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Posts posted by Forrix

  1. 2 hours ago, SentinelGuy said:

    The knights problem really makes me question their playtesting, especially considering that GW actually noted how bad knights were previously and the new warscroll was supposed to fix them. They need another attack or a hefty points drop.

    Yeah, to me GW has the weird ability to write generally excellent books and warscrolls but then just absolutely drop the ball on a few items.

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, 123lac said:


    Models are as old as their sculpts. 

    No need to be dishonest.

    I have never known a person to like a model then go "oh, it's how many years old? Nevermind".  

    If you're determined to hate this book then keep on hating I guess but try not to be insulting.

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  3. I'll agree that I don't think GW anticipated the popularity of Cities but I also don't see them putting out a 2.0 battletome and then squatting everything inside it within a year or two. Lorewise, the cities provide key centers for focus in a world that otherwise become blurry due to its immense size. Nobody cares if peninsula #230981 gets taken over by Chaos in Aqshy but if Hammerhal comes under siege suddenly the stakes are high.

    I don't have any models from the order factions from WHFB (I was all chaos) but I've been wanting to get some of the newer dwarf and elf sculpts since they came out. This provides a great opportunity for me to do so since they now have coherent rules. I have a feeling some of the thought behind Cities were to get old players to come out and play with their armies then move on to Stormcast, Slyvaneth, or KO (lol given their current rules). I'm thinking this will boost sales of the old armies more than GW expects though.

  4. 22 minutes ago, Turin Turambar said:

    man i hope the Drakespawn Knights have an error on their warscroll.

    Frowny's analysis mades me wonder if they are even worth useing over other options. which is a shame as i like them.

    Well they have a 3+ save and reroll 1s all the time and 1s and 2s in the combat phase. I could see them being used as a mobile anvil or tarpit, especially against units that don't have rend. Not saying they're good just trying to shoot some ideas out and figure out why they were given such a low damage output.


    2 hours ago, zilberfrid said:

    Not getting plastic means GW isn't risking even a single mold for this, which makes it harder for me to want to commit myself to buying more stuff.

    I think if Cities sells well they will get some more support down the line. I think this release is as much about testing the waters for future releases as it to tie up loose ends with dangler factions.

    • Like 2
  6. I haven't seen many of the kits up close but the big hole in the lines are the lack of hero kits. Freeguild general on foot really needs a new kit. Wanderers really need more than just nomad prince (had thought all aelves would be made to work together in Cities but nope).  They could also use a named character or two.

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Syrex said:

    Nice summary Arkhanist!
    It's really going to come down to point costs.
    If there aren't any/many changes, it's all a bit disappointing. Odd that the Ironbreaker warscroll just doesn't mention shields whatsoever.

    Yeah, Ironbreakers feel weird. Considering Longbeards get +1 save against melee putting them at a 3+ save against most attacks, get their grumblings, and are 20 points cheaper according to new posted points I'm not seeing any reason to ever take Ironbreakers. I wonder if a shield rule got left off Ironbreakers by mistake. I'd take them if they got a 2+ save in melee.

  8. 3 hours ago, sandlemad said:

    That's it, isn't it, they're both armoured elite elves with two-handed swords. It's hard to see any reasonable good-faith argument by an opponent that it's all too confusing without them being 'that guy'. Some stand-ins definitely need bit more creativity but stuff like using an Archmage as a Sorceress or Ellyrion Reavers as Dark Riders is practically a perfect 1:1 translation into the rules.

    Honestly that's why I think so many of the High Elf kits got retired. They were very similar to their Dark Elf counterparts and the Dark Elf kits were newer and better looking for the most part. There was a picture somewhere on here of someone who kitbashed the Executioners with the heads for the Blackguard and painted them in High Elf colors. They basically just looked like updated Swordmasters.

  9. My guesses...





    Free Cities

    With so many battletomes in the past year there's plenty of guesses though 2 of the boxes last year didn't have tomes. The fact that there's still the Slaves to Darkness one on shelves though I think shows they didn't sell well (not sure on Seraphon) so I think GW will be more hesitant to put one for bookless armies out.  If FEC got one I could see Fyreslayers getting one, they have become far more popular since their new battletome. I didn't want to put Free Cities or Warclans in here but I feel like GW isn't quite putting the effort behind them they have other tomes due to the lack of terrain and sharing a release date though I know there's plenty of other explanations. BUT I really want one, it could let them clear out inventory, and I could very much be wrong about GW perception of Free Cities. I went with 5 battletomes since they did more than 4 for 40k last year and I feel AoS has been growing.

  10. 5 minutes ago, TheCovenLord said:

    You touch on one of the inherent issues I have with AOS at the moment. They design factions to cover their weaknesses rather than play to their strengths.  Armies should be strong. Overpowered busted strong. But, it should be at their "strength" (ex: skaven crazy shooting/warpmachines) but each faction should retain their weaknesses. This not only helps balance the game but also lends to inherent faction flavor as you realize they are not perfect spheres of power rather a pointed spear that needs to be utilized in a skillful manner. 


    Most video games function off this principle (DOTA, league, overwatch, rainbow 6) all have different characters with inherent strengths but also inherent exploitable flaws and the real skill is in mitigating those flaws while flaunting your strengths. Even MTG has this to a certain degree with the color pie (yes I am aware it is broken continually but an established "flavor" and favored style for each color exists beyond certain blocks).


    I hope they realize this and start balancing factions with inherent strengths and weaknesses both from a rules perspective (more balanced play and tougher games) as well as from a flavor perspective (how god awful vanilla is skaven/gitmobs when you remove the randomness, the cowardly foot soldiers, the backstabbing or the bloodlust of the daughters of khaine forcing them into fights with minimal armor *cough except hag narr cough*?) Super powered all rounders are boring and make for vanilla play and unfortunately the top tier competitive armies are exactly that, immense, minimal to no weakness super factions.

    I particularly hate fighting Legions of Nagash as Nurgle as I'm supposed to be the tanky faction that trades damage  for its tankiness (in a nutshell) but here's an army that's tankier than me and hits harder than me. And has better spell casting and arguably better mobility too.

    Its super annoying to look at a rule like Deathly Invocations and be like "Okay, I guess I need to focus fire units down". Then they have Undying Legions so its like "Okay, I guess I shouldn't just pour all my attacks into one unit". So its like "I guess my only hope is to kill the general". Then the general is Nagash or otherwise effectively impossible for your battletome to kill (I get that powercreep and a points increase has dethroned Nagash from his previously absurd level) and you're just screwed.

    • Like 1
  11. On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2019 at 3:00 AM, Overread said:

    The name changes alone mean that GW can at least steal the first google search terms, since the 3rd parties can't use those names to advertise their products. 

    I've always thought the name changes were more about search engines than actual copyright (though copyright helps protect those page 1 results). Ever since Thor: The Dark World came out if you google "Malekith" you get the Marvel character for at least the first page. On Instagram "Dwarf" gets you all sorts of things but Duardin will just show you GW stuff.

    Edit: I don't know how much % of sales occur early in the product life cycle for models but if it is a significant percentage more unique sculpts would be effective against 3rd party knock offs as there would be an initial window before other companies can develop and produce their knock-offs. Plus, higher fantasy can produce more variety. A arkonaut is much more interesting than another traditionally armored melee dwarf when you already have the excellent Hammerer, Longbeard, and Ironbreaker models.

  12. 54 minutes ago, Charlo said:

    Phoeneccium preview is up.

    Add 1 to hit and to wound rolls of all  PHOENICIUM units melee weapons for the rest of the phase if any PHOENICIUM units were destoryed this phase.


    Not bad and certainly has some tactical applications and will play with your opponents game plan however I think it's quite hard to apply.

    I think it could be quite good though until we see the whole book its hard to say. I would think about shielding a hammer unit about 3 inches behind cheap chaff. They wipe out the chaff and now they're in range of the hammer unit which is now at +1 hit and wound. Definitely harder to use than the other allegiance abilities we've seen so far.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Gecktron said:

    Both sets will cost 80€, which is in line with the SC! sets for Kharadrons, SCE Vanguard and Fyreslayers. 

    Then they might have adjusted their currency conversion since those sets are $95 not $100. Looking at the KO SC* they have a savings of 41% so in line with Anvilgard but more savings than Greywater.

    *Since Fyreslayers is weird with the Magmadroth kit not available separately anymore and the SCE Vanguard has some odd unit sizes compared to the regular kits.

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