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Posts posted by HollowHills

  1. I don't know if I believe that deepkin sold worse than expected, I see a lot of interest in them around the web. That said I suppose it depends on what the expectations were. 

    If they did sell badly I can think of a few reasons. 

    1) DoK released about a month beforehand. Players who had been waiting for new elves might have jumped in on DoK and had less interest in deepkin. 

    2) they are quite intimidating for a new player in terms of painting. Lots of small models with fiddly details and a centrepiece that looks quite hard to paint in the eidolon (I found him relatively easy due to the size of the model but I did use stuff like wetblending, layered shades etc) 

    3) the more unique you make something the more people will either love it or hate it. 

    4) lack of history, no relation to previous lore or characters mentioned outside the battletome. 

    5) can't be used in other fantasy games. 

    6) complex rules that make the army quite punishing to play.

    If this is true my biggest fear is that GW won't bother releasing new sculpts for them in future. Though to some extent beyond stormcast eternals we haven't seen aos factions get new units in general.

    I do believe GW see more value in releasing completely new armies than one or two models for an existing faction. 

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  2. 20 minutes ago, Blightzkrieg said:

    These all seem like reasonable assumptions. Maybe a mid sized Slaanesh update this spring or summer and a larger Gloomspite style StD update near the year's end, with a handful of minor updates scattered in between.

    The Aelves have always been the big question mark to me among the potential soup factions. There are just way too many different styles going on (which is why they became so fractured to begin with). 

    I do think it may be a bit of an all in one thing where you get Darkling Covens, Wanderers and a new name for the high elves as three separate factions in the same book. A bit like spiderfang, trogs and moonclan. Different keywords, but one allegiance. 

  3. I think at the LVO on the 8th Feb (?) we will probably see model previews for black legion and get an announcement of battletomes for FEC and Skaven soup. 

    If you look at ageofsigmar.com, the new store layout and the way armies were previewed on whc prior to aos 2nd I think it gives a good picture as to what soup tomes we may get.

    I fully expect StD and Slaanesh to be the only big model releases for aos for the rest of the year. But I do think we can expect more army boxes like carrion empire which also include a few new kits here and there. 

    An order army vs a destruction army next on the menu later this year? Ironjawz v sylvaneth? 

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  4. I come to this forum because I like age of sigmar, I am not a massive fan of the lore and doubt I will be. However, there are some things I really love like the idoneth deepkin and the idea of a vast setting where nearly anything goes. 

    After 4 years I'm a bit sick of reading people complaining about how the old world was amazing and sigmar is ******. Especially when followed by comments about stormcast being space marines, kharadron overlords being a joke or some stupid comment about flying sharks. 

    If you're not that bothered by the lore or feel it needs to be fleshed out that's fine. But if you need to come on an age of sigmar forum just to post about how you detest the lore and only like WHFB armies then that's going to rub me the wrong way. A lot of us are tired of having to justify our enjoyment of this game. 


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  5. 8 minutes ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Mmmh not sure, what would happen to the Allies chart of the Gloomspite Gitz, then🤔. I’m guessing that the greenskinz and gitmob grots will still be playable factions, since the dark elve legend warscroll didn’t  take away any faction either.

    They are allies now because they have points costs, they will lose their points cost at the same time as they lose allies status in GH19. 100% it will happen. GW aren't going to keep supporting models they no longer sell, they aren't even trying to link to selling the Greenskinz sc in the post. 

  6. 5 hours ago, TheGreatEnchanter said:

    Ha, this is 100% me. I detest the new factions and lore but quite like the system. I’ve started collecting high elves, dispossessed, greenskins/gitmob and wanderers only to sell them all off and abandon them because I don’t know how many years I’ll need to wait for decent rules and model range and merging back these ridiculous mini factions. 

    Don't play a game where you "detest" 90% of it. The new factions are the ones here to stay, even if old models get soup tomes they won't be supported forever.

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  7. 13 hours ago, Thiagoma said:

    Spire of Dawn was sold as an Age of Sigmar product. As you mention it yourself it is only 3 years old.  Yes, it is a rebox of Islands of Blood, but my


    6 hours ago, Kyriakin said:

    What if a new player recently came in and chose, say, Darkling Covens from the online store?

    He/she would have no context or evidence for that faction being older than any other, nor would he/she even know what a Dark Elf is.

    At the moment, the web store presents Dispossessed at the same status as, say, Fyreslayers.

    This is why I wish they would get rid. I too bought Spire of Dawn when I started AoS as I wanted an elf army. A few games against my friends stormcast later and I quickly realised that my army was a lot, lot weaker than his. 

    New players go in and buy these older armies and then immediately get discouraged because they are no where close to the battletome armies on the tabletop. 

  8. 1 hour ago, stato said:

    There is specifically an FAQ answer which says warscrolls from sources not in battletomes are valid until they are replaced. 

    Yes some people blinker themselves to GHB only, however this is only going to lead to problems in the future as White Dwarf starts releasing issues with new rules for AoS (Feb is set to give new rules for Stormcast Hammers of Sigmar) which have been specified as intended for match play.

    By that logic it's impossible to remove the guardians of the dawnspire battalion from the game unless they print an faq explicitly stating the fact. There is never going to be a battletome including it. 

    It used to be in the old GH and then they decided not to print it in the new one. From that point of view its not legal. I wouldn't allow it at any tournament I've organised. 

    If they add something between handbooks then obviously that's valid until the next one. So if they put a battalion in WD now with points then it would be valid up until GH19. If it then appears in GH19 its still valid, if not its illegal. Simple. 


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  9. 1 hour ago, Duke of Gisoreux said:

    The GHB can't take a battalion away. It only updates points. The "Guardians of the Dawnspire" battalion had a pitched battle profile when it was released in the "Spire of Dawn" box and is still valid. Assuming that things that are not listed in the GHB are not valid would mean that all compendium units and all new units in new battletomes would also be invalid until they are listed in the next GHB. That's stupid. Everything that has a pitched battle profile is valid.

    Wrong. No one allows old battalions that aren't listed in the most recent GHB, for instance some of the old khorne and stormcast battalions from their v1 tomes are no longer allowed despite having previously had matched play points. 


    1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Personally GW also missed some tricks I feel - Scourge Privateers should have combined with Idoneth

    Except they look totally different. Just remove these old factions. Take them off the store and leave them with matched play points for another year, then kill points too. 

    Part of what killed WHFB was people having attachments to armies and models they bought 20 years ago and wanting them to be balanced. Rather than actually buying new kits and following the development of the game. 

    Ofc it sucks to just have an army be dumped, but the warning signs have been there since 2015. Four years later people have had time to get a new army. 

    AoS is about deepkin, daughters, stormcast etc not high elves, dark elves and the empire. 


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  10. 1 hour ago, Gotrek said:

    Say what? Daughters, maggotkin, legions of nagash, nighthaunt (hexwraiths and spirit hosts), all use kits that are old. I'll lay $20 down that when we get the light aelves the Phoenixes will be in there. I dont think GW has recouped the cost on the moulds and design for them yet. The Phoenix guard might be replaced (like the dwarf slayers were). Same for the skycutter. They were released in 2013 so they are pretty new.

    Actually good point about the phoenix. I think that's possible too. Just wouldn't expect to see anything with the actual elf models, so stuff stuff like dragon prince's, white lions, shadow warriors etc. 

    If there is one high elf faction that would make a good one to expand in Aos I would personally vote phoenix temple. 

  11. This is why I wish GW would just remove some of these old armies and squat them. If they are unlikely to be supported going forward then it's a bit of a trap to sell them as if they were a valid choice for a new player. 

    Thing is AoS doesn't want to be generic fantasy. It's willing to have elves and dwarves but only in it's own way. The truth is a lot of those old high elven units have zero future while the best you can hope for with the rest is a soup book. 

    Ultimately, high elves as they were don't belong in AoS. If you want to play them then you have to make do with being a second class citizen, the same way dispossessed players will get less love and attention than KO and FS. Right now Idoneth and DoK are the future of aelves in Aos. 

    I wouldn't expect Tyrion and Malerion aelves soon and when they do arrive I really doubt they will include years old WHFB kits. They probably won't even look like aelves. 

    The best advice to anyone choosing an army in Aos is to pick one with a recent battletome. It's not like we're short on factions these days. 

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  12. Here are some facts;

    Dispossessed have a good amount of plastic kits. Most of which are fairly new sculpts in the scheme of things. 

    Dispossessed are, for whatever reason, surprisingly popular (if you follow reddit, here, 4chan etc and I've seen a few people play them irl). 

    Books that sell existing kits are a good way to boost sales. 

    Dispossessed exist in fluff and are shown multiple times on new gloomspite models. 

    Does this mean a dispossessed tome is likely to be soon? No idea. I would be very strongly that there will be one though. 

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  13. Black Legion are the big early 2019 release for 40k. There will be new marines (that can work for other generic CSM factions too), some special units and at least one new daemon engine. Also, just because Carrion Empire is a thing don't expect an immediate tome for either faction. It's possible that battletomes will come out at the same time as the box but it may be that the box comes out then a few months later you see the tome plus single kits for the heroes. These battle boxes are designed to clear stock. 

    I don't think light and dark aelves are going to be released this year, but that doesn't mean they aren't in development. Idoneth Deepkin were in development for a long time. At the moment the focus is on selling DoK and IDK kits in terms of aelves. I would expect Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth and Ironjawz to all see attention this year. 

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  14. Battle boxes are time limited and designed to clear stock that isn't selling that GW have a lot of. So they add one new model to each faction and then sell. After the excess has been cleared they stop selling the boxes and release the new models as individual sculpts.

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  15. 15 hours ago, Mutton said:

    That would be great! Hear anything about new Ogor models, or just a tome?

    What I've heard is a book. But I didn't hear any murmurings about skaven or FEC other than generic intent to make more tomes for older factions. Given they are up next... 

  16. 4 minutes ago, Infeston said:

    Oh this would be cool. Maybe with some Maw  endless spells or big magic cauldron endless spells?

    What I heard about endless spells is that they weren't confirmed for new armies until GW saw how they sold for the initial releases. 

    Given they announced more I assume they sold well. 

  17. 20 minutes ago, Malakree said:


    Why would you compare him to one of the most overcosted and underpowered units when trying to determine how many points he should be?

    Leviadon :(

    Big model points make no sense anyway. Arkhan, probably the best caster in the game for his points is 320 whereas an eidolon who has similar stats and a worse spell is 440. 

  18. 1 hour ago, JPjr said:

    looking at the Boingrot Bounderz warscroll and I was wondering something about their movement (2D6)

    Just thinking about unit cohesion, I'm assuming with units like this you roll once each turn for the whole unit not for each individual model (hilarious as that could be)?

    One roll for the whole unit. Its actually the same with random attack characteristics as well if you didn't know. So for deepkin eels you roll 1d3 and apply the result to the whole unit. So if I got a 1 then all nine eels only get one tail attack. 

  19. 37 minutes ago, Infeston said:

    Also very interesting: They put Man-Eaters and Firebellies back into the Gutbusters section. So do they plan to unite the Ogors?

    I first thought they might have big plans for these factions. But this shows that they maybe did not know why they have done this. 

    Yes. I mentioned this in the thread last year. Heard 2019 would have an Ogor tome. 

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