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Posts posted by HollowHills

  1. 7 minutes ago, rattila said:

    OH MY GOD! Anyone else noticed that the rogue trader in the video just recruited a ranger eldar in his team? Just like the rogue trader Vhane Glorious! What if the adventurer of WH Blackstone Fortress are the same? (aka the rogue trader, a female imperial guard, a male ranger eldar and a techpriest) ???


    You heard it here first.

    Be cool if they had to fight new plastic noise marines and khorne berzerkers.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Kurrilino said:


    we have now 5 pages of wishlisting of what should be revealed at Spiel.

    If you don't have an actual rumour or contribution to a rumour please post into the wishlisting thread.

    No. Discussing when things will be revealed and the reasons why is part of this thread and has been for a long time. I get people being annoyed if its totally off topic but reading speculation relating to the rumours is part of the fun.

    It's different to wishlisting, which is hoping for stuff that has no basis in known information. Saying "I hope we see more about wrath and Rapture at spiel" is part of an ongoing discussion relating to the rumour that this product will be released within the next month. Same with stuff about moonclan etc. 

    The real rumours are here, read between lines, check track records with posting, find the origin of discussions. There is no fun to rumours if they were just statements about unreleased products from people in the know. 

    • Like 19
  3. Was any release mentioned anywhere for that? It does look interesting.

    Also; possibly the dark stormcast pictured are the anvilgard symbol faction and the pink snake is privateers. Deffo not Slaanesh as I previously stated based on the 3 enemy factions thing.

  4. 1 hour ago, Malin said:

    Anything besides harf herald you can share?

    Other than what's been said before... Two plastic heralds for khorne and slaanesh, new fiend and plastic bloodhounds. And that release schedules are very flexible so predicting exact time frames is difficult. 

    I'm not a proper rumour monger I'm afraid. I just pry and investigate as much as I can. 

    • Like 1
  5. It's not for idoneth. I would love it if it was but no, the design consistency isn't there (from someone who has painted a lot of idoneth this year). 

    It is an already painted model though. You can see from the textures etc. From what I know about new slaanesh it isn't that. It could be moonclan but I don't know much about that side of things sadly. 

    • Like 2
  6. 42 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

    A daemonete playing a harp with claws is funny.

    I would like to know or to try to know if maybe next year we will have something else in the first months apart from Darkoath, slanesh  and Moonclan. How much time goes since we know a rumor and it appears on shop?? like when we knew there will be sea aelfs? that sentence I think it was "they are like kayric acolytes with spite revenants heads..." and "theres a shark and a big turtle" I know is too soon but I wanna all aelfs out :)


    Deepkin were rumoured about a year before release, but that's rare. There was little about DoK until right before they came out. 

    I expect wrath and Rapture in Nov so if I'm off about the herald we will know soon. 

  7. The aim is for a January faq, however it isn't known if there will be point increases at this time. 

    Dark oath is an update to what people liked about chaos undivided in old warhammer. Esp gives an insight into life in the realms for humans living outside of order, tribes that grew up under the age of chaos. Maybe more "human" than the god specific bloodbound, blight Kings etc. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, alghero81 said:

    It’s probably off topic from the Rumours thread but the Nighthaunt treatment was probably exaggerated (and I’m talking as a Nighthaunt collector pre-LoN). 

    As a GW customer and fan I would rather see expansion on the current armies and the odd new army here and there with maybe less models but more thematic. And “fix” or merge the old world factions that didn’t get love until now.

    But most importantly what I would like is to discorporate the “new model only when battletome is updated and cards are printed” system as this way we know many armies will take ages to be updated as they can’t have a mixed release (e.g. a release with single models for different factions). If the card was the problem I would even not mind pay a reasonable price for custom printing for all those not included in the “card pack” or an update pack for all new ones every year.

    but I guess it’s more about marketing strategies...

    end rant and hoping to see new exciting things for everyone next year! Happy people make happy gaming

    You have to think about what the costs of creating new models are, not just the design and manufacturing process. After a sprue is cast that has to be transported to stores and warehouses all over the world. That involves a huge amount of supply chain work Inc customs, fuel, third parties etc. 

    People who are collecting an army would love it if new models just occasionally came out, but with the exception of a few examples such as space marines or stormcast it might only be 3 or 4% of your total consumer base interested in a given faction (bone splitters or fyrrslayers for example). 

    If you create a whole new launch a lot of your profit is coming from people spending hundreds on buying the whole range for a new army. Consumers aren't likely to spend that money on a whole range because of one new model. 

    This is why releasing a codex or tome without new models can be so cost effective as well. A new book which makes an army desirable can sell existing plastic that may already have been sitting in warehouses for a decade. How many WHFB kits for beasts of chaos were sitting unused in sites all over the world? New boxing and art etc is much easier to produce on demand than hefty plastic. 

    • Like 1
  9. 58 minutes ago, mmimzie said:

    Sure but there is room there to make a reason to take reavers and thralls right?? Like reacers and thralls can be used become a more durable, horde style recurrsion list. A different list for the same faction that give it another very different way of playing than the eel list.  There is a whole suit of synergy for thralls/reavers. Scryers letting yo uget 20 +9" to thier charge so you can actualy get 20 thralls on the board to all attack turn 1, With turtle and reavers backing up the thralls. Tidec aster general switch the tides so the reavers can run and shoot turn 1, and the turtle gives cover you would normaly lose. Then turn 2 you strike first with a blender of thralls to contend with.  The main thing is that currently thralls maybe are to expensive or eels are too cheap right now. There is atleast a semi competive thrall/reaver list that could go 3 out of 5 wins at a tournament. 

    DoK i don't know so well, but poor units like that i'd say should be scrapped of given purpose. Maytbe giving they synergy with the melee snake for instance. That give both a real and compeling purpose. 

    And you could take a soup list for LoN that used zombies instead of skeletons or hex wraiths instead of bladeghast and it might also do 3/5. The point is you'd be deliberately playing a sub optimal list. The original argument was that a soup battletome makes this more likely, which as I say is not the case. 

    You can always chose to play sub optimal, it's just the wrong choice at a competitive level. At a casual level everything in LoN is usable and I would say more enjoyable than in the old grand alliance death thst existed prior. 

    Armies with lots of unit choice fighting for similar roles like LoN or stormcast result in some units seeing a lot of play and others dying out. In tiny armies like Ironjawz or Fyrrslayers this is not the case as you are literally limited to what exists. . It has nothing to do with soup. 

    • Like 4
  10. 7 hours ago, mmimzie said:

    I personally don't care for the soup books.

    So many of the units that could have a place to shine are dulled by the presence of other in faction much better units.  It's like stormcast with liberators and paladins VS sequators and evocators.

    Beast of chaos has the same sort of problem where a good number of the units just don't have a place at all in even i'd say a semi comeptive since of any given force. 

    Even new armies have that though. DoK don't take the bloodstalkers, Deepkin don't take thralls or reavers etc. 

    I don't think it's a problem with soup books, just that large armies with many choices tend to leave you with clear winners and losers. It's much easier to make everything balanced in an army with two or three units and some heroes than one which might have five or six troop choices. 

  11. They can release stuff whenever they want. The whole moonclan range could release in like two weeks if they wanted. Stuff gets made without specific release dates in mind (maybe approx quarter dates etc) and then the schedule gets drawn up based on best financial returns, ensuring a steady flow etc. 


    Why do you think Underworlds, Wrath and Rapture and the recent 40k battle boxes like tooth and claw are coming out now? They all make good Xmas stock options. Whereas army releases like custodes, Tzeentch, deepkin are designed to boost end of year financials. GW increased profits and stock market success comes down in large to successful release structuring. Its also why people like LLV can be very accurate about what's in development / ready to go without being clear about when it will ship. 

    November isn't a good time to release an army. Feel free to come back and laugh if I'm wrong because I'd love to be wrong. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Confused 1
  12. 35 minutes ago, Ravinsild said:

    Any new Khorne Berzerkers for 40k? :/ 

    Angron and Khorne Berzerkers have been rumoured for awhile now. I think GW are unsure what the best direction and release strategy for CSM is because they have some of the oldest kits in operation. Blackstone fortress is likely to contain quite a few new CSM models. 

    8 minutes ago, rattila said:

    I agreed for the first part: there is no reason for GW to do 2 brand new armies of elves in 2019, not after DoK and Idoneth. 

    I will be less surprised if they just put back together the biggest part of dark elves (darkling covens & order serpentis) in a battletome with as new models only Malerion and maybe one dual-kit unit and endless spells.

    The same for light elves (White Lions, Phoenix Gard, Eldritch Council, Order Draconis...) in a battletome with new models for Tyrion and Teclis, 1 dual-kit and endless spells.

    It would have more sense, and they can always expand those faction after, or re-imagine some units. The same way they have done with Beast of Chaos: new battletome with older faction, re-packaging of some models + 1 model (herdstone) and endless spells. I think BoC players are happy (maybe 1 or 2 models more would have been fun). 

    Otherwise, it would make really A LOT of elves, where there is actually no human (barring Stormcast, who are not really 'human' anymore).

    But i'm really waiting for new battleforces and Start Collecting (those namarti are expensive for a unit who is not dual kit!)

    Notice in GH17 we got loads of new allegiance abilities for older factions? Then no new ones in Gh18. However, we did see Legions of Nagash and Beasts of Chaos as two book releases that focused on existing (largely plastic) stock. LoN was incredible in the cost of development to return in sales ratio. 

  13. People talk about the new elves for the twins and Malerion, and while I won't deny they have been set up in lore I don't think they are anywhere near seeing army releases. I would be shocked if we see another aelf army release within the next year. 

    Two reasons 1) it would compete too strongly with recently released new sculpts which GW will still want to get a good sales performance from for at least the next couple of years. 2) there have been no whispers of these models as something in active development from solid sources. 

    Wrath and Rapture will feature new plastic heralds, a fiend and flesh hounds. A Slaanesh release will follow next year. Dark oath and Moonclan will release before the end of the financial year. 

    Next year will be lighter on AoS products. I expect a new Primaris release for 40k next year. 

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