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Posts posted by Sonnenspeer

  1. 3 years ago, I was looking for a hobby that I could share with my oldest son, who is quite a nerd. He was 10 and I 36. Picked up a box called Storm of Sigmar, but had no real idea what was behind that. We had a great time, building, painting and gaming together. He is now lost to  video games (thank you, fortnite) but I’m still in the hobby waiting for my other sons to be old enough J

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    • Haha 1
  2. On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 10:58 PM, Moldek said:

    Cool story! I think you could probably write it in a much more condensed version, say starting with the girl hiding in the woods with the baby, trying to decide wether she should run away or go to the stormcast who are currently raiding the village. With a few dialogues and recollections you can deliver the story piecemeal as you reveal what exactly she’s hiding and why...

    And the final twist would be that the stormcast kill the baby, but that was part of the prophecy, because its blood causes a Feculent Gnarlmaw to grow...

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  3. 38 minutes ago, XReN said:

    If it looks like Halberd, if it's called a Halberd - it is a Halberd. 

    And where can someone find what lenght is appropriate to classify as polearm? And compared to what?

    Also  those 4 armed guys look way higher and are probably way stronger than most common infantry in mortal realms. Which means they don't need the extra lenght to kill everything in their way, whille with strenght, lenght and leverage of 2 arms on one side they can hook mounted warriors off their mounts to then murder them on the ground.

    Makes sense?

    Just ask lord garmadon ;)

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  4. Or  adapt the WarCry system for AoS:

    Each one is rolling 7 (?) dices

    The one with the most singles has the priority. Doubles can be used for spells, comand abillitys and summoning, Triples for elite abilities and endless spells.…


  5. While building my second squad of Thralls I realized that only 5 of the 10 models have a alternative build. This would not be a problem for stoic Chaos warriors, but for the dynamic Thralls it is. Therefore, I tried to modify the other 5:



    Now I´m interested in how you handle this topic. What do you do with 18 eels in your list? Do they all look the same?




  6. 25 minutes ago, EccentricCircle said:

    If and when it happens I'll be very excited. Until that point experience has taught me not to get my hopes up about anything. I basically don't buy new releases anymore. so I'll be waiting for a battleforce or start collecting regardless of when the new Death Army arrives. Thus whether its here in three months, or twelve doesn't make too much difference...

    Are you an old monk sitting on a river and letting the stream of rumours just flowing by? Because that is the picture that I have of you now :)

    • Haha 2
  7. 56 minutes ago, whispersofblood said:

    You want to trade 4 quality rend 1 attacks, for 1 additional gimmick attack?

    I don't want to come across as overly rude. However, maybe don't read too much into your first game, and get some practice in before critically analyzing warscrolls.

    The mounts have different attack types because in an elite army you have to expect your models to be able to engage multiple types of enemy models. Each attack profile is good against different types of models, as well as both being good against hordes. 

    Provides some resistance to negative hit modifiers, and is synergistic with our 1 and only  command ability.

    High utility is what seperated good elite armies from terrible elites armies. 

    Get some different coloured dice and get on with it.

    Thanks for not being rude :) - but I don't agree. You still have two different melee attack profiles for "high utility" . Sure the trade I did was not calculated well, but the point is still valid. Maybe add one to the bites damage and it works even better with the command ability. But anyway, thats GWs job...

  8. Just had my first test games with my 1000p ID army. I don’t understand why each ID mount must have two different attacks. It’s just unnecessary time consuming. For example the Allopex; I don’t care of Scythed Fins, I want its Bite to work and do damage. It would be much more fun if GW removes the Fin Attack but adds one attack to the bite when the shark uses the ability to charge a wounded pray. See attached




    And as the eels will get a nerf anyway, just remove the tail attack...


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