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Posts posted by HollowHills

  1. 8 minutes ago, novakai said:

    I am pretty sure everyone ideally wants a Gloomspite or DoK type release.

    But I think FEC have such a small model range to begin with is not helping.

    I understand that, but if you get something now then your army will be in a much better state than it has been since the aos launch. They are perfectly free and able to revisit these factions in the future. 

    If they know that their big releases for the next year and a bit are planned out, then its better to support those that aren't part of that picture with a small release. That way those factions aren't left with nothing until 2020 or 2021.

    I think if you look at the aos website and the store you can see a picture of how GW want the factions to look like going forward. If they can get all those into a playable state with battletomes they can revisit them later and dot in new releases. 

    It's like with 40k, they wanted to get a codex out for everyone. 

    6 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    Since most people can‘t get where I am coming from:

    As a 3D Artist you try to recycle assets since it saves time. So let‘s say you have one base-mesh  for a human body which you re-use, but then you redo parts of it (face mostly). Same goes for smaller assets which mostly stay the same.

    usually you change those base models to suit your client’s needs and to give your client a unique model. 

    What you are seeing with the flesh eater Courts is just randomly placing already made assets, mostly not even changing them (I assume each of that models took about 3-4 hours in average. The throne took longer since the bones had to be placed, the goblet took shorter since you can do that with one array modifier...). I am already counting in the time it took to make them 3D printable. 

    You simply would not do what GW did, it‘s insolent, lazy and just cheap.

    they‘re a 2 Billion GBP Company which uses cheap „tricks“ you would expect from a shady Chinese business. 

    Bow after knowing that and also hugely disliking the way it looks I am also aware that they will sell it for the usual price since they sell „premium“ products (what exactly was premium about those FeC spells again?).


    this is somewhat insulting to me especially since I didn‘t expect that from „new GW“.

    I don't know anything about modelling. But if reusing some digital assets and reducing some of the time and cost it takes to develop new kits means we can get more, well maybe that's a good trade.

    In WHFB armies might languish for years without rules updates or new kits. Ask a Brettonian player, or an Orcs and Goblins player what is was like playing WHFB. 

    We are now in a position where, GW for all their faults, are supporting all of their armies for both core games. 

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  2. I can't believe people are being salty about this release. For ages people have asked that GW update old WHFB factions. Either you get a book, some endless spells and a scenery piece or you can wait for years to get a full model update. GW can't release new model ranges for every old faction every other month. 

    What do people expect? 

    • Like 22
    • Confused 1
  3. Codex Black Legion will come in March, but a lot of the new units will have <legion> keyword so will work for the other guys too. 

    Expect Ynnari to get a model release with their own range, so they aren't just using a mix of dark eldar and craftworlds. Will that be this year? Don't know.

    Sisters of Battle are obviously coming. I also expect more primaris at somepoint. 

    To be honest 2019 will be fairly light on aos I think, I think we will get a campaign book like malign portents and more boxes in the style of carrion empire. 

    Maybe a soul wars related campaign in Chamon? 

    • Thanks 3
  4. I believed he was being silenced because I have an unfounded paranoia that fansites are all covering for GW. 

    That said the rumours did sound dodgy... 

    I think what we can all learn from this is that deepkin endless spells are back on the wishlist baby. 

    • Haha 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Ndabreaker said:

    Sorry guys I will not be posting any more rumours. Have been asked to stop by Ben. I believe someone messaged him saying I was someone else. 

    I dont know who Mark is but watch your back mate someones got it in for you. 

    Cheers guys its been great talking to you all the last few days. Still a great website but certainly a few nasty people here. About to get banned so good bye

    No idea whether the rumours are true or not, but I don't understand why the site owner needs to stop them being posted.

    Well... I do but I better not go back to my old conspiracy theories... 

    • Haha 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Barkanaut said:

    Okay so as I said above. I can't have problems because someone else does? Your logic is terrible. 

    To be honest I think a lot of armies have this issue. Deepkin only work at a good level if you go for a variation of eel spam, or rather morsarr spam.

    The issue with Namarti builds for deepkin is not the points cost, but that the synergies just don't work. It's very difficult to keep a soulrender wholly within a unit of 30 thralls, nearly impossible. But for smaller units with a 5 up save how do you keep them alive long enough for the render to be useful? 

    Leviadon? Useless. Allopex? Useless. 

    Nighthaunt players are better off running LoN than their own allegiance and units. All of the best units in the army can be taken in LoN and that gives access to gravesites and three of the most potent heroes in the game (vlozd, arkhan and nagash). 

    As someone else said BoC are basically just a way to get easy tzaangor refills. 

    Even stormcast, the pride and joy of aos, have been relying on evocators alphastriking in with Gabriel. Most of their huge range are totally useless on the table atm. 

    KO have probably faired worse than the above, but the truth is to be competitive most armies are extremely limited. 

    • Like 4
  7. Not in a million years are they squatting the recent plastic kits for any of the WHFB elf factions. 

    Even just in terms of already produced stock, I. E. Kits in the warehouse and stores across the world, they have tons of plastic. 

    It would be a phenomenal act of stupidity to squat these factions when beasts of chaos and LoN have proven how successful older stock can be when given some new rules. 

    • Like 6
  8. 30 minutes ago, Icegoat said:

    All high elf and dark elf resin and most plastics will be gone by the end of the year. The phoenix and the phoenix guard will remain. As will for some reason white lions as a single kit and the scourge privateers. Everything else will go that's including all order seprpentis cold ones and dragon. . This is a no rumour. I have seen actual evidence of this. 


    Just lol. 

  9. I don't believe that ironjawz will include Greenskinz units. A lot of those kits are ancient. Far more likely to see them removed and replaced with a few new ironjawz kits to be honest. 

    I do know, for as close to fact as you can get via a third party, that GW releases are very flexible and that they can move them around. 

  10. 25 minutes ago, Ragnar Alpaca said:

    Do you mean Dispossessed, KO, and Fyreslayers together in one battletome? Or Free cities with the empire leftovers?

    A rumour went around awhile ago on /tg/ that Gotrek was going to reunite Dispossessed and Fyreslayers into a single army. 

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  11. 6 minutes ago, Ndabreaker said:

    Next year. This year slaves/darkoath in summer. Gutbusters around september. Slaanesh somewhere in there. Along with these weekly fillers

    I heard a dispossessed tome this year recently. Also any news on Idoneth endless spells?

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, xking said:

    So "From the Deep" and "The Deeper Shade" do not feature deepkin at all. 

    "The Sea Taketh" is great. A kharadron steals something from the lost city of Aighmar and the deepkin pursue him. Generally very creepy. My criticism would be some of the description is rushed or vague, particularly of the city at the end. Also the deepkin lose a bit of mystery when there is a sky chase between a gun hauler and a turtle that came off as silly. Probably a solid 3.8/5

    "The Learning" I didn't like at all. Lots of lore inconsistencies. It says that deepkin can't tame beasts without breaking their spirits, but in the battletome it says they can build bonds with intelligent beasts. It also said the cythai were silver helms and dragon knights, which makes no sense. Generally not that great setting. 2/5

    • Like 1
  13. I don't know about the skaven (I despise them personally) but Spire of Dawn high elves were great sculpts. The swordmasters in particular are way better than the resin ones they sell on the store. 

    As someone said above though I doubt they will get rereleased for the same reason the good sculpts in dark vegenance haven't. The sprues are too mixed together to sell individually. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, Kurrilino said:

    What makes everyone thinking IDK selling poorly ?

    This is all based on a guy on 4chan claiming to be an Italian contractor who worked on GW finances. 

    Tbh we have no idea. 

    That said given GW broke records with regard to profits in 2018 I doubt Idoneth were a flop. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, bsharitt said:

    It seems like GW hit a weird design spot with the Idoneth Deepkin. The most common sentiment I hear about them is along the lines of "they look cool, but I don't personally want an army of them". While they're technically elves, they're not 'elfy' enough so people with emotional attachment to elves don't seem immediately drawn to them. It's like GW overshot the mark on uniqueness with them, where as Kharadon Overlords still have a enough 'dwarfiness' to them that Dwarf fans were immediately drawn in. Or at least that's my general observation on my admittedly small sample size of players.

    I can see what you mean. Only a few of the heroes are recognisable as elves, nemarti don't at all and the riders are fairly covered up. 

    I think a lot of people were expecting them to be a bit more horrifying based on the cthulu elves rumours, but I doubt the general public paid that any mind. 

    Personally I would have liked more sea creatures, especially intelligent ones like the octopus that hangs out with lotann. 

    I still feel like the idoneth are so fantastic though and I'd love to see more representation of them in the fluff goinh forward. 

    • Like 3
  16. 2 minutes ago, eciu said:

    Maintained and supported factions are always better than neglated and forgotten ones. 

    All your posts seem to be negative towards new age of sigmar factions and positive about old WHFB ones. 

    If you dislike AoS stuff then there is nothing stopping you picking up a 7th Ed rule book on ebay or playing 9th age. 

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