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Posts posted by Carnith

  1. Agreed, I put away Slaanesh when it was clearly way too strong and that even a fun list of models I liked was stupidly strong and even if i bring slaanesh now, I just bring 10 hellstriders, 6 fiends, and a keeper in pretenders. Sure the keeper murders, but everything else is pillowfisted... and surprise, I lose often with the list, but I could try to bring a bunch of daemonettes or switch to marauders, but that would just be taking the powerful things and frankly that's no fun. 

    My ultimate goal is to get close games. I don't want to dominate my opponent, nor do I want to be dominated and I don't want most of my army mechanics to exclude most of my army. Turn 5 "oh man who could win?!" are ideal. 

    • Like 2
  2. 11 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    I think they are hyping us, but in a really weird way. As in, there are a tonne of Slaanesh posts all over their Facebook page (more than a normal release to be honest), but the articles themselves seem really bare bones

    I'm not sure if the idea is to tease us? Like, they know we really want to see the rules so they're stringing us along as much as possible. From memory, most preorder weeks go the opposite way - big allegiance rules > warscrolls > smaller allegiance rules > fluff piece > fluff piece. Could be that they're trying something new to see if doing it the opposite way around will build more hype at the end of the release 

    Maaaybe? But they keep talking at the end of the article of all the amazing things we will see, but with everything going to be spoiled soon anyways by their own pre-orders and reviewers, it's just odd. I just want to know if the army is made to be more interesting and how the new models play in. I don't want broken models, with everything dumping mortal wounds everywhere, but I just want to know the new mortals actually synergize within the army and don't feel tacked on. 

  3. The 3 articles so far have been fairly lackluster overall. Our host system is fine, and I'm glad its still the same. The knowledge about Lord of Pain adding myrmadesh and symbaresh is great. 

    Most of our daemons are fine, with most of their issues stemming from depravity being a broken system and disincentivizing them outside of the Epitome, Exalted Chariot Herald, and the Keeper. 

    I want to know what our mortals do. What does Sigvald do? What does Glutos do? Sigvald seems to be a pretender, so what does that mean? Can he not be in an invader host? 

    For the fan fare of Sigvald returning, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot, and it felt like there was a lot they could manage to do to help build hype. 


    EDIT: To add on, the lack of depravity talk makes me worried and optimistic. I'm optimistic because maybe it's gone and replaced? But I'm worried because that should've been like article 1 of rules discussion, and in stead we've gotten nearly 2 fluff pieces and 1 that said mostly what we already had. If the book is unchanged but the mortals are added in, it's just disappointing. Slaanesh needs changes, and if it has changed, GW needs to communicate that to it's player base, because hero hammer is how you get low sales on a new range of 6 units that don't contribute to 2 of the 3 game mechanics the army has at the moment. 

    • Like 4
  4. I don't have lumineth, but I wanted them and I'm definitely more interested in the wind temple and Vanari units over the Alarith. I might feel more cheated if I bought that starter box, but if it was an army I truly wanted, then the lore, warscrolls, and price might make it worth it. For all we know there is no Lumineth tome 2 and just the BR: Teclis is the rest of things until wave 3 some years later. 

  5. Hedonite dice in purple with gold pips would be nice with a slaanesh symbol on 6. Like, as much as I want the expansion for our units to include something like a mounted lord (seriously, bring back boob snake and make it a dual box, or hell a tri box. Named dude, melee, caster), we have gotten a lot in 2 years, more than I think anyone expected after HoS1 with no mortals. Could we see some more stuff considering the Lumineth situation of having a book and then within a year, they will double their range? Possible. But I would expect some sort of 3rd edition box set where we go up against some faction and thats where we see any new unit/hero. 

    • Like 1
  6. Its a real shame about the cultists. Cultists should've had marks from the start. I think an army wide thing for slaves could've been the horde bonus of +1 hit and -1 rend. Shifting this makes marauders good best in Slaves and less in other god factions. Also makes hordes of cultists good and warriors a chance to get much needed rend. 

    Back to Slaanesh, I'm really feeling the absence of rules. Anything to fuel the theory crafting and move us away from wish listing.

    Which speaking of wish listing... I'm hoping in the future we get a Slaangor Hero. I'm fine with no melee chaff, they gave a good enough reason as to why we don't have one. Low hedonites don't get the thrill of battle in melee, and even when they do, they go get addicted to speed to keep them away from combat. Only those crazy enough switch the bow for the glaive.

    Though it does raise a question, how does an archer get to become one of the myrmadesh?

    • Like 1
  7. 45 minutes ago, Jaskier said:

    If we aren't the next release (alongside DoK) we're definitely the one after, so that puts us at the 6th or the 20th for the release date. The wave looks to be 6 kits unless I'm forgetting something, pair that up with two battletomes and the DoK endless spells and I reckon there's a chance the release gets split into two fortnights. I'm hoping (and assuming) not, but you never know with GW. 

    Either way, I expect previews as early as tomorrow. 

    8 kits assuming Lord of Pain comes with it.



    Lord of Pain

    Shard Speaker


    Seekers archer

    seeker blades




  8. It is possible that Vince was told to talk about Slaanesh but not too hard on mechanics. I doubt he was told anything big, but that things were changing and not to focus too hard on that. It is definitely a weird time, knowing how much both Vince and Tom love those gods and their armies. 

    I honestly hope the book has a lot of discussion set up cause I can't wait to listen to Vince talk about slaanesh for hours. 

    • Like 1
  9. They won't start doing rule previews until it is announced for preorder. So if sunday comes around and it's announced that we go on preorder on 30th, then next week we start getting articles. However, GW tends to have really vague language when it comes to when something releases. You hear February and you think "Oh the models release in February, thats easy!" but GW at times has counted pre-order as release. Recall Orktober when they hyped up the new Ork kits. They went on preorder like the last possible saturday that month and the Speed Freaks! box came in november. It was a joke, but it just told us that release means preorder date, not when you'll actually get the models in your hand. We could be very well looking at valentines day.  

    I'm hoping this sunday is preorder announcement, but I'm prepping to wait more.

    • Like 1
  10. My hope is for a rebalancing of things. You should have multiple paths in a book in how you want to go. There shouldn't be a clear cut "this is the answer". Take the keeper, its pretty much you take the claw.... or you take the claw... and if you feeling spicy... claw. Some units just aren't worth taking due to cost, such as fiends. 

    I'd like to be able to play either a full demon army or full mortal army and not feel I've gimped myself by my choice. 

    • Like 1
  11. I was given a keeper for christmas, so I just built her and started working on her cape. Going for the shield this time around. I have no problem going "this is a claw in sigmar" as I don't want to magnetize. All of my keepers will end up having each of the other weapons. Hoping in book 2, they make the other choices better so that it isn't just sinister hand o'clock.

    • Like 2
  12. My thought was witch elves, though its not a cheap option by any means. 

    Flails - Whip from SoS and knife (cause they can't take shields)

    Axes - Knife and Shield 

    The thing is also you need to make sure your models are on 25s since thats what marauders are on, which kinda throws you back to old world stuff that is still on 25s. 

  13. I really just want to make sure our go to damage dealing unit isn't 40 marauders over 3 units. Marauders are seriously too strong and frankly a mistake in design. They are still one of the top damage dealing units in the army simply because they are on 25mm bases, have rend, can get access to full reroll hits/wounds/saves, easy access to fight twice, and charge at a minimum in 8 inches (or 9 in god seekers). Like, they're a great unit, but they easily over shadow nearly everything else when they are accessible.

    I want our mortals to be good and the desirable way to play the army, not "oh yeah you can take some myrmadesh for objective holding, but marauders go forth and kill, blissbarbs are a waste of points and lord of pain and shardspeaker are really just not worth it, so might as well take chaos lord and sorc to support those marauders" 

    • Like 1
  14. 20 minutes ago, Ganigumo said:

    I bet the remaining kits are gonna get rolled into existing factions. Bull Centaurs will go BoC, Infernal Guard and the Iron Daemon War engine will get rolled into STD, and K'dai fireborn already fit into legion of chaos ascendent, but might get another keyword too.

    I like this route. It gives some other factions some additional units to look into getting. Though perhaps this is just the start and more removal is on the way.

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