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Posts posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. Now that I have Indomitus Necrons to paint Im suddenly seized with the urge to kitbash a Black Coach from Mortis Engine cavalry, some black knight/hexwraith bits, and spare nighthaunt ghosts...

    All while my Eidolon/Kurdoss kitbash stares at me in his unfinished splendour

  2. My guess would boxing them in with large groups of Underworlding rasps and have a 12-sheet group of Myrmourn handy to eat spells.


    We arent neccesarily meant to just go toe to toe with every army; but their ability to snipe our support characters and elites does sound prohibitivly punitive. Maybe sneak a Mourngul or a Coach along their back line to monch archers/casters?

  3. And I still very much believe some strong and varied 'chapter' bonuses would go a very long way to giving us those tools (and the fact we still dont have any after 2 years is unfathomable)

  4. I would love for them to expand our ability to manipulate bravery and cause our damage through it.

    Having an army that is immune to rend, deals with elites through mortal wounds, and hordes with bravery bombs is why I picked NH in the first place; a very non-standard playstyle that had a very strong thematic element.

    Your opponent really would get a sense of their army falling to fear and terror, chilling touches and soul-sucking spookyghosts rather than another hack and slash. Rather than spending their command points on maneuvers and attack bonuses they would be desperatley trying to rally their troops and strengthen their resolve.


    Unfortunatly the bravy rules were lackluster and the power creep left us behind. I would very much like to see LoG's abilities and spells expanded in the next NH book.

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  5. Been thinking some properly powerful chapter/host/group bonuses would do quite a lot for our blank canvas of a book, and this board has discussed them a lot in the past.

    Some of my favorites were 6" pile-in, +1 to deathless, reroll 1's on armor with mystic shield becoming full reroll armor, MW's on succesfull charges, healing/recovering d3 wounds/models if any enemy models were slain in combat ala the Mourngul's ability, and add d3 to enemy bravery rolls.

  6. Giant ghost.

    Giant corpse with ghosts flowing around/through it.

    Giant ghoul with tombstones stuck to its feet, coffins on its belt, corpses in its teeth; you can take it in any direction man

  7. Ive been hoping for a rework but at this point I honestly wouldnt mind a few point drops to tide us over.


    Glaivewraiths would be a lot of fun if they were cheaper, bouncing around leaving combats and charging past to intercept characters 

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