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Posts posted by BobbyB

  1. 58 minutes ago, Kirjava13 said:

    It really is a bit of a joke though. All the commands to keep this thread devoted to rumours when there's sod all to discuss except for wishlisting and fantasies, except when GW drop a preview on us, and then it's not a rumour. Just change the thread's name to News and we can all stop living this lie.

    you know this thread doesn't require constant contribution right?

    • Like 2
  2. 11 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    Easy enough to see if it's true. If we get a seraphon book soon that'll tell. 

    I am pretty sad if deepkin don't get endless spells though. 

    Seraphon have been rumoured in several places over the last few months, so if we get a book AND the rest of what they said about it is correct, then that'll tell

  3. 5 hours ago, Gordrakk said:

    Hey guys,

    I have a tournament at the end of the month and planning on taking Ironjawz; what do you think of my list? I can’t take realm artefacts, so need to pick one from the Ironjawz book, which I haven’t decided on yet, I would appreciate any feedback!


    It's very similar to my list, except I take bloodtoofs instead of the ardboyz.  I'm having reasonable success with it (for Ironjawz & compared to my usual poor performance) but I rely heavily on the aetherquartz brooch and mirrored cuirass, which you won't have

  4. Then you don't get the bravery buff? 🤔

    I only place it if there isn't another realmgate on the board, as I'm not running a wizard at the moment, so I can't use it but my opponent usually can, and the battalion rules says as long as there are any realmgates.  But if there isn't another one I'll place it for the bravery buff and can use it to block off a small part of your opponents territory

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  5. yeah was frustrating, especially as I could take an endless spell but couldn't cast it ?

    yeah low model count and was a big deal, but can't see a way around it without taking 30 ardboyz, but then I think one of the things the list needs is more units for the waagh, and a big unit of ardboyz wouldn't help with that.

    Brutes did feel like they could easily get left behind, and swapping them for GGs would make the waagh easier, but they definitely felt more reliable in combat, so swings and roundabouts really.

  6. I ran this at B&G:

    Allegiance: Destruction
    Mortal Realm: Hysh

    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
    - General
    - Trait: Prophet of the Waaagh!
    - Artefact: Aetherquartz Brooch
    Megaboss on Maw-Krusha (440)
    - Artefact: Mirrored Cuirass


    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    5 x Orruk Brutes (180)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas (140)

    Bloodtoofs (120)
    Ironfist (180)

    Total: 1960 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 2
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 103

    Ended up 1-4, which seems to have been pretty standard for Ironjawz players at the event, but was a lot of fun to play and I was enough in all the games that I would probably want to give it at least another tournament (Friday was my first game of AoS 2) before I decided to change it.

    Game 1 was gnarlroot Sylvaneth with Alarielle, Durthu and TLA. I gave him first turn, then killed alarielle turn one, got the double and killed durthu and a unit of dryads.  At this point we both thought I had it sewn up, but he had summoned a unit of scythe hunters turn one, and between them and the TLA, who was almost always -2 to hit he ended up tabling me. Couldn't deal with him constantly summoning units of dryads, all the minuses to hit, and it was relocation orb and the movements all went his way.

    Game 2 was Beasts of Chaos on escalation, which is a bad scenario for me, as both MKs had to start in the far corner, so I'm forced to hold out to turn two or three to set off the waagh.  As it was he had 5 points by the time it all kicked off and even though I almost tabled him he made good use of ambushing and the herdstone summoning to keep enough objectives to stop me winning.

    Game 3 was Sureheart Stormcast on total commitment, bit of a result considering the scenario shafts their gameplan.  I think my strategy was sound but I played it completely wrong.  Decided to take my two home objectives turn one then stick everything down one side to hold one on each side of the board after that, but I mis-read his deployment (and also think I had memories of vanguard wing in the back of my head) and instead of ploughing into 30 libs which I could have taken, I went up against evocators and retributors and got my army taken off. Also was sloppy and pulled the evocators into combat when I didn't need to.

    Game 4: Stormcast again, I forget the scenario.  My big mistake in this game was the same as I'd made a few times over the weekend, I saw an opportunity for a maw krusha to kill something, sent it off on it's own then got taken apart, instead of holding back till I can get everything in.  This time it was a unit of dracolines, also failed a charge with the pigs because I'd kept them out of 8 when I didn't need the d3, but did need their bodies on an objective. You live and learn.

    Game 5 my opponent didn't turn up so I played another Ironjawz player! We played blood & glory, he had gordrakk and the ironfist, two warchanters and a fungoid.  First turn was cagey and I think we both felt bad playing it like that, so I moved forward enough to give him a charge, but left the maw krushas covering each other, he used gordrakk to take one off, then I got up to +7 attacks and went back with everything else, taking out a huge chunk of his army.  He rolled badly for a couple of combats and I could get around the board with charges to nab the objectives for a major at the very end of turn 5.

    Overall was a huge amount of fun, and ended up on over 6k kill points, not bad considering I wasn't including summoned units and I lost 4 games.  I think if I'd been a bit more practised I could have won at least one more game so will definitely give the list another run out.  No magic should be a big draw back, but I like not having anything to think about, and I don't think IJ do it well enough to focus on it, although I would be interested to try out a weirdfist.

  7. good point about switching battalion, and yeah that's exactly the list! I have a realmgate sprayed and can get one of those done last minute so should be ok. I was assuming I'd need all the extra movement I could get, hence bloodtoofs.  Would you say I'm better off going for the aetherquartz brooch or the ethereal amulet? 

  8. Right, I've - perhaps ill advisedly - started an ironjawz army for blood & glory.  As I have 10 weeks left, and (almost) one unit of brutes painted I need to think about minimizing painting time, especially as I'm not a particularly fast painter.

    I was thinking of going bloodtoofs with double MBMK, and ironfist, but even if I can fit the cogs in to that, I wouldn't be able to afford anyone to cast it.  Is it feasible to run that sort of list without the cogs? I don't really want to get slapped about all weekend as I'm hoping to enjoy IJ enough to want to return to them after that weekend.

    Any other suggestions for painting un-intensive lists and not completely impotent lists greatly received


  9. If your only concern is playing a 'top three' army then you need to be prepared to buy into whatever faction you feel falls under that scope, or play a different game, because with AoS there is always going to be the possibility that your army won't get touched (outside of the GHB) for 7+ years, or possibly even ever again.

    I think the way GW have positioned themselves with AoS is so that they have an incredibly broad range to draw from with all the tiny factions, so they can very easily respond to demand.  If they do a small faction release and see a good response to it, they can revisit it in c.2 years, if not they can never touch it again and work on something completely new.

    AoS2 has been out for slightly over 2 months at this point, during which time we have had two new army releases, we also had 3 big releases in the run up to the new edition, whereas usually releases stall so to say that AoS is not being supported is the most bonkers backwards thing I have ever heard.  While it really felt like 40k dominated last year, they haven't had a substantial army release since primaris marines & death guard so I certainly wouldn't blame GW for taking a couple of months to redress that balance.  Have we become so spoilt by new GW that we're demanding constant previews of big new army releases?  It wouldn't feel amiss to me if we didn't get anything else before Xmas (I think we will though), especially as that's historically a quieter time for army releases

    • Like 5
  10. On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 8:44 PM, Malakree said:



    So I used a list with this in at the throne of skulls tournament over the weekend and it's filth, I didn't expect it to be anywhere near as much filth as it actually is but it's just disgusting. Using Bloodtoofs you generally get to pick if you want turn 1 then casting Cogs gives you such a giant threat range. I'd say this build is really strong and the opponent HAS to move to counter it or you will really wreck them. Despite this, after consideration, I'm actually inclined to agree that it's not broken. Very strong, but not broken. If you do go off then it's one turns worth of huge explosive unstoppable power, or you can stagger it out to get several turns of powerful but not overwhelming strength.

    what was the list out of interest? Sorry if this has been covered already, couldn't find it!

  11. Here's what I'm looking at, if anyone has any suggestions it'd be much appreciated

    Lady Olynder (General)

    Kurdoss Valentian

    KoS On Ethereal Steed 

    KoS On Ethereal Steed 

    Spirit Torment 

    Guardian Of Souls

    40 Chainrasp Hordes

    6 Spirit Hosts

    10 Grimghast Reapers

    12 Myrmourn Banshees


    Plus 2 command points and 30 points for an endless spell

    Haven't thought about spells or items too much yet, but the idea is buffing those banshees up to get as many attacks as possible, plus 2 attacks from KoS and 1 from dispelling should allow them to shred a lot of things in one turn, but you also have alternative options for the attack buffs with the chainrasps and grimghast, plus plenty of summonable things to bring models back to (especially the spirit hosts with lady olynder).  I have a feeling that playing nighthaunt is going to require a finesse that is beyond me but we'll see ?


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