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Posts posted by Neck-Romantic

  1. Oooh... good news!

    I don't want to go full TFG with multiple *predatory* endless spells, but the shackles are both thematic for NightHaunt and less OP  imho.

    And iir they are relatively cheap as well

  2. Hmm. Is the idea still sound? Essentially "mining" an ojective so it cant be claimed without removing the surrounding shackles first?

    If it is close to terrain you could essentially wall it off from enemies getting close enough..

  3. What do you guys think about taking an extra GoSouls, and 1 or 2 instances of soulsnare shackles to block charge routes, deepstrikers, and use as unbind-bait?

    You could claim an objective, move off and surround it with chain bases, forcing them to leave it to you spend their time dispelling it *after* their movement phase..

    Once it's served it's purpose you can even unbind it yourself with your Myrmourns for the +1 attack, and you have the extra GoS to heal them... and the shackles ready to reposition!

    As I understand it, unbinding an endless spell takes away one of your own spellcasts for a turn, so in the early game, since all your wizards know every endless spell you take...you could conceivably spam shackles and be win-win. Either you get the spell off and saturate a strategic area with bullcrap, or you bait one of their unbinds AND one of their own spells.

    Follow up; can you take multiples of a specific endless spell?

  4. Chainrasps true strength is the chainguard formation. Relativley cheap, extra command point, extra relic, and can flood the field with ethereal fodder.

    Spread the rasps out enough and you could potentially get the GoS far enough away from shooting/interceptors

  5. People have brought up an interesting point, we might have some difficulty dealing with tough targets like Treemen or Stardrakes.

    I built the core of my force (12 Hosts, 10 Hexes, +hit KoS) around the + hit MW synergy that ended up getting trashed.

    Now Im thinking more of a ShadeMisted Shroudguard of bladegheists locking something down for a round, retreating up the field to pick off supports/isolated targets while buffed Myrmourns lay into the SoulCaged problem target the bladegheists just abandoned...

    The core would be 12 Hosts, a GoSouls with chainrasp bubblewrap, STorment, and Olynder with a strike wing of mKoS, 12 myrmourns, 2 units of Bladegheists, second STorment, Shroudguard. Shademist, Spirit Tether, SoulCage

    Or swap Shroudguard for a Dreadblade Harrow. Thoughts?

  6. Just want to take the time to say the all the new Nighthaunts, but especially the mounted Knight of Shrouds are absoloutely incredible miniatures.

    Its amazing to set it alongside some of my oldhammer minis and see how far the quality and imagination have come in the last 20 years.

    • Like 1
  7. I've always wondered about the hexwraiths ability... I think you actually need to place the model to effect things youve crossed over, the thought of just saying you flew around and came back to the same spot and alllocating MW's seems a bit WAAC

  8. Its my area's meta

    I also have been in the hobby for over 15 years and own roughly 4000 points of Necrons, so Im not a total novice, just dont own a copy of the rules : )

  9. I do own some chainrasp from the Boxed set, could easily drop the second torment for them. Possibly the chaingheists. 

    This list represents all the things I own/have on preorder, minus the bladegeists and harrow so far.

    4 dispells, lots of healing, some fast movers and layered buffs, with Myrmourns and Bladegheists as wildcards able to sprint off and mob targets of opportunity

    Is it me or is the Harrow seeming like an autoinclude for his point cost?

  10. 8 minutes ago, The Cyclop Owl said:

    You only have two battleline units in there...

    PS: apart from Miniwargaming and Guerilla Miniature Gaming, anybody has battle reports to share?

    Doh! How many do you have to have lol? 

    I just delved into AoS and havnt actually got a game in with my ghosts yet!

  11. Alright, here goes for a list...


    6x Spirit Hosts - 240

    6x Spirit Hosts - 240

    Spirit Torment - 120

    Mortarch of Grief - 240


    20x Bladegheists - 360

    Spirit Torment - 120

    Guardian of Souls - 140

    2x Chainghasts - 80

    Mounted Knight of Shrouds - 140

    12x Myrmourn Banshees - 210

    Dreadblade Harrow - 100

    1990 points

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