absulutely love the Harverster sculpt, though I´m not able to build an army around two of them that I really like. The needs are:

    • 2 Harvesters
    • 1000 points to 1250 points
    • well balanced force


    Can you help me to find a good list? The owner of my LGS would be very happy! :D


    I suggest you take this as a core and experiment, I think harvesters are amazing when massed 

    Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers
    - Legion: None

    Mortisan Soulmason (140)
    - Lore of Mortisans: Arcane Command

    10 x Mortek Guard (130)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield
    10 x Mortek Guard (130)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield

    Gothizzar Harvester (200)
    Gothizzar Harvester (200)

    Total: 800 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 45


    You may want to go petrifex elite or experiment with trait and artefact for Soulmason to make him more reliable caster

  10. 25 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Variance not included.

    it causes 1.11 unsaved hits which results in killing 1.11 characters. The % is misleading

    meaning 110%\3 = 36.66% chance per shot to wound successfully == 110% to cause A successful wound distributed over 3 shots. Each unsaved wound= kill

    I admit that I messed up with my own math, however you are talking about expected outcome, whille probability of this outcome is 75% against 5+ no look out sir hero dropping down 52,1% against 4+ Look Out Sir. That means you want to take 2 to almost guarantee a turn 1 kill against vital enemy character. Is it BS? I don't think so. 

    And there are things that can naturally counter it. Armies with reserves, Sylvaneth, Idoneth and armies capable of outdropping OB and casting Prismatic Pallisade/shooting down Crawler  before Crawler can shoot are the worst offenders. Playing in Ulgu or Aqshy are lesser ones, as well as custom build terrain that would serve as a LOS block (there isn't a single place in my country where there are tables fully loaded with only GW scenery, unless it's someone's kitchen)

    I think there is no more things for me to talk about on the matter and I appreciate the math class, thank you.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, JackStreicher said:

    These lists are (highly) specialized. The crawler is just a model - no synergies required.

    There is about 40% chance for the Crawler to kill a character with Look Out Sir and cover making said character a 4+ save

    So across the 5 turns you should expect to kill 2 such characters that would cost 200 points on average, just like a Crawler. You can perform such deed in early turns just as likely as in later turns. When a unit that can't really contribute to objective game and is not a battleline I think it's fair for such unit to be able to earn back it's points. 

    And value that you may or may not get from utilising this unit is supposed to be discussed only in comparisson to other niche things that are capable of completing similar objectives on the table. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    There aren’t, the range + definitely killing 1-3 heroes is the issue. It dictates the entire game. No Nighthaunt player will have a good Time vs this thing =}

    you mentioned an important point about it: heroes have always been endangered by shooting. This catapult however does not endanger them, it certainly kills them and that is the biggest issue with it. The difference of endanger and mathematically killing your hero on average no matter what.

    The only thing that was able to kill a hero with mathematical certanity was Kunning Rukk, the guy playing this list was just taking out calculator to distribute his shooting and he wasn't wrong once.

    Between look out sir and cover there are not many heroes that this thing can kill with certanity, can you say that about Longstrikes or KO Arkanaughts - no, they will murder your hero once they reach them and Longstrikes basicaly outrange Crawlers due to teleportation abilities.  

  13. 6 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    No I in contrast to you don‘t accept every bs GW puts out and declare it as reasonable, good game design and absolutely needed, I am actually critical especially if the overperforming unit that can turn entire games on average happens to cost a small fortune - what coincidence!

    I argue that the entire RULESET is bs, fun-ribbing and just a means to sell an overpriced kit.

    It's a matter of perception, I don't see Crawler as bs because there have been and still around things just as strong as Crawler is and they are fine. 

  14. 59 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Also utterly dependent on your collection of scenery.

    if you‘d build a table like GW describes in their rules you‘d just be royally frakked every game.

    at the same time it‘s kind of hard to grab objectives, buff a unit with your aura AND hide the hero. Which means you think it is fine that one catapult counters up to three 5 wound buff characters at the same time 🧐

    I Hope you realize the absurdity of defending the sniper-Pult that just happens to hit on 2+ in order to mitigate „watch out sir“. 

    I hope you realise absurdity of argueing over rules on paper. Hero sniping is a thing in this game, deal with it.  Where something as stupid as 10 aelf witches can mince a Terrorgheist in one phase there is a place for warmachine sniping heroes in first turn, you're crying wolf like it's the first time your characters are endangered by ranged threats. 

    • Like 1
  15. 5 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    You can react to the Terrorgheist though: Debuff It with spells and the likes, bog it down with dispensable units etc. You can‘t react at all to a 36“ range „LOOOL I JUST KILLED YOUR HERO“ bs.

    At the same time your opponent usually can't manipulate Slay abilities, with exceptions being Archaon with Fate Points and Nagash with Spell Portal.

    Whille Terrorgheist can be buffed to hell.

    Also you can counter Crawler with deployment and LOS-blocks. Which is something you should be skilled at if you want to play this game and win no matter if you use it to counter shooting, alpha strikes or insta-kill abilities

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