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Posts posted by HollowHills

  1. I don't think that Grotbag Scuttlers are actually intended as an army. For KO and Idoneth they threw in some stuff to explain how they could be under attack on their home turf.

    It's like how in the Idoneth book there is a whole sentient race called Kelpdar or the skaken submarine forces. It's just fluff.

    As for Malerion and AoS 3 I'm thinking maybe this is going to be 2022. We already have 3 major releases for aos scheduled, not including stuff like DoK. I wouldn't be shocked to see nurgle and Idoneth battletomes chucked in later this year either.

  2. 1 hour ago, Overread said:

    Forgeworld have a set of resin alternative heads for Stormcast so you can certainly pick them up to help with your desire to have more exposed heads and a few more female faces on your side. 





    Every single female stormcast looks like a man. Seriously, they look like they've been injecting testosterone. 

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  3. Does anyone else suspect The Old World might turn out to be small scale models (like warmaster) or something?

    Now they are talking about Kislev and Cathay, which is presumably in addition to the core old factions like Empire, Brets, High elves etc.

    We'd be talking about a game as big as WH40k and AoS. Presumably needing at least two factions to come out at once to get it started. 

    I can't see how the specialist games team can run that or GW have the production capacity. Also arent they worried about splitting their playerbase?

    I'm starting to feel like the old world is going to be something quite different and there could be some real rage when that difference comes to light.

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  4. To be honest I think the age of squatting is basically over. GW have almost certainly realised that the issues which held back WHFB were to do with it being an outdated system, unwelcoming community and overall having a lot of barriers to new players. The actual models and factions remain popular concepts.

    I see the death faction as a good example of where the current older ranges will go. You got LoN as a stop gap to allow those old death factions to be usable, then over the next few years all those old death models have received new AoS updates.

    Old ghost models became Nighthaunt 2018.

    Old skeletons / tomb kings became OBR 2019.

    Old vampire units will become Soulblight Dreadlords 2021.

    You can see the same thing happening with Lumineth being a direct replacement for high elves.

    I am 99% certain we will get a new human faction that is very similar to the WHFB empire, but perhaps with some more cultural diversity added in.

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  5. I wonder if BR Teclis will end with Moarthi and the Idoneth attacking Hysh while Teclis is busy in Shysh. It was sort of set up that Morathi and the Idoneth were planning to go against Teclis at the end of Morathi and in one of the short stories.

    This would also tie into the theme of order breaking apart and link the two books together. 

  6. Specifically interested to hear from DoK and Lumineth players.

    BR Morathi came out only a couple of months ago and now we are getting a DoK battletome which will presumably contain all the rules.

    Lumineth only officially released in September but are now seeing the range doubled with none of those units being represented in the battletome. 

    Given that many of us haven't been able to play in person for almost a year, coupled with continued price increases this seems a bit scummy to me.

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  7. The Games Wokeshop crusade continues! I originally thought both harem characters in the underworlds set were female, but it turns out one of them is a male character in female clothing. 

    This kind of indecent modeling is a complete betrayal of the old warhammer vibe. Chaos warriors used to be real men, manly and glad in leather. A man's man sort of type. 

    Remember the good old days of boob snake? There is a model suited to the needs of any young lad.

    I'm definitely not going to be buying this set, starting a slaanesh army, saving money for the January release of these cool... uh I mean disgusting harem men.

    P.S. Unrelated question but what paint combo is best for painting pink cloth?

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  8. 10 hours ago, Incineroar87 said:

    Hopefully there's an Alarielle book eventually to give Sylvaneth a much needed boost as they have had the short end of the stick for a long time lol  

    Would be nice to see a different major enemy for Alarielle instead of Papa Nurgle's forces as well.

    Haha it's definitely going to be Nurgle again. Everyone knows Nurgle needs a bit of love with new rules and where is that going to go except in the inevitable Alarielle book.

    On the plus side maybe they will fix sylvaneth. Morathi was a great start for Idoneth so wishing good luck to the trees.

  9. I don't think there will be any new battletomes now before 3.0 in the summer. We're likely going to see all the major factions get some kind of greater or lesser rules update in these books to keep them ticking over until the new battletome in 3.0.

    Honestly as an Idoneth player let me tell you the last thing you want is to be a battletome released just before the new edition.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Matrindur said:

    Thats actually a really good point if its for Underworlds it doesn't have to be a big concept you can base a full army around it can just be something like Bloodbowls Necromantic Horror Team as a small Underworlds Warband

    You could have something like a single vampire or necromancer with a load of zombies as a warband. Or a mixture of monsters like the bloodbowl team.

    Given we had the kurnothi and snarlfang I wouldn't be surprised if they throw in a couple of warbands that aren't directly connected to aos armies in themselves. 

  11. For Underworlds they used to release two new warbands around the same time as the starter set. It seems like its changed now to be a slower rollout and warbands releasing on their own rather than in pairs. 

    I still hope we get to find out if there is an Idoneth warband in this season.

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  12. It seems like elves in aos are like Eldar in 40k now. If they die their souls automatically go to Slaanesh unless something happens to stop that. Hence the deepkin doing their best to keep all their fallen souls in the coralaium. 

    I'm not clear on exactly how it works, but it seems to be the case that living deepkin can communicate with the stored souls of their ancestors. These can also then be used for powerful magic, such as summoning the eidolons.

    I'm guessing it was quite a big deal for Volturnos to get the original souls back. Plus it seems like they only wanted the lantern to stop Teclis having it. So overall, other than the casualties of battle, it seems like the deepkin got what they wanted. 

    I'm not really sure why they would want to side with Morathi long term unless she has a specific plan in mind. Though I suppose "I'll pay you in souls" is a good enough reason as any.

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  13. Just a bit of lockdown fun with tongue planted in cheek. It's a pretty broad question so feel free to go for a specific character, a model or maybe even something that only exists in black library.

    Personally as much as I love Idoneth It's a bit hard to stare lovingly into a pair of sockets. Plus there are only so many soul raids you can go on before date night starts to get a bit samey.

    I'd have to go for witch elves to be honest. Toned body, lots of hair, a little bit of a dominant streak... what's not to like?

    I wouldn't mind taking one for a ride on my eel if you know what I mean.

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  14. I dont really disagree with the comments about MW output and power creep.  I haven't been able to play a proper game since Feb, so I don't have much experience against the latest offenders for it.

    I think the original intent for mortal wounds was that they would either come from magic (which can be countered by unbinding) or from rare critical hits on elite units.

    Part of the issue is that magic has now reached a point where the armies who use it can pretty much guarantee their effects will go off, while everyone else ignores magic entirely.

    For instance with deepkin there is basically no point in taking either of our wizards because if you play against a few different armies your chance of casting anything is zero.

    The other thing to bear in mind is that as a low model count army we are naturally going to suffer against mortal wounds, so imbalance in that area is bound to hurt us more than others.

    At the end of the day we are the second oldest book in play and I think we have to accept being on the weaker end of things for awhile. I wouldn't be surprised to see changes to the basic mechanics of magic in the new edition though.

  15. There is no way cities are going away. They are getting continued rule support and updates plus feature heavily in the lore. The only way cities of sigmar is going away is if they decide to release actual new units for the major lore locations instead of using old whfb units.

    This is just more trolling. 

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