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Posts posted by Acid_Nine

  1. On 12/20/2018 at 3:34 PM, JackStreicher said:

    So I had another Game (1850 pts) vs stormcasts with a lot of Sequitors (10, 2x5), 6 palladors, a ballista, Lord-Arcanum on gryph charger, Lord-Relictor, Lord-Venator (the flying bow guy), a knight-Aquilor. Celestial Vindicators.

    I fielded:

    1 Akh. King, Ethereal Amulet and Born from Agony,  a Tidecaster - Steeds of Tide ,  Aspect of the Storm, 30 Thralls, 10 Reavers, 1 Allopex, 6 Morsarr, 3 Ishlean Guard. Dhom-Hain

    I tried not to build the List too eel focused since I prefer balanced builds.

    we rolled for the scenario (in the Big Rule Book) and we played the first one (Sth. Sth. Glory): you win if you control 4/4 objectives by the start of turn 4. (or if you control the most objectives by the end of turn 5. if it‘s still a draw it‘s decided by killpoints.


    I placed my units so he couldn‘t deepstrike into my back. He had the first turn, deepatriked, charged my 6 Morsarr with the palladors and 10 Sequitors and pretty much wiped them. The rest of the game was damage control and in the End all I had left we’re my 30 thralls a Tidecaster and one Ishlean Guard. Granted I did a few mistakes and I refused to fix them afterwards in order to learn from them.

    my conclusion to the game and the units:

    Though most people complain about the eels I feel like you need to build eel-heavy to stand a chance in a competetive Environment which is a pitty for balanced lists.

    I kept my Reavers around the Aspect of the Storm which made their shooting damage acceptable: rerolling 1s to wound ( 3 dead Sequitors and 2 wounds on the palladors damage caused within 3 turns). They didn‘t do anything in melee though. The Allopex chewed 2 turns on the ballista.... My heroes were the Ishlean Guards which, as usual dealt a lot of dmg while tanking like demigods. The Aspect was lackluster. The King was okay and died to 6 lucky mortal wounds due to the Palladors mounts (-_-!!). The Morsarr were utter ****** which wasn‘t their fault, but the fault of Turn 1 Alpha- Deepstrikes...🥺

    overall I feel like most of the army’s internal point-balance is quite off. Imo the following points would rather fit the actual use of the units (what do you think?)

    Aspect of the Sea - 340/360

    Aspect of the Storm - 320/340

    Leviadon - 320/340

    Allopex - 80/100

    Reavers - 100

    thralls - 120/140

    Ishlean 140/160

    morsarr 160/180

    Soulscryer 120

    All Battallions down by 10 to 20. 

    Let‘s see what January will bring...


    That's interesting, but I have to ask... did you bubble wrap your units at all? If you know he's coming to you, you could make a huge no man's zone with the thralls or reavers  in order to stop them from getting your speels with some room to spare I think? Heck it sounds like your thralls were largely unhurt, and  if you want to try them out then maybe protect them a bit more or invest in a soulscryer for outflank?

  2. 3 hours ago, Kimbo said:

    Hi everyone! 


    Deciding on what new project i want to start after cristmas and deepkin is in my top 3. Im a real noob with this army so i would love your help to start! 

    - is it good to start off with the battleforce? What should i buy after that? What works good on the table? 

    - based on the q's above. What would you play at 1k? Please share a list you've used to good effect! 

    - how is the army doing atm? (Competitive, tournaments and such) 

    - What is There overall playstyle?

    - What are the winners/losers of the army unit wise? 


    Thank you for your replies! All help is greatly appriciated 

    I suggest watching some batreps on the idoneth to see if you like them and get a feel for some of their units, and how lists would look. I heard they are quite good, especially the eels, and the playstyle seems to be hard hitting but small units. 

    honestly from what I have seen the only big loser of this army is the allopex. the shark boys don't seem to do much other than take a few potshots and hold objectives, but I have yet to play them to any affect so I wouldnt know personally. our boys are fast, but can be dragged down and overwhelmed quite quickly if you are not careful.

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  3. Well, thanks to my secret santa at Gw this year I managed to finally have more of idoneth after an entire year of pining for them. Managed to get two boxes of eels and an alopex, so all I need is a tide caster and one more eel box and I would have my ideal 1,000 point army. 

    now beyond one game against storm casts where I proxied blood knights for speels I have no clue what I am doing with this army. I have a general idea, so here's my 1,000 points that is currently in the making...


    Allegiance: Order - Mortal Realm: Ghur - Enclave: Dohmn-Hain
    Isharann Tidecaster (100) - Artefact :  Sands of Infinity  - Lore of the Deeps : Abyssal Darkness
    Vulturnos, High King of the Deep (280) - General
    6 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (320)
    3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)
    1 x Akhelian Allopexes (140) / ishlaen guard (140)
    Quicksilver Swords (20)

    so aside from the tide caster this list is all mobile and calvalry heavy, and the plan is to try and gain a first turn charge by letting the enemy go first to gain the field, retreat turn 2 with my morrsarr only to charge turn 3 with them at high tide in order to get as much as an advantage as I could.  the tactics can be altered to fit the plan,  and it isn't set in stone. I want to get one more box of shieelds some day to replace the alopex, but for now I think this would be a fun list to try out.



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