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The Red King

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Posts posted by The Red King

  1. 2 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:

    Oh, sorry, I didn't mean you personally. Was literally a broadband comms.

    Really sorry your army got crushed. Been there for armies and systems many times prior. It always sucks.

    I'm not super across BoC or StD but is it possible to proxy as StD (darkoath) units at all if you like the rules system and want to keep your existing stuff?

    Oh no sorry that wasn't an attack on you.  I meant to agree with you I just have angry energy right now lol. Sorry

  2. 1 minute ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    Tbf GW has a backup for BoC with is TOW. Same for Bonesplitters. You're just not willing to use the backup because you don't care about TOW is that it ? 

    Oh let me just pop on down to my local gaming store oh whats that nobody is playing ToW? Guess I hate the game. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, GloomkingWortwazi said:


    Yeah, let's not do the uno reverse card of misplaced anger. Be upset all you need to, but let's not start that kind of stuff, please.

    Nah.  If I hated AOS I wouldn't be mad. Nor am I angry that ToW took beasts out of Aos because it didn't.  GW did.   Age of sigmar is a fine game owned by a ****** company.  

  4. 4 minutes ago, michu said:

    There is a difference between being upset at the decision and burning your army. I'm done with AoS, I am not going to burn what I already have, I just won't buy new stuff (unless to put it on square base).

    I'm in the same boat except I won't even give GW money for the old world. 

    But I guess if you're emotionally stunted then we're just "being hysterical" lol

  5. 14 minutes ago, The Lost Sigmarite said:

    /shows how little self control you have.

    Oooo get a load of the stoic who hasn't actually read Zeno. You're very cool dude.


    You want to be a capitalist about it you go right ahead. But I'm going to be consumer and go ahead and stop buying from a company that doesn't deserve my loyalty or trust.


    Unrelated to chuckles here above but the fact that BoC "can't be supported" anymore but only in AoS is absolute horse ******. They couldn't be assed to make one more copy/pasted pile of reused art called a battletome and sell it for 50 bucks?

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  6. 1 minute ago, Snarff said:

    Why not? It seems perfectly reasonable to quit a game that just cut your favourite faction.

    Ignore him. If I remember he has GW stocks and thinks the only thing we're allowed to want is to buy more figures.


    I'm done with GW. If I ever buy anything again it'll be third party and I hope GW goes under. ****** em.


    And no offense but to the half of the forum acting like I should be happy they told us instead of mad it's happening. Get some perspective. Just accept that your "buddy" James workshop can be, and in fact is, a ******.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Sarouan said:

    However, I'd personnally refrain from writing threads about me "leaving forever if GW does do that", because I would feel really silly when I come back to the game after a while in the end

    What's a word for being condescending and presumptive at the same time? I'm always looking to expand my vocabulary.

    • Haha 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Baron Klatz said:

    Probably the reason right there. They’re waiting until the 1st quarter financials are officially over before they break the news on whatever the change-up to BoC is so not to hurt sales by even 1%.

    Typical Corporate BS.

    • Like 3
  9. Maybe I missed the recap but what exactly is happening here?


    These cities "exist" and they'll get destroyed or not depending on games played in them?


    I mean judging from the number of them it won't matter one way or the other. They're not on any maps nor could they possibly include this many cities into the games lore (especially considering how much they reuse assets from book to book) so what are we hoping for? Maybe a list of which ones "won" and "lost" at the most?

  10. I don't hate the double turn but pretending everyone loves it so much they would die for it is super cringey.


    These marketing fluff articles mostly make me roll my eyes. It feels like a used car salesman or something. Actively makes me like the product less even if it was something I wanted. 

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  11. 18 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

    its a cost/benefit analysis - they may have done a deep dive into how much they're making on GHBs etc and found that free rules = more people diving into AOS = more money. Not so far fetched, especially considering production costs of physical products

    Politely I consider it fairly far fetched. There are plenty of "goodwill" moves GW has had the chance to make in the past but since you can't put goodwill on a spreadsheet (i.e. you can't make a concrete link between players feelings and sales even if it seems pretty obvious) there's no reason to think they would start now.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Cdance93 said:

    I wouldn't be surprised if they're taking steps to certain rules for free

    Taking steps to make rules free? What about putting a book into a launch box and then presumably charging more for the box is more free? Plus they're still a publicly traded company. I would be genuinely surprised at ANY change that means taking less money from customers. 


    I've been wrong before (notably I never thought new plastic bloodknights would be cheaper than the finecast ones and I was completely wrong.) But I don't really see how anything from this article gives that impression.

    Edit: With my own bias in mind.

    • Like 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, Beliman said:

    I still think that the new Battlescrolls (or whatever they will be called) are going to introduce (for free) new modules to replace the ones that doesn't work. Of course we are going to see Campaigns and GHB with their own modules, but that's exactly what we already have.

    I agree with you but anyone would be excused for thinking "we won't need to put out online updates and can instead just put them in the GHB" to mean "we won't issue online updates but we will sell them to you to get people to buy the ghb"

  14. As described it does make it sound like they're saying "we've heard yall asking for us to catch up to the real world and provide more digital rules. So here it is the big unveil LESS digital rules! That's right, FAQs and errata will now be available for purchase at your nearest warhammer worlds event!" 

    The last bit is obviously a hyperbole and I honestly expect even GW won't try to sell you the FAQ. I just think it's worded in the most hilariously disconnected way.

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  15. Catching up in no particular order.


    I am the one who hates GW and I will fight for my crown lol


    Second today's article doesn't do anything to the BoC rumors imo. If anything it strengthens them because it shows Whitefang Jr does in fact know things.


    They said "all factions" not "all current factions". They can easily start the edition and say okay here's all the factions (minus the one we took out. It's not a faction anymore so we didn't lie.) Meanwhile as others have said GW has blatantly misunderstood what "all" means in the past.


    At this point I have to be happy just to get an index and no updates after and meanwhile many posters on the forum seem to think that it's alright that beasts players are praying for scraps?


    I hope they don't come for anyone else's army with some vague justification. I mean idoneth we're made for AoS but they haven't gotten any big releases lately and they're barely in the lore so... I mean we could cut them to make room for some more elves and everyone should be fine with it right? Just roll them into Lumineth what's the big deal?

    • Like 4
  16. 14 hours ago, GhostShark said:

    I think you have it wrong. The origin of the rumor was that the models were being removed so the line could be reworked

    Do you have a source on that? I'm not saying you're wrong but thats not what I remember the rumor being at all.

    I know we've had one rumor monger (whitefang jr) flat out say they're going. And zero rumor mongers (as I've seen) saying they're being revamped. I'd love to be wrong though.

  17. 40 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    The main reason I doubt BoC get squatted is because of how weird of a decision it would be- I could see Spiderfang, Gitmob, City Aelves/Duardin, who are subfactions of a much larger faction or maybe Bonesplittaz (Though they’re pushing it), but BoC are only in need of a refresh and a day in the sun.

    They’re a different narrative role from the Darkoath, who are “Slaves To Darkness Flavored Conan” and act as a dark reflection of the Cities of Sigmar, being “Natural Horror” and acting as a dark reflection of the Sylvaneth- Plus, assuming Chorfs get released, and S2D remains 1 Battletome, it would keep Chaos at a perfect 8 Tomes, a thematically perfect number. 

    I agree with absolutley all of that.  It's just that every rumor we have says to worry and so I am. I mean idk if Singapore Warhound had the indexes but even he gave a sad react to my question of beasts and we KNOW he's got access to something to take potato pics of.

    • Sad 2
  18. 40 minutes ago, ScionOfOssia said:

    The main reason I doubt BoC get squatted is because of how weird of a decision it would be- I could see Spiderfang, Gitmob, City Aelves/Duardin, who are subfactions of a much larger faction or maybe Bonesplittaz (Though they’re pushing it), but BoC are only in need of a refresh and a day in the sun.

    They’re a different narrative role from the Darkoath, who are “Slaves To Darkness Flavored Conan” and act as a dark reflection of the Cities of Sigmar, being “Natural Horror” and acting as a dark reflection of the Sylvaneth- Plus, assuming Chorfs get released, and S2D remains 1 Battletome, it would keep Chaos at a perfect 8 Tomes, a thematically perfect number. 

    I agree with absolutley all of that.  It's just that every rumor we have says to worry and so I am. I mean idk if Singapore Warhound had the indexes but even he gave a sad react to my question of beasts and we KNOW he's got access to something to take potato pics of.

  19. You know I'd like to apologize if I've been a miserable sod about GW and AoS of late. I still agree with most of what I've said but I don't want to give the impression I hate this game. I also couldn't be happier if I have to come back and eat 7 miles of crow (that idiom probably doesn't translate out of English very well lol) if GW doesn't remove beasts of chaos. So here's hoping everyone else is right and I'll personally apologize for every surly post I've ever made lol.

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  20. I don't understand the attitude toward BoC rumors. It's like every rumor we have says they're being removed and this is the one time we don't believe them because... we don't want to?


    Then there's the "they probably meant they're getting updated/refreshed" line which is based on nothing but hopes and dreams. The rumors say nothing about a revamp and where would it even go with Chaos getting a skaven refresh, darkoath refresh, rumored chorfs and presumably something for Khorne or at least ONE of the big 4 sometime in the near future. Starts to look like BoC are getting a revamp like genestealer cults and sisters. In like 10 years. 

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  21. 17 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    The rumour mill has said you might not be able to play. GW have said nothing at all so far which is its own kind of frustrating. If this turns out to be true I’m 100% on your side in saying this is a terrible decision that benefits absolutely no one, but we don’t know anything for sure yet. 

    If every rumor turns out to be wrong then I'll be more excited than any hype build could possibly do.

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  22. People kept saying "beastmen" in the trailer so I finally had to watch it and there aren't beastmen. There are tzaangor. Beastmen are definitely going away if they chose tzaangor for the lowest fantasy portion of their trailer where a regular gor would have fit perfectly. 

    Following on I agree it's boring that sigmars big lie was the thing everyone has known this whole time. The ruination chamber which had the potential to be really cool SO FAR appears like it will just be blue eyes and popped collars.  And yes the fact that not a single stormcast even dies in the trailer is cringey like Garrac said.

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