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Posts posted by HollowHills

  1. I don't care whether it's for ToW or AoS but I need these Cathay units to actually be models. 

    If these dragon peeps are that powerful maybe they survived the end times? 

    Please GW, we need more colorful and exotic looking armies that aren't just medieval dudes.

  2. 22 minutes ago, PrimeElectrid said:

    STD white dwarf update is out. GW still holding themselves back on faction battalions, battle tactics and GSG which is good.

    Warcry units can take marks and be battleline 

    No changes to marks or archaon 🤷‍♂️ 


  3. 9 hours ago, KingBrodd said:

    I really really reaaaaally hope the Era of the Beast brings more Seas critters to the Idoneth. It makes too much sense for the Idoneth to be the Aelven Beast masters and go full nautical, 3000 Leagues under the sea.

    Exactly let's go.


    It isn't an elf release if it's sea monsters. 

    • Like 3
  4. The latest pre-orders have gone up and as many of us expected free warscrolls are no longer listed for download on the website.

    Based on reboxing we also know that the warscrolls included only show stats and not abilities.

    Therefore the only official way to get rules currently is to purchase a full physical battletome.

    GW seem to have permanently ditched digital books. The official form of digital rules will only be the currently non existent aos app that will form part of the paid for warhammer+ sub.

    In the transition from 2nd edition to 3rd we have lost the free app, free rules on the website and access to digital books.

    This during a global pandemic where many people have faced financial challenges and where GW continue to earn record profits.

    My view is this is incredibly anti consumer and should be met with universal scorn from hobbyists everywhere.

    I will continue to access my rules elsewhere, but I'm not linking anything as it may violate forum rules to do so.

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    • Confused 1
  5. I don't think we can blame GW for the supply issues. They are hitting everyone. Most of us in the UK have seen issues in shops with stuff being out of stock, big chain restaurants having to limit their menu or close.

    What we can blame GW for is not being clearer and communicating about the delays. As well as going back to stealth edit articles without announcing anything.

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  6. I'm making one last post and leaving it there as I feel this has largely run its course.

    I hope in a few months time WH+ has proven a track record of adding regular solid content, includes more rules and gaming resources and the new aos app is a vast improvement on the old one. If that happens I will happily sign up and enjoy the content during my painting sessions.

    For now I hope some of the discourse and backlash we've see here and elsewhere in the hobby sphere shows GW what they need to do to enhance their offering.


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