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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. This is why I was so angrily adamant that those were tzaangor NOT beastmen. @Ejecutor not if you just keep selling them as AoS kits like Gloomspite mangler squigs that also have ToW rules.
  2. I know it's called corporate raiding but I don't know the investor names I don't think they're there yet.
  3. For the better right? Changing over to a system that prioritizes churn and burn profits over everything else made things better of course... right?
  4. Just give me a button to press at checkout saying which system I'm buying it for. I'd much rather deal with an extra page at checkout than whatever this BS was lol
  5. I don't understand how only selling the miniatures in ToW could possibly generate more income than selling them in both when they're already going to keep producing the miniatures. Like again they gain the cost of one book in exchange for every BoC sale that might have gone to AoS as well as people like me (who are probably a minority) who are mad enough to stop buying from them entirely. Like maybe you're just saying the AoS sales are so small it doesn't matter but again it's free money when you're already producing them.
  6. Ironically I have a different beasts related complaint for TWWH. I used to buy all the DLC but then the price went up because of the way God marked gors are getting split up I'd have to spend hundred+ dollars to get 4 DLC's for 12 factions I don't play in order to get the 4 units I need to make my actual faction complete? Maybe in the end they'll make a Beastmen DLC.
  7. Except they aren't removing BoC since they'll continue to sell the entire range for ToW meaning they have cleared up exactly one book worth of design capacity with this asinine move and they bought that sliver of design space with a whole ton of bad will and lost consumer confidence. But hey you can't put that on a spreadsheet so who cares right?
  8. Not to mention that Magic decks, while costing very nearly the same as an army for insane reasons, does not require you to spend countless hours, planning, building, painting, tucking into bed at night or any of the other things that everyone does with their favorite army. @Gaz Taylor oh yeah it's not meant to be a comparable example of the level of betrayal. Just the most direct example I can think of for when "just telling us the truth like we asked" does not in any way lessen the impact of the action.
  9. Even in my anger I can appreciate that they gave a year of rules before they go extinct and the fact that that MIGHT be enough time to give them a proper reimagining has crossed my mind but at this point in time it feels like pure Copium, especially with resident rumor mongers giving no credence to the idea. We'll also see what happens with Cubicle 7's champions of chaos. I suspected it had gone radio silent specifically because they were changing something big (same happened before the death book and the release of SBGL if I recall) so if the book has no mention of the beasts I think it's safe to say GW isn't planning on replacing the faction any time soon. Actually that's safest to say anyway considering this mortal wound to consumer confidence and trust has us questioning if Ogors are going to stay in the game. Assume all purchases are good for 3 years or less (if you want them for rules rather than painting/collecting) and factor that into whether they're worth the cost. My answer is going to be no every time.
  10. Imagine you stole money from your partner and they adamantly tell you they want you to come clean if you did it. So then you tell them and they get mad you stole from them. Do you tell them they can't be mad because they asked you to tell them? We're not raging at the communication (which needs MORE communication) we're raging at the act which is always wrong.
  11. It's not about the aesthetic for me really. I play khorne painted beasts. If I want I'll rebase them and have a reasonable home for most of them in blades of khorne. It's more about the blatant disregard for the passion their fans have for their setting. I read every scrap of lore I can find. Build, convert, paint, freehand dark tongue sigil GW has forgotten they even have and meanwhile GW can't be bothered to give us a battletome when they're already going to keep selling the minis for unclear reasons. Without communication (of the why) we're left with something that just looks a lot like disrespect for their loyal fans and customers.
  12. To be fair my final statement was worded to avoid another filter word so may not be very clear. But to answer your question to my knowledge there is not a bigger mini company than the biggest mini company so no? I also don't support WotC any longer after... 20+ years of D&D being at least 40% of my personality lol. Big companies ruin good things is my stance. Ruining it better than the competition (due to their near stranglehold on the market) doesn't really bear softening the blow imo.
  13. I'll never burn by army but I do feel the need to cynically ask what they kids are supposed to do with them? D&D I guess? Plus I don't want to encourage anyone to get into a game run by such a... company.
  14. To those saying it had to happen due to production capacity, that is entirely untrue for BoC who are still being sold. Which is somehow worse because it's just a flat out middle finger from GW to AoS players. It may be true for the others but it feels like that isn't their reasoning when the biggest cull is based purely on their desire to... not print a battletome? Separate ToW and AoS but not when it comes to most of the StD and GSG and also cities dwarves? (Literally what is their reasoning cause that's 3 out of 9 armies that are in both but Beasts being in both is UNACCEPTABLE!)
  15. It's always cool to insult a company. They'll be okay.
  16. Sorry I didn't know that word would get through. I usually asterisk myself but I'm heated.
  17. Oh no sorry that wasn't an attack on you. I meant to agree with you I just have angry energy right now lol. Sorry
  18. Oh let me just pop on down to my local gaming store oh whats that nobody is playing ToW? Guess I hate the game.
  19. And your friends in the suits are doing a ****** job of that. Pardon my having an opinion you disagree with.
  20. Nah. If I hated AOS I wouldn't be mad. Nor am I angry that ToW took beasts out of Aos because it didn't. GW did. Age of sigmar is a fine game owned by a ****** company.
  21. I'm in the same boat except I won't even give GW money for the old world. But I guess if you're emotionally stunted then we're just "being hysterical" lol
  22. Oooo get a load of the stoic who hasn't actually read Zeno. You're very cool dude. You want to be a capitalist about it you go right ahead. But I'm going to be consumer and go ahead and stop buying from a company that doesn't deserve my loyalty or trust. Unrelated to chuckles here above but the fact that BoC "can't be supported" anymore but only in AoS is absolute horse ******. They couldn't be assed to make one more copy/pasted pile of reused art called a battletome and sell it for 50 bucks?
  23. Ignore him. If I remember he has GW stocks and thinks the only thing we're allowed to want is to buy more figures. I'm done with GW. If I ever buy anything again it'll be third party and I hope GW goes under. ****** em. And no offense but to the half of the forum acting like I should be happy they told us instead of mad it's happening. Get some perspective. Just accept that your "buddy" James workshop can be, and in fact is, a ******.
  24. What's a word for being condescending and presumptive at the same time? I'm always looking to expand my vocabulary.
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