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Posts posted by XReN

  1. You won't find clear answer to it, however in my opinion the trigger of the ability is "after this unit has been picked to fight" and "after all of its attacks have been resolved" is a timing clarification when you use this ability. So I'd say that you can zap the doppelganger wearing hero.

    If you don't come to an agreement with your opponent than you can do this: position your evocators in a way you can resolve attacks against some other unit and be within 3" of that hero after charge or piling in so you can use lightning arc freely no matter what.


    Here is a wording for reference for all other folks who might participate in discussion, with 2nd sentence changed to how it's written in latest FAQ:

    Celestial Lightning Arc:
    Evocators summon bands of celestial lightning that arc around their weapons.

    You can re-roll save rolls of 1 for attacks made with missile weapons that target this unit. In addition, after this unit has been picked to fight for the first time in a phase, after all of its attacks have been resolved, you can pick 1 enemy unit within 3" of this unit. If you do so, roll 2 dice for each model in this unit. For each 4+ that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound.

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  2. 15 hours ago, Zeblasky said:

    So it's from every model individually to a closest enemy model of a unit. Thanks!

    To make it as clear as possible and avoid cheeky plays where someone might hide closest model behind LoS block to prevent opponent from shooting a unit:

    It is your model to any model in enemy's unit, not closest, any model will do.

  3. 14 hours ago, Eevika said:

    I believe is LOS is per unit. One model has to see the enemy unit then everyone in range can shoot.

    Checked the core rules, it's on individual models. 

    "MISSILE WEAPONS In order to attack with a missile weapon, the model using the weapon must be in range of the target unit (i.e. within the maximum distance, in inches, of the Range listed for the weapon making the attack), and the target unit must be visible to the model with the weapon (if unsure, stoop down and look from behind the shooting model to see if a model from the target unit is visible). For the purposes of determining visibility, a model can see through other models in its unit."

  4. You must be really confused by other wargames. It's all very simple actually.

    Range is measured individually from model to unit, each model that reaches target unit - can shoot, other models - can't.

    LoS is checked by looking if a straight line can be drawn from any part of one model to any part of the other. It's also checked from model to target unit individually.

    Damage can be allocated to models that are out of range and/or LoS.


    Hope it makes the case clear.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Melcavuk said:

    The “slap a bolt storm” mechanic as you succinctly put it is me, so atleast your rant found it’s target audience which means it served atleast some purpose. AoS incarnation Stormcast are “factory fresh” they all have the exact armour and weapon and new car smell they left azyr with. However we know whilst they are deployed by the storm they have to make their own way back. Weapons break, men die, armour takes a beating. The ability to customise a unit away from factory fresh, to encapsulate individuality and fighting styles beyond the norm is the point. Stormcast are no robots, they don’t all perform or approach a situation the same way.

    that said if you do not like what I wrote then you simply don’t have to, I know I can’t please everyone but I will atleast take on board the feedback. I apologise for having clearly not loved the lore enough to form the same opinion. 

    To explain myself a little - I'm really sensitive when it comes to Stormcast conversions and Lore, can't do anything about that. However I appreciate those things for amount of work and skill put into it - and yours are top notch, keep doing what you are doing.

    Now considering war's wear and tear on stormcasts: there are a few things we have established about SCE "logistics" - lords Castellant's Lanterns are capable of healing wounds and repairing armor, knights Venator have self-refiling  quivers, Prosecutor's weapons come down from Azyr into their hands as thunderbolts.  And sigmarite is very sturdy, smithed into it's forms by demigod blacksmiths and sometimes exposed to Azyr's tempests - not the type of material you imagine would brake easily.

    • LOVE IT! 1
  6. The idea of hero customisation is just gold, other units - not so much. 

    Stormcast are a combined arms force and shoving bolt pistols left right and centre is not really that. If compared to Space Marines - they are not normal Astartes, they are Primaris, where a unit is above individual. 

    To me it doesn't seem like your friend loves the lore, otherwise he would have appreciated it for what it is as there is a reason for everything in Stormcast's arms and armor and mounts. 

    The rant is over, I had to take it out of my system. You've got a typo in "Knight Venator" on "heroes of legend" page


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  7. 22 minutes ago, ChrisNoAnts said:

    Hey guys, I recently finished my nexus and I'm currently doing the last strokes on a 20 piece blob of Spearmen. I'm already afraid that the next squad of 20 is going to break me a bit. Attached is a crummy cellphone pic of how they'll look like. 

    Did anyone manage to make the Kavalos Deathrider work yet? I mostly see them in squads of 5 but upon reading the battletome for the first time, their big formation looked really good on paper. The 15 model unit would average out on 5 mortal wounds per charge and with the battalion they could keep doing it. Initially I thought this would be really awesome, but the point investment is massive. My plan is to run them in a 15/5/Arch-Kavavlos formation under Preatorians. 

    Really nice paintjob!

    On the Deathriders - it's pretty dull, you just buff them with everything you can and charge in, retreat next turn and repeat. With extra attack and improved rend they will start dealing some good damage. Their main difference from other Ossiarch units are the speed and ability to cycle-charge with battalion (as well as free mortal wounds from bringing it), both are great and I don't think you will have regrets running mass Deathriders.


  8. Jesus, are we doing this topic AGAIN? XD

    I'm going to tell you folks about the game that happened last Sunday, my friend and I were participaiting in 2 vs 2 teams tournament and went against Mawtribes pure Beastclaw with Warclans pure Bonesplitters. I played FEC with a ton of endless spells and my teammate had Seraphon with Gotrek

    Our opponents had less drops than us so they were deciding who goes first. Right from deployment stage we decided to gamble on our opponents either taking first turn or not getting double turn. Our opponents got the double turn and we got our asses handed to us.

    Why so?

    We haven't set up screens properly even though we had the models to set up 2 layers of chaff, instead we went wide - that was a mistake.

    I proposed setting up a ghoul king at the front just to hit Savage orks on boars with gemenids turn 1 but in the end decided not to because of possibility that enemy team will take first turn - that was a mistake.

    Instead of debuffing those Boar boys with -1 to hit from skink hero we did arrow boys - that was a mistake. 


    This game could have went differently, instead we overexposed and misplayed our positioning and magic. Getting everything tabled except Gotrek is not the double turn's fault, it's fully on us.

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  9. My take on Stalliarch Lords made out of boredom:

    Allegiance: Ossiarch Bonereapers
    - Legion: Stalliarch Lords

    Arch-Kavalos Zandtos (220)
    Mortisan Soulmason (140)
    - Artefact: Soul Reservoir
    - Lore of Mortisans: Empower Nadirite Weapons
    Mortisan Boneshaper (130)
    - Artefact: Lode of Saturation
    - Lore of Mortisans: Arcane Command
    Mortisan Soulreaper (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Twisted Challenge
    - Lore of Mortisans: Protection of Nagash

    20 x Mortek Guard (260)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield
    20 x Mortek Guard (260)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield
    5 x Kavalos Deathriders (180)
    - Nadirite Blade and Shield

    3 x Necropolis Stalkers (200)
    3 x Necropolis Stalkers (200)
    2 x Morghast Harbingers (210)
    - Spirit Halberds

    Katakrosian Deathglaive (80)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 113

    The idea is to game the battletome and have 2 vanilla artefacts as well as +1 attack CA and I thought that run and charge would stack well with killy constructs battalion, so between pre game move, Lords' passive, +3" CA and re-roll run and charge rolls from Stalkers we are looking at 1st turn charges which at the very least will make opponent set up conservatively and allow us to surge for objectives.

    Soulreaper is there to fill up the points.

  10. First question: Archaon's ability is a re-roll, not a modifier so it can only ever affect natural sixes and if a reroll ends up as a fail - it's a fail, no "6-always-hits" applied.

    Second question: it does count as a single reroll allowed per die.

    Conclusion: it is okay and probably within the intentions of rule writers.

  11. 1) It will be a succesfull charge, double "1"s are not "always fail"

    2) But for to hit, to wound and save rolls "1"s are "always fail".  Also for to hit and to wound rolls a "6" is "always success"

    3) You allocate each model's attacks however you want, you are only obligated to roll for those attacks if enemy models are within weapon's reach.

  12. 15 hours ago, Neomaxim said:

    Doppleganger Cloak is still very strong.  I rolled people at a tournament this weekend, and it was absolutely key.  Two combat phases + feeding frenzy guarantees that you can even foolishly throw him into, and tie up, half your opponent's army, and likely remove large swathes of it.

    It is definetly still good, however where I play the main gatekeeper army are bonesplitters and 30 arrowboys don't care about doppelganger cloak so I usually run Miasmatic Blade.

  13. 28 minutes ago, Storm1 said:

    What is the best list I could make out of two start collecting boxes, one box of crypt horrors/flayers, and a box of crypt ghouls?

    Note: This will not be the full list, just the list to start with, I will buy more boxes later.

    Probably this one:


    Allegiance: Flesh Eater Courts
    - Grand Court: Court of Delusion - The Feast Day

    Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist (420)
    - Mount Trait: Gruesome Bite
    Abhorrant Ghoul King (160)

    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)
    10 x Crypt Ghouls (100)

    3 x Crypt Flayers (170)

    Endless Spells / Terrain / CPs
    Extra Command Point (50)

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 200
    Wounds: 52

    Spell choice matters very little as you want +1 attack and 5+ ignore damage over everything else, but Deranged Transformation and Spectral Host IMO are good choices

    For artefacts you can go for any defensive one on GKoTG.

    For command trait you can give either of Ghoul Kings Dark Wiradry or give Majestic Horror to GKoTG. 

    You also must get Arch Regent into your collection either by buying him from someone somewhere or conversing from something.

  14. 6 minutes ago, dmorley21 said:

    I'd disagree with dropping the Myrmourn Banshees. I'd say they're the best unit in LoG easily, and especially if you're playing OBR as their -2 rend will come in handy.

    They do have good damage output when buffed, even slightly more than grimghast in points per model, however: they only shine when they get extra attack which OB could easily deny by shooting KoS with Crawlers. 

    Also the bigger unit you bring back from the grave the more value you get from your CPs. 

  15. 3 minutes ago, Scurvydog said:

    I have been looking around but unable to find a 100% clear answer on the Stardrake bites, after running into some discussion about it.

    It is not a melee weapon and does not work like one, the ability says for each bite you select a model within 3" and roll a dice, beating the wound characteristic removes the model. Now what I am wondering, by the sound of it you choose a model and roll and remove if succesful, then bite again as many times as able. Is that how it works, or do you have to allocate all the available bites, even though it is not regular attacks?

    I believe that the right way to do it is by executing each bite one by one, so you can pick the same model multiple times of needed

  16. I suggest you listen to @Thamalys advice on artefacts and bringing Spirit Torment - take him instead of one of the KoS as you won't have so much CP's to use 2 or more KoS CA a phase anyway even with Brooch. 

    Against OBR you may need to bring Reikenor just to cast save debuff as reliable as possible, otherwise you won't crack Petrifex Mortek Guards.

    And I suggest that you drop Myr Banshees for another 10 Grimghasts and upgrade Coach to Mourngul.

  17. 13 hours ago, wayniac said:

    With again, Archregent summons 20 ghouls, king on foot summons 10 ghouls for a backfield objective, and AGKoTG summoning additional flayers.

    Are these lists on the right track with FEC now?  I haven't really played them since long before the new book.

    Second list is far better. Problems with first are lack of extra CP and 3 model flayer units that might end up with objective guarding duty where they will die as easy as 10 ghouls without doing significant impact. 

    In the second list you have much more CPs to use feeding frenzy and royal mordants will allow you to royaly mess up your opponent with 28 move on flayers. Also much more bodies to hold objectives.

    But I suggest few changes in spell composition: change Regent's spell from Spectral Host to Deranged Transformation and give Spectral Host to TG. Reason is that Transformation will on average give you more extra inches of movement on horrors/flayers and you can still shoot after that, GKs on TG and on foot will always cast their signature spells because they are better than what's in the Lore but at the same time will play mindgames with opponent who will be afraid that TG can run and charge if he casts Host.

    And if you really want a speed buff to TG - take Thermalrider Cloak from Aqshy instead of Doppelganger.

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