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The Red King

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Posts posted by The Red King

  1. Maybe it's too political to say (even tongue in cheek) but perhaps the idea that a sovereign nation of foreigners retaliating after a pseudo European faction invades their lands and steals from their tombs are not in fact EVIL just doesn't register to their very British sensibilities lol. 


    Edit: I mean the British did eat a LOT of mummies back in the day.

    • Haha 8
  2. 3 hours ago, Ejecutor said:

    This is moving around WhatsApp groups. I have no clue if it is fake or what the currency is:


    If it is USD it is quite a decent price 255$ for the Bret box. 290$ for the Khemri one is quite a noticeable increase.

    This sucks so bad. I want the big book and the beastmen and the wood elves (my armies). There's zero percent  chance I'm going to buy all three books paying for all the armies I DONT play. On top of individual army books later? No thanks. Sorry I want to support the old world but I don't want to support THIS BS.

    • Like 2
  3. 31 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Am I? Stormcast got quite a big armour change and I think the overall consensus is positive. Why fearing giving a step to break Spaces Marines monotony? I think it wouldn't be that bad. And imo users that buy Marines won't complain that much and would get used to it.

    Are you suggesting they need to primaris the primaris (taking up every other potential army update or new release AGAIN) and that would somehow make the space marine fatigue BETTER? 

    • Like 2
  4. 17 minutes ago, Snarff said:

    So much this. Stormcast men and women barely look any different from each other, and they're much better for it.

    I have to disagree and agree. I think female thunderstrike stormcast have much better proportions than the men though not necesarrily more FEMALE proportions. So much so that I would be happier to have an army of only female sculpts and just call some of them men. But that's just because I like the thunderstruck armor so much more and wish it had gone further to making them not look like ridiculous slabs of golden ham.


    Edit: @mitgas I disagree. That model could just as easily be a realistic depiction of sir gawain or something. Historically male armor had "child bearing hips" (a pinched waist) and boob plate (a peaked chest). The first because that was what was attractive in a man at the time and the second for practical reasons.

    • Like 2
  5. Why did GW even make a beast FAQ. It's literally just a random nerf to a random spell that no one took on a unit no one took. Seems like someone in the design studio didn't like getting hit with -1 attack debuffs judging from the stormcast dragon change at the same time.

    • Haha 2
  6. God I hope not on darkoath. Shirtless barbarian hordes of savages who kind of worship chaos but not fully is both well covered by warcry bands and really leaves Beasts with no identity  as far as GW is concerned. I get some people like the Norscan theme (me included) but I'd really like to see the ancient beastmen line get some love before further fleshing out a sub faction of STD.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  7. 1 hour ago, MitGas said:

    It‘s an interesting idea… frankly I don‘t habe a clue what skaven players would wish for outside of getting old or similar units (re)done with better sculpts but it sounds interesting. Ratty daemons could be cool and quite scary-looking if done right. I just think Skaven needs soo, sooo, soooo much of their range redone that such drastic reinventions aren‘t too likely. They might even love these nee daemons but would be unhappy because some other ancient sculpt didn‘t get redone…. although I‘d have no problem with Skaven getting the biggest wave of all time! 😙

    This makes me think what are skaven daemons? Perhaps they can update old sculpts AND add daemons at the same time by making them giant rats/wolf rats. What's more Representative of a shard of the horned rat than just more rats? But then that kind of steps on moulder so my next thought is either smaller rat versions of necropolis stalkers (rat kings) or feral looking starved skaven like skin wolves but with much more visible ribs and rat features like skaven gorgers (Representative of the the great horned rat as famine and the all consuming tide).

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    I love this artwork too. It's incredible. Stormcasts are 2.5m tall gigachads in heavy magical armour, who can win a fight against any mortal and even against creatures like daemons and undead. And Ushoran justs tosses them around like ragdolls. 

    I like how the guy about to deliver what would normally be a seriously overkilling downward blow is probably thinking something like "boy I hope this gets through his... cloak?" And it probably won't. 

    • Haha 4
  9. 45 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Just a random guess based on the fact that Skaven are the only chaos faction that doesn't have a warcry warband and the fact that I'd really like another cities warband. Plague monks Vs flagellants would be pretty cool. 

    What about beasts of chaos :/

  10. 19 minutes ago, EntMan said:

    If I remember right they said some guff to the effect that the Kruleboys based their shields on Kragnos when they didn't know what he looked like!

    They could literally say that about anyone lol. "They based their shields on Nagash/Malerion/Nuffles, when they didn't know what he looked like."

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  11. 2 hours ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    I'm pretty sure we won't see coalition rules again in the future. GW seems to be really against cross play now. Even Cities of Sigmar, who used to be able to coalition basically every order army, now just get "You can ally some guys in and they benefit from one very specific subfaction ability". Not even an exception for Stormcast.

    I expect nothing but dissapointment on the bests front so one day I can be pleasantly surprised maybe. 

    My only hope is the StD book which is the other undivided army.

  12. I know I'm always hoping for more beasts but if book 4 is all death and book 5 has rules for all chaos (or at least largely chaos) then the most sensible army of renown to me is dragon ogors because they're the unit with the least "support" in the book. No subfaction benefits them, no battle tactic or grand strategy is tied to them and the only thing specifically mentioning them is the shaggoth himself. So it seems like it would make a lot of sense to me to put out a new plastic shaggoth and make them an AoR.


    What I'd actually like to see is some way to mark your beasts again. Just some fluffy "you can take 1 in 4 [insert god faction here] units as coalition allies" even if they don't get keywords to actually interact the ability to put some actual khorne models alongside my khornate beastmen would make the lore side of me a lot less salty about building my entire army around the skullfray concept from our last book.

    • Like 3
  13. 8 minutes ago, Feii said:

    Early Ushoran leak?

      Reveal hidden contents



    Oh. My. God!


    I can not and will not start a new army but that model is INSANE! Looks like a boss straight out of Elden ring in the BEST way. 


    I hope 40k enjoys their latest slightly different buzz lightyear toy in comparison lol

    • Like 3
    • Haha 5
  14. This isn't a plug because I'm in no way affiliated with either of these guys (my loss of course) but this video has a lot of great insight for anyone wondering about the competitive nature of beasts.



    • Like 2
  15. 3 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    Exactly that, in one on one duels weapon skill absolutely makes a difference, but its a different skill set in a massed melee, you arent fighting one person, you are fighting half a dozen and its harder with a great sword because your buddies are more spaced out so you can swing them, which means their numbers count for more. Your attention only goes so far and your weapon can only be in one place (shields help!) and then its just hitting a body, which is pretty basic :D

    Id actually argue individual skill is almost irrelevant compared to leadership and morale, but thats an entirely different type of system really which is well off their design brief lol

    And yeah, templates suck in battle games cant be said enough :)

    Yeah I think numbers make the biggest difference but that would be a crazy system of hit bonus based on ranks which then depends on the army in questions ability to capitalize on that pack fighting style. Idk definitely room for something design wise there.


    Morale probably is the most important part of historical combat but I hate seeing combat be strictly decided by leadership tests in like 6th edition fantasy it seems? Idk I didn't play just watch bat reps.

    • Like 1
  16. 9 hours ago, Mutton said:

    That's a different discussion. Ballistic Skill isn't a stat that you compare with your opponent. It's literally "to hit" but with a reference number.

    Fair. I also don't really care for 7+ to hit tables but I was just kind of lumping them together. The more complexity there is the more granularity IS possible whether they make use of it or not.


    9 hours ago, Noserenda said:

    Id also argue (from experience) in a massed melee its absolutely not much harder to hit a master swordsman or a goblin, just stab them when they arent looking at you, its the basics of fighting in lines :D Not very relevant to the shooting phase ofc :P

    Well sure but swordmasters of hoeth (or whatever you want) are also fighting in a line and presumably better at it than you or I so again I would expect to have a harder time hitting one of them than a goblin all things equal. 

    That said I'm more thinking about things like character duels and the like. Maybe it's far too complicated to use tables only for challenges and use flat numbers for the larger combats (actually that seems doable) but if I have to pick one or the other I'd take more tables over less.


    I will never defend templates though.  Oh so fun to have an extra gizmo I guess? And then argue endlessly over how many models slivers of base are under it 🙄

    • Like 1
  17. 11 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    As someone who played Fantasy in the old days, Ballistic Skill is a terrible game design concept. It's an arbitrary number that forces you to remember/reference the ACTUAL number you need to roll to hit. It's the epitome of complexity for complexity's sake.

    It should just be (n)+ to hit. We learned this long ago. Obviously, it's not a huge deal, but to me it just screams of leaning harder on the nostalgia bait rather than trying to reinvent a better game out of a ragged, mediocre one. Don't even get me started on the "rerolling higher BS" ******.

    I've always preferred these tables. Hitting a goblin and hitting a master swordsman should absolutely not be equally likely. Same for wounding a person versus a giant stone troll or what have you. 


    Maybe that's just D&D talking idk.

    • Like 2
  18. 5 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    Whenever I think of the FEC this image always comes into my brain for some reason. An image you an hear.



    That extra in the back was just like "okay walk walk walk OH BLEEP IM SUPPOSED TO MENACE HIM! *half an arm wiggle in his direction* nailed it."

    • Haha 2
  19. 8 hours ago, Beliman said:

    App updated with Cities of Sigmar and Dawnbringer III.
    New FAQs too. A bit for Cities of Sigmar, Belthanos can't be summoned by Allarielle anymore and a few tweaks to Dawnbringers book III (enhancements for unique characters and range for Ionus).

    What's this about enhancements for unique characters? I still can't find the specific rule saying whether a unique character can take spells from their books lore or not. (May be blind)

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