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Posts posted by HollowHills

  1. Definitely deepkin, as others have said it's pretty much a perfect match for the gloomtide and the eidolon base. You also get pots with the same style in the akhelian guard and allopex kit. 

    I have to go with the only logical conclusion and suggest its for deepkin endless spells. Too soon for more than that, though underworlds season 3 is on the table too. 

  2. They confirmed one week preorder so my info on two weeks turned out to be nonsense... 

    Also personal opinion is that the Shadowspear box is a bit of a con. Easy to build monopose models, fixed weapon options (bad ones), questions around whether the unit sizes will be viable in matched play (obliterators) and no hardback rulebook. For £105 that seems like a bad deal. 

    If I were interested I'd wait for the inevitable multipart kits for CSM. 

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  3. On 2/22/2019 at 7:18 PM, Emmetation said:

    Yep. The sea along the Charwind Coast near Anvilgard is quite an interesting spot. There's plenty of others too. The Mordacious Sound has a heap of Idoneth

    My army is a Fuethan enclave from the Moradacious sound, even featuring a tiger stripped Allopex :)

    • LOVE IT! 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Malin said:

    Last year Deepkin were shown on LVO IIRC anyone recall what was the time from seminar to release?

    They came out over four weeks I think, between March and April. The full range was previewed in March white dwarf. 

  5. On 2/21/2019 at 12:06 PM, Malin said:

    Yesterday on twitch BoK were used. They mentioned that they couldn't use new book so far from release. Make of it what you will.

    They normally only showcase a new book on WHTV after the pre order has been announced. So doesn't mean that much. 

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  6. That leak seems fairly accurate for what to expect. That said, it isn't anything that couldn't easily be made up based on already existing information. 

    TG is a pretty good place to hang out and skim for rumours. You get a bit of offensive language but it's nothing serious. 

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  7. 16 minutes ago, Axter said:

    Hi all guys, i do not play this army but one of my friends does and we have a doubt.

    The Akhelian King command ability "Lord of Tides" can be used more then once per turn? If it does, can be used on the same unit?

    Thanks for help!

    Yes and yes. 

    • Like 1
  8. 17 hours ago, xking said:

    Check out this interview with David Guymer on his Hamilcar novel  https://www.trackofwords.com/2019/02/09/rapid-fire-david-guymer-talks-hamilcar-champion-of-the-gods/

    Hamilcar is one AoS's best original characters.

    I read the bear eater story in last year's black library celebration, it was probably one of the worst things I've ever read. Genuinely, I've read work by creative writing students of a quality far beyond that "professionally written" story. Even the basics, like scene setting, personal descriptions etc were awful.

  9. People who think khorne don't need a new tome are wrong. 

    1} there is a lot of errata not in the book including their entire summoning mechanic. 

    2) a lot of waracrolls have changed in wrath and rapture. 

    3) the entire army is balanced on the assumption you have a bloodsecrator giving +1 attack. 

    It's also easy to make a new battletome for an army with loads of existing art and lore. 

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  10. A lot of recent armies that have areas of weakness, such as KO, would benefit from revisions to the rules. Nothing dramatic that would require a 3rd edition but...

    A rule which lets behemoth / monster models count as multiple models for objectives. 

    Battleplans that allow a more defensive style of play.

    I also think GW were really scared of shooting being too powerful when in fact most ranged units in AoS are worse than melee options in their respective armies. As such I think almost all ranged units should get fairly significant points reductions.

    I also think a few of the AoS 1 armies have areas of weakness due to how the rules used to work. So for example balancing saves on the assumption it was fairly easy to get a +1 to save from mystic shield or immunity to battleshock from inspiring presence.  Idoneth Deepkin are an example of this. Of course Morrsarr Spam is viable, but outside of those lists there are a lot of new kits that aren't viable. Namarti in particular would be a lot more viable if you could dump an old style mystic shield on them.

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  11. 13 minutes ago, Televiper11 said:

    They're beautiful all painted up, such a shame. At least he can play them in Open/Narrative.

    Swordmasters, the sad face resin ones, are still sold so should be safe. The archmage is also sold in a plastic kit and is a relatively popular choice for an ally in some lists. Both are safe for now. 

    High warden and spireguard are in trouble, but they are only likely to go if 1) we get a new aelf soup book or 2) in GH19. 

    If 1) just proxy them for something (dragon lord and phoenix guard maybe?) plus be happy you got a new book. 2) you still have until June at the earliest which is plenty of time to enjoy the army and think about your next painting project. 

    So should be OK. 

  12. My biggest concern about AoS is that they won't release models for factions after their initial launch. That it would be more profitable to release a new army than revisit one for new kits. 

    I am really hoping we see some models for aos launch factions just to disprove that.

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  13. I don't think we will ever see Island of Blood sculpts again to be honest. Dark Vengeance for 40k had an excellent chaos lord, cultists and marines as well as a load of Dark Angels sculpts that have never been released. If you want chaos cultists in 40k you currently have to buy them in a box of 5 with all the same monopose, even though DV came with loads of options. 

    Basically anything with shared sprues is dead. 

  14. The Dream

    New boxed game ala carrion empire. 

    Blood in the Water

    Deepkin v DoK

    New heroes 

    Ishrann Embailor 100 points

    Command ability: in the hero phase pick one unit of akhelian allopexes or akhelian leviadon wholly within 12" of this model. That unit can immediately pile in and attack with its jaws and fins. 

    Spell - dominate beast. Casting value 7 pick one enemy monster wholly within 12". That unit fights after all other units in the combat phase. 

    Only one weapon the pain staff

    1 attack 3+ 3+ - d3

    Against monsters has a rend of - 2 and d6 damage.  Makes allopex battleline as general. 

    Melusai Bloodhunteress 140 points

    Command Ability: in your movement phase pick one unit of Melusai wholly within 9" of this model and remove both them and this unit from play. At the start of the next movement phase (friend or foe) place both units wholly within 6' of a table edge and at least 9' from the enemy. 

    First of the Scathborn: get the mortal wound on ranged attacks from bloodstalkers and the stare  mortals from the melee snakes for this hero. 

    Trueborn of Morathi: unmodified hits of 6 for bloodstalkers wholly within 12' of this unit inflict 2 mortal wounds instead of 1. Melee snakes wholly within 12" do d3 mortals on 6s for their stares. 

    3 attacks 24 range 3+ 3+ - 1 dmg does 2 mortals on hit of 6.

    1 attack melee 4+ is a mortal 6 is d3. 


    You get some snakes and sharks plus some other bits. 

    That's my weirdly specific wish for LVO. 



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