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The Red King

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Posts posted by The Red King

  1. Can't go wrong with the trees. Only problem is with a brand new book when you're reading about what to get the info may be outdated. I'm no expert myself but almost every unit in their army is pretty solid so... buy what you like with them! 

  2. 1 minute ago, Kyriakin said:

    I'm still leaning Arkhan. Ready made centrepiece for a new new skellie faction who could fit either the desert or gothic aesthetic (he's kinda half-way).

    Arkhan the "I already have a model and exist in AoS"? That Arkhan?

    • Like 1
  3. I hate this cities of sigmar book. I saw people all the time saying they need to just throw all the elves and dwarves and humans in one book because, and I quote, they arent distinct enough.


    No what GW needs to do is support the armies with AT LEAST rules. But no, that would take release time away from the 4th slightly different golden armored dude that you know we will get by the end of the year. 

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  4. Yeah what reveals?


    2 teasers and a confirmation of 2 books with no info to go along with it. 


    Oh and a really cool ogor.


    So I guess the ogor since it's the only reveal. I said it once before on reddit and I'll say it here. I hate when they hype up a day or event "MARK YOUR CALENDARS! YOU WONT WANNA MISS THIS!" and after weeks of patiently waiting we get *drum-roll please* "Some stuff is coming in the future!"


    ... yeah, we know. You told us we'd find out about it today but the entire announcement is "things are coming"... guess I'll go back to marking my calendar than? 


    This one was even worse because we've got confirmation that SOME kits are going away. Vague and useless. Maybe I dont understand business but is this supposed to drive sales as people panic buy anything that might go away? Because for me at least it does the opposite. Puts any purchase ideas I had on freeze until I know WHAT is going away because that's very important information to the future of my investment in the hobby.

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  5. 5 hours ago, Aelfric said:

    It seems perfectly logical that Wanderers (being wanderers) would have as much contact with nomadic human tribes, barbarian or otherwise. as they do with city-dwelling humans, if not more so.  I have always felt that Wanderers see the importance of balance to maintain the existence of the Realms more clearly than other factions within Order.  Therefore, acceptance of a certain amount of unaligned Chaos may be necessary from time to time to realign that balance.  Similarly, Destruction and Death are also necessary ingredients within an Holistic approach to the Realms.

    In short, go for it.  After all, 40 wounds for 200 points is not to be sniffed at. :) 

    Personally, I've been wondering whether it's possible to kitbash some Aelven skeletons and an Aelven Necromancer, so that the ancestors can be called upon to aid the living when the need is great.  Does anyone know if there are Aelven skulls in the GW skulls kit?

    Idk about elven skulls but a simple green ghostly paint scheme ought to work?

    And yeah on the skeletons I have a very Golgari theme to my Sylvaneth as is so I was considering a nice big block of risen vine wrapped skeletons.

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  6. So this is my first time posting anything in the Sylvaneth side of things but I picked them up as an accompanying army to my wood elves until they get an update and after Looncurse and a start collecting plus 2 more boxes I find myself saying... well why not just go to 2k. So heres my prospective list that's trying to avoid buying too much more (just need Durthu and 3 more kurnoth)


    Winter leaf


    Arch-revenant w/frozen Kernel


    Spirit of Durthu (General, My Heart is Ice, Ghyrstrike)


    30 dryads

    5 tree rev

    5 tree rev


    3 kurnoth hunters with Greatsword

    3 Hunters w/GS

    3 Hunters w/GS


    Free spirits batallion


    It honestly feels like it doesnt have much board presence but the hope is the block of dryads (plus summons) and the teleporting revs should be enough to play to objectives while a potentially double attacking Durthu hitting/wounding on 2's could be quite devastating should he reach a target at full health (probably via healing spells). That's a potential what 60 wounds? Obviously that's not ever going to happen but still.


    Thoughts? I'm not too interested in buying much more but I could be convinced to run revs as spites or other reconfigurations. 


    For those wondering the above list minus durthu and 3 hunters is every Sylvaneth I own. I do have a full 2k wanderers army and considered running 20 sisters of the watch possibly with a nomad prince but it felt like a CP sink I cant really afford. Does save some money though.

  7. 19 minutes ago, madmac said:

    Compare it to the back armor on Lotann:


    Or the crotch armor on Thralls:


    It looks a lot like Deepkin armor, but not anything else I personally recall to compare it to.

    It doesn't particularly look like any of the Old World Aelfs, but your mileage may vary on how important that is.

    See this is what I was looking for. I knew somebody somewhere was going to have seen the thing this reminded them of, I just couldnt think of it. 


    Maybe GW is going to solve the alarming lack of giant enemy crabs in the first wave of idoneth?


    I would like it to be new elves but I wouldn't hate weaponized giant pistol shrimp either...

  8. If that list of changes is accurate I'm excited for 2 things. 1 my list saves almost enough points to bring 3 more kurnoth hunters when I play wanderers  AND I can now perfectly fit 20 sisters plus Nomad Prince as allies for my sylvaneth at 2k.


    This is good. 


    EDIT: Ash from guerrilla games or whatever has a video where he flips through the books points section.  Those points are accurate and the only changes (to points). So hopefully someone posts the section on army rules soon so we can see if we get a spell lore or what changes BUT he doesn't mention any new batallions in the points overview. This could be an oversight or could mean we get no new batallions. 

    • Like 1
  9. Well we're officially getting rules in the GHB19 (up for pre-order next saturday) so I'm confident we are not going to get canceled as an army. 


    I am cautiously very excited. I hope for some more batallions and maybe some point drops (even though I'd rather we had better stats instead of sheaper units) but I know the GHB doesnt change profiles so we're stuck with the compendium era scrolls for a while yet...


    Still excited.

    • Like 1
  10. Idk I was dissapointed in how unsuitable they feel for conversions. Maybe it's the awful paint jobs but they look like they'd mostly make better harlequins than wood elves. Idk. Maybe somebody will put some conversions up that just blow me away and have my foot so far in my mouth I'll be poopin laces, but they certainly don't inspire ME (except maybe the main throwing girl if you swap her a spear maybe?)

  11. 6" doesnt feel like a safe assumption for movement these days. Everyone from nighthaunt to idoneth to freaking FEC move faster than us it seems. 18" isnt the range it was when these war scrolls were printed.

    • Like 2
  12. Who on earth decided that this information belonged on a one page article and not as a reveal for warhammer fest? Its next week for crying out loud and would have done a lot for the crowds of people (me included) who felt AoS really got nothing.


    I can only assume they didn't want to be asked questions about it on sunday??

    • Like 5
  13. I think the tail is just a case of what do you expect fauna of the mortal realms to look like lol.


    But yeah. It's way too tame to be another chaos release and the armor screams elves to me. Now I'm leaning more towards high elves as the summer elf release to fight slaanesh but I could be wrong.

  14. Any thoughts on the speculation about the new shadespire lion being an indication of wanderers?

    Someone said the circlet matches the sisters of the thorn and the shoulder pad matches the back of their shields and I myself have said they could be made into a more savage beastmaster faction of hunters but I don't know if i'm willing to believe just yet. 

  15. No yeah I get what you're saying. DoK that I also play is an obvious example that not everything has to be in the batallion. Just Azyr the list building app threw me because it calls that invalid.


    No it doesn't. It must have been something else making invalid.

  16. On 5/8/2019 at 11:49 AM, Kairos Tejedestinos said:

    You take the battallion, and then other units. It Doesn't stop you from taking more units if they are not inside the battallion. You don't need the EG in the battallion anyways, except if you one to one drop, which isn't that good for this kind of army.



    I was caught up with the wording of the Sylvaneth battalions that specifically say you CAN take other units in that batallion and the fact that the Azyr app tells you its invalid if you add more. Im a numpty.

  17. 26 minutes ago, Kairos Tejedestinos said:

    For example at 2000 points this is what i had been playing. An MSU for the most part.

    Allegiance: Wanderers

    Nomad Prince (80)
    Waywatcher (120)
    Waywatcher (120)
    Waywatcher (120)
    Spellweaver (100)
    - Heartwood Staff

    30 x Glade Guard (360)
    10 x Glade Guard (120)
    10 x Glade Guard (120)
    10 x Glade Guard (120)
    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    10 x Eternal Guard (70)

    5 x Wild Riders (120)
    5 x Wild Riders (120)

    Waystone Pathfinders (200)

    Endless Spells
    Soulsnare Shackles (20)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 1
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 145

    First, why an MSU ?  Shooting armies can't compete with melee combat in damage output, so you have to mitigate the damage forcing melee armies to overkill units. Your advantadge is that you can choose what you kill, so you have to make a list that can fullfill that while forces your opponent into inefficient trades. Eternal guard are great  as chaff units because they are cheap, and as 10 man units they can cover a lot of ground. That way you have more turns of shooting to turn the tide. The 30 man block is mostly to abuse the redeployment, you can break it down. Waystone pathfinders is a great battallion that allows you to get 70 extra glade guard shots and 3 waywatchers. That's normally enough to kill something big such as mr crunchy from FEC, etc, so you can kill 2 a turn. Wild riders can score or you can use them as chaff. They are not efficient point wise to be used as sacrificial lambs, but their mobility make for great speedbumps.

    Most times my first turn is teleport the 30 man to an edge, move all my army to that side, use the wild riders as speedbumps, and kill priority targets in that side.  The shackles also help since they can give you a precious turn of time.


    A different approach i had been taking too is to not use the battallion and get some melee support.


    Allegiance: Wanderers

    Nomad Prince (80)
    Waywatcher (120)
    Waywatcher (120)
    Waywatcher (120)
    Spellweaver (100)
    - Heartwood Staff
    Waywatcher (120)

    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    10 x Eternal Guard (70)
    10 x Eternal Guard (70)

    10 x Wildwood Rangers (140)
    10 x Wildwood Rangers (140)
    10 x Wildwood Rangers (140)
    10 x Sisters of the Watch (180)
    10 x Sisters of the Watch (180)
    10 x Sisters of the Watch (180)

    Endless Spells
    Soulsnare Shackles (20)

    Total: 1990 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 140

    This is more simple and more "castle up" approach. I have 50 disposable EG, that i can deploy in onion layers so my opponent doesn't get to kill more than 2 of those units per turn, and i can also use the Wildwood rangers as deterrence being behind the EG to force the opponent to be at 3" of them (it only works if your opponent doesn't have the range to attack them, FEC terrorgheists for example will outright kill'em) or just as countercharge units (they are amazing vs monsters, and regular against everything else). And i have 4 waywatchers and 30 SotW to kill off priority targets. Shackles again to help you refusing flanks.

    There are some deployments that are better than others, in my opinion deployments not being as varied as 40k hurts shooty armies the most, and obviously armies such as sylvaneth that can easilly block your LoS you will be dead on arrival, but against most monster smash lists you pretty much wreck them, the knot is amazing to clear big priority targets in melee such as FEC terrorgheists.

    A common mistake with EG is to try to get their modifiers going all the time. They are dirty cheap, if you can get the modifier while you are in a good spot scoring points, do it, but otherwise don't bother with it. Their damage output is terrible regardless, and without rerolls to armor saves (which require a hefty amount of points) they are not durable anyways, use them to cover ground, to deny deep strikes and to force your opponent to be inefficient at killing stuff while they stay where you want them to be.

    Ummm unless i'm misreading your list it isnt legal. The battalion requires EXACTLY 4 units. No more no less. So you specifically cant MSU in the battalion.

  18. I have to disagree with the glowing assessment above. While every positive you listed is true, none of them are quite as true when compared to updated armies.


    "Great shooting" at 18" when everything in the game seems to move 12 and reroll charges or run and charge etc. Means you're often either very limited in unit placement or else sacrificing a unit a turn just to get the enemy close enough to shoot.


    The army can't really skirmish being stuck with only one teleport a turn that is strictly worse than the teleports of say khinerai or deep strike of stormcast. And further if you teleport your archers they are going to lose the leader buffs that they sorely need as the entire army lacks in dmg output through anything but a thousand cuts style kills. Now that's a fine style if everything weren't over costed or under statted in comparison to the opponent.


    By focusing your entire army worth of shooting on one target you CAN output quite a bit of damage (if standing still and buffed by heroes) but every trade made is just woefully points inefficient in comparison to what you're "hopefully" taking out.


    I agree the army is beautiful. I agree it can win games, but I think its disingenuous to give them anything more than a 40% chance of winning against any moderately well built or piloted newer army and as much as I encourage people to buy and play wanderers if they like them, I think it's only fair to add "buyer beware" if they're going to be disheartened by losing as this is an expensive hobby. 


    I personally get around this by aiming for moral victories. Pick something you want to accomplish for the game and feel like a winner in your head.


    No I'm not bitter that I showed up to a casual night of AoS only to face the exact FEC list that won the most recent tournament and proceeded to feel bad for wasting my opponents time.


    The army CAN win if piloted perfectly and the mission favors you and your opponent makes a few mistakes. The army is also competitively speaking, frankly a joke.


    Edited to add that I DO love this army and they ARE beautiful models. Lest anyone think I'm being too down on them.

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  19. Prince Maesa there on the cover is an exiled prince so he may look different even than the rest of his kin.


    As an aside he's not even in that book and it's rather upsetting. (Sorry he IS in there. Asking someone to tell a story that turns out to be the entire short story section Maesa is in. That's it.)

  20. Honestly most of my games feel that way. I've had a few games were the enemy just ends up running away after they break on my bubble but they've already massacred me on VP.


    I think this is due to the fact a lot of our bonuses are tied to standing still (which is very counterintuitive I might add) so we have to decide if we want to kill the enemy and lose the game or try to play objectives while our army gets torn to shreds by the enemy we didnt diminish. 


    Also it's past my bedtime but I can officially start on my waywatcher. 





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  21. Normally I would wait to post the painted model but I got so excited about this conversion I just had to share.


    I wanted a waywatcher that would stand out in my 3 way watchers battalion list as the general (SotW battleline) so I converted up the mistweaver with some kurnoth hunter bits and skulls. 


    This is Badb Catha, the crow, and hopefully I'll have a painted update for yall, but i'm gonna force myself to finish my unit of wild riders on the table first.



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