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Posts posted by Acid_Nine

  1. 21 hours ago, Luke1705 said:

    Played an interesting game vs Sylvaneth today. He brought Harvestboon and ran 70 dryads (30-30-10) with 6 scythe hunters and Durthu, plus the 2 branch...wyches? so it was a 1 drop with some serious charge bonuses. He also took cogs (though he never cast it).

    I brought:

    Eidolon of the Storm (ethereal amulet)

    Volturnos (General)



    9 Morrsarr

    6 Morrsarr

    6 Morrsarr

    It was my first game using the scryer and I totally misplayed Volturnos. He didn’t get to use his command ability on anyone (could have done it on himself but it wasn’t necessary). I also messed up the initial charge on the 15 morrsarr. I tried to spread them too thin and wound up not being able to kill what they charged, which meant I had to fall back turn 2 with the 9 man squad so that I could charge on turn 3.

    It’s also very easy to kill part of a squad so that your opponent can take their models out of 3” and this deny you an activation. The same applies to your biovoltaic blast if you’re not careful about how you charge.

    But basically, these eels do a metric ton of damage. It’s a little silly. But when they don’t charge, it’s just night and day how much less they output. I’m thinking I will change to a tidecaster general list to change the tides table so that high tide is turn 2. Volturnos is great but having a bit of chaff is also nice to protect the unit of eels you will likely start on the board (unless you run 2 scryers).

    The eidolon was good (literally unkillable with the amulet and mystic shield) and did some great damage. I like him not being able to be tied up in combat, but I think his damage output is just a little lackluster compared to his points.

    Oh also I did win the game, but it was close. I was able to double turn him and if he had taken the double turn back, he probably would have had enough points to take the game.


    That's a lot of speels! I get your point on the chaff unit being necessary.  would you think that the shieelds would be a good chaff unit just to absorb some fire? or maybe replacing the eidolon with a turtle to give some cover for the turn after the charge? also, when did you deploy the shocking stuff?

  2. Finally played a 1,000 point game with these guys, and I gotta say I am quite happy how they played. I did have some coaching as it was my first game of AOS 2, but most of the plan went as I intended barring some horrible dice rolls. 


    Allegiance: Idoneth Deepkin - Mortal Realm: Ghyran
     - Enclave: Dhom-Hain
    Akhelian King (240) - General - Command Trait : Born From Agony  - Artefact :  Ghyrstrike 
    Isharann Tidecaster (100) - Lore of the Deeps : Abyssal Darkness
    6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (320)
    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
    1 x Akhelian Allopexes (140)
    Umbral Spellportal (60)


    Opponent was  (blood bound of mainly 5  new!blood crushers squads, jugger lord with demonCrown and some blood priests)  and we were playing knife to the heart.

    Turn 1 :I gave the opponent turn 1 so he would come closer and he did! I tried to cast the umbral spell portals but it completely flubbed (along with the rest of my magic so I will not mention it for this). the akhelian king,  morrsar and the ishlaen guard all charged into the front lines to tie up and hold down 4 blood crusher squads so they wouldn't charge me and deal mortal wounds . Ishlean guard tied down into two units of crushers to tie them up, King charged to support them and the morrsarr guard charged into two more crusher squads. the allopex sat with the tidecaster in back to hold the objective.

     Morsarr widely wiffed with three riders going into each thirster squad only killing two from one squad and one from the other with some wounds thrown in here and there. The king completely wiped one squad with his unicorn horn and relic glaive (+1 to hit and wound)  and my opponent killed one morrsarr guard with his lord.

    Turn 2: my opponent got the turn and proceeded to blood boil my king down to one wound for another crusher squad to finish off, leaving my ishlaen squad to fend for themselves, and his lord ran away to threaten my objective.  when the combat phase rolled around I zapped my morrsarr guard's charge and finished off the two crusher squads through both it and combat while the ishlaen guard where whittled down by crusher squad to two guys.

    my turn my shark charged the threatening lord and my morrsarr charged his two slaughter priests (in hind sight I should have went for the objective to win outright, but I wanted some more fun) and destroyed them with the spears thanks to some good dice.  my shark managed to take a massive bite from the lord, doing quite a bit of damage! Ishlaen held out but lost another guy, leaving only the prince, one very wounded crusher and one full strength squad of crushers.

    Turn 3: facing high tide, my opponent used his blood tithe to attack in the hero phase rather than summon some hounds, and nearly killed the shark! He retreated to his objective with his higher strength squad of crushers.  Combat phase happened next and my shark somehow managed to kill his jugger lord, which was a complete surprise to me! he had some good rolls for his bites and fins.  My ishlaen got the crusher he was fighting down to one wound but died pathetically.

    My turn came and My shark still held back at my objective and took a potshot at the remaining crusher and managed to kill it with a lucky shot! My morrsarr guard barely managed to kill the crusher squad that was holding the objective, and I tabled my opponent as well as score the objective! 


    so with this one game I have not mastered deep kin, but I think I made a start. It was very fun, and barring some dissapointing dice rolls I feel I did well. The eels are just so darn fast, tough(ish) and can put out so many attacks. much better compared to my death army's blood knights in my oppinion. The tidecaster was mostly useless due to me not getting any magic off this enter game, and really just sat around doing nothing because of bad dice. the allopex completely surprised me with how much damage it put out and how it singlehandedly killed the juggerlord, and the morrsarr wrecked face as they were supposed to do. 

    I probably could have positioned my king further on the flank so he wouldn't be charged as hard, as he was dead center and in front of the crusher squad held in reserve.  on the turn he charged though, he put out so much damage that I think I will make my model into a generic king rather than voltunous, and since I'm going dhom-hain I get re-roll ones on the turn I charge anyways so the larger bubble isn't needed.


    overall I am excited to play more games!

  3. 4 hours ago, DantePQ said:

    It depends, debuff isn't that handy as usually you wipe out enemy you wanna wipe out, but it's great against DoK for example, mystic shield is easy choice, but it's just extra and you are very frequently out of range 

    You raise fair points, and I didnt even notice most of our spells are short ranged and are hard to use if you wanna keep up with eels, but I think there may be some endless spells that help that out a little bit. maybe the spell portal and / or the vortex could help? or running along to try and keep up every turn would be needed.


    but I kinda disagree on the handiness of the spell from a theoryhammer side. I only used played idoneth once so this is theory, but I imagine that you could cast some -1 hit spells on units that are poised to charge your units? that way when their turn comes around it's harder to remove, and you are not casting spells on a unit you plan to wipe? 

  4. 4 hours ago, Vextol said:

    Worse for eels because they lose the retreat and charge turn in the tides 

    Thank you! That's the main reason I like dohm hain. No draw backs that messes with the tides, and the faction rules fits what an aggressive army should be like as long as they get the charge!

    19 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    True. That was one mistake I did, I should have screened the eels with the Reavers for example. The Thralls were too busy holding two objectives (which they did since he didn‘t dare getting close to them). Also I couldn‘t move away from the objectives due to „ride the winds etheric“ and The Unit teleport his Lord relictor had.

    I did not want to invest points in the Soulscryer since that‘s what I And pretty much everyone else does. Additionally my opponent is rather an AoS sceptic „this game is so stupid, 40k is much better“ so I didn‘t want to build a too strong alphastrike army.

    That's a dilemma, but that is also a lot of points holding the backfield to not be doing much to be honest. Playing stormcasts is tricky and so far I only did a few times, but outside of that and experience I have from 40k I have no clue what to say. 

    Also, it doesn't seem like he's keeping to the 'non strong alphastrike army' like you are trying to do? 

  5. On 12/20/2018 at 3:34 PM, JackStreicher said:

    So I had another Game (1850 pts) vs stormcasts with a lot of Sequitors (10, 2x5), 6 palladors, a ballista, Lord-Arcanum on gryph charger, Lord-Relictor, Lord-Venator (the flying bow guy), a knight-Aquilor. Celestial Vindicators.

    I fielded:

    1 Akh. King, Ethereal Amulet and Born from Agony,  a Tidecaster - Steeds of Tide ,  Aspect of the Storm, 30 Thralls, 10 Reavers, 1 Allopex, 6 Morsarr, 3 Ishlean Guard. Dhom-Hain

    I tried not to build the List too eel focused since I prefer balanced builds.

    we rolled for the scenario (in the Big Rule Book) and we played the first one (Sth. Sth. Glory): you win if you control 4/4 objectives by the start of turn 4. (or if you control the most objectives by the end of turn 5. if it‘s still a draw it‘s decided by killpoints.


    I placed my units so he couldn‘t deepstrike into my back. He had the first turn, deepatriked, charged my 6 Morsarr with the palladors and 10 Sequitors and pretty much wiped them. The rest of the game was damage control and in the End all I had left we’re my 30 thralls a Tidecaster and one Ishlean Guard. Granted I did a few mistakes and I refused to fix them afterwards in order to learn from them.

    my conclusion to the game and the units:

    Though most people complain about the eels I feel like you need to build eel-heavy to stand a chance in a competetive Environment which is a pitty for balanced lists.

    I kept my Reavers around the Aspect of the Storm which made their shooting damage acceptable: rerolling 1s to wound ( 3 dead Sequitors and 2 wounds on the palladors damage caused within 3 turns). They didn‘t do anything in melee though. The Allopex chewed 2 turns on the ballista.... My heroes were the Ishlean Guards which, as usual dealt a lot of dmg while tanking like demigods. The Aspect was lackluster. The King was okay and died to 6 lucky mortal wounds due to the Palladors mounts (-_-!!). The Morsarr were utter ****** which wasn‘t their fault, but the fault of Turn 1 Alpha- Deepstrikes...🥺

    overall I feel like most of the army’s internal point-balance is quite off. Imo the following points would rather fit the actual use of the units (what do you think?)

    Aspect of the Sea - 340/360

    Aspect of the Storm - 320/340

    Leviadon - 320/340

    Allopex - 80/100

    Reavers - 100

    thralls - 120/140

    Ishlean 140/160

    morsarr 160/180

    Soulscryer 120

    All Battallions down by 10 to 20. 

    Let‘s see what January will bring...


    That's interesting, but I have to ask... did you bubble wrap your units at all? If you know he's coming to you, you could make a huge no man's zone with the thralls or reavers  in order to stop them from getting your speels with some room to spare I think? Heck it sounds like your thralls were largely unhurt, and  if you want to try them out then maybe protect them a bit more or invest in a soulscryer for outflank?

  6. 3 hours ago, Kimbo said:

    Hi everyone! 


    Deciding on what new project i want to start after cristmas and deepkin is in my top 3. Im a real noob with this army so i would love your help to start! 

    - is it good to start off with the battleforce? What should i buy after that? What works good on the table? 

    - based on the q's above. What would you play at 1k? Please share a list you've used to good effect! 

    - how is the army doing atm? (Competitive, tournaments and such) 

    - What is There overall playstyle?

    - What are the winners/losers of the army unit wise? 


    Thank you for your replies! All help is greatly appriciated 

    I suggest watching some batreps on the idoneth to see if you like them and get a feel for some of their units, and how lists would look. I heard they are quite good, especially the eels, and the playstyle seems to be hard hitting but small units. 

    honestly from what I have seen the only big loser of this army is the allopex. the shark boys don't seem to do much other than take a few potshots and hold objectives, but I have yet to play them to any affect so I wouldnt know personally. our boys are fast, but can be dragged down and overwhelmed quite quickly if you are not careful.

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  7. Well, thanks to my secret santa at Gw this year I managed to finally have more of idoneth after an entire year of pining for them. Managed to get two boxes of eels and an alopex, so all I need is a tide caster and one more eel box and I would have my ideal 1,000 point army. 

    now beyond one game against storm casts where I proxied blood knights for speels I have no clue what I am doing with this army. I have a general idea, so here's my 1,000 points that is currently in the making...


    Allegiance: Order - Mortal Realm: Ghur - Enclave: Dohmn-Hain
    Isharann Tidecaster (100) - Artefact :  Sands of Infinity  - Lore of the Deeps : Abyssal Darkness
    Vulturnos, High King of the Deep (280) - General
    6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (320)
    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
    1 x Akhelian Allopexes (140) / ishlaen guard (140)
    Quicksilver Swords (20)

    so aside from the tide caster this list is all mobile and calvalry heavy, and the plan is to try and gain a first turn charge by letting the enemy go first to gain the field, retreat turn 2 with my morrsarr only to charge turn 3 with them at high tide in order to get as much as an advantage as I could.  the tactics can be altered to fit the plan,  and it isn't set in stone. I want to get one more box of shieelds some day to replace the alopex, but for now I think this would be a fun list to try out.



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