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Posts posted by HollowHills

  1. 4 hours ago, Jeremierty said:

    really missing in the game : Duardins

    We're still missing at least two elf factions (kurnothi and Malerion) plus we need Tyrion lumineth. I hope they focus on making sure elves are supported before doing any other order stuff.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Warmill said:

    Unfortunately for lumineth players this had already been faq'd a long time ago, so make sure to smile when you point out they can't do that 🤣Screenshot_20210306-075106_Dropbox.jpg.8a810dbff3f85cb500479847003f6081.jpg 

    The warscroll for the wardens doesn't state it can target a non visible unit, it says it treats that unit as being visible. So I think it bypasses our faq.

    1 hour ago, DocKeule said:

    I think that is just the "overgrown" rule for terrain. Other than that visibility for flying units is not mentioned anywhere I think. 

    We had a similar discussion in another message board few days ago and since it now it is just "line of sight" they came to the conclusion that  flying units could hide behind terrain.

    Yes I went and read a bit more after your post. You can the "true los" from the core rules, then the overgrown / warscroll visibility rules in the GHB and elsewhere. I'm still a bit confused by the Palisade because it doesn't say anything about visibility, it says "cannot see". Do we take that to mean the same thing?

    I'm kinda inclined to think lumineth can do this combo based on our discussion so far?

  3. 30 minutes ago, frostfire said:

    LRL can cast the Prismatic Palisade to block the line of sight of their own archers, and their leader can use the lantern to target our heros (in most cases would be Volturnos himself) and shoot him off, ignoring the Forgotten Nightmare rule. 

    It might sound a bit weird but LRL gets this nasty trick. Dunno if anybody has talked about this one before

    Does anyone know if this is actually how it is meant to work? The wording on the Palisade is a bit confusing, it says "cannot see" rather than visible. Also all other rules relating to visibility mention they dont work on units which can fly.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    Looking into it a bit more, I actually don't think Horrek Venzai is the Wight King. The Wight King model also has an image on the Warhammer Community facebook page, but it does not refer to him by any name. Just "The Wight King".

    Agree. Like Van Brecht and Nemmetar they are character's from the story with relevant mini start collecting boxes.

  5. So the release schedule thing... is anyone else confused?

    My understanding was that Teclis would be the next book. Are they now announcing Be’lakor and immediately releasing it? 

    If element games has cursed city that would usually mean it's about to go up for order. With warcry and Blackstone my LGS had it set up to play in store for the week of the pre-order.

    The drukhari preview makes me think their new codex and the battlebox should be coming out.

    What's going on?

  6. 7 hours ago, Athrawes said:

    This is a joke right?

    I'm only clarifying this because some people seem genuinely annoyed, but yes this is a joke. 

    The new lumineth models combined with the frequent elf hate / general negativity towards idoneth (eel spam, flying sharks are bad etc) inspired me to make a petition from the point of view of a bratty, bitter, entitled sibling.

    Of course I wouldn't mind some new sculpts, but Idoneth are in a better spot than ever since Morathi. I'm really looking forward to taking Mr. Turtle out the cabinet when lockdown finally ends.

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  7. Ugh... some crappy old chaos release. Broken realms is meant to be about AELVES and even then Idoneth players are being treated like ******.

    Lumineth getting a new battletome and second wave only a year after their box set came out. What about new Idoneth rules? What about our second wave and new endless spells? 

    Even in Underworlds we have to wait and wait and wait.

    I'm seriously thinking of starting a petition to protest the treatment of Idoneth players.

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  8. I don't think the grand alliance system matters much now. It's mostly just a hangover from when the game first came out and gives a very loose idea of where a faction fits. Other than death which is almost entirely under Nagash.

    Order doesn't really exist as a faction. The two dwarf armies will fight for anyone who pays them, Seraphon are their own thing, Lumineth are pretty much their own thing, Morathi and Idoneth have formed a quasi dark elf alliance and I bet BR Alarielle isn't going to be about how she and sigmar plan a wedding.

    I dont even know why Lumineth can ally Idoneth when they hate each other. Maybe it has to do with Tyrion aligned Lumineth being on better terms?


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  9. Remember the "typo" from that book that said Malerion was a chaos God? Maybe it wasn't a typo and Malerion / Belakor are part of chaos as a new shadow daemon thingy.

    Of course this makes little to no sense and is almost certainly untrue, but I am getting a bit tired of all the Malerion teases without them going anywhere.

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  10. 5 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    Eels should never have been 4 wounds to begin with. And don’t even get me started on the fact they’re STILL undercosted especially with Volturnos

    Lol. That explains why Idoneth are mid tier at best even when playing the most competitive lists possible.

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  11. 1 hour ago, CommissarRotke said:

    are those warden's spears off the sprue or elongated?? because the second from the right is so clearly bent... if these are from the sprue i'm kinda glad i didn't buy wardens :(

    I used to do historical reenactment as a pikeman. Got pretty comfortable marching and fighting with a 16 ft pike. I can confirm they naturally droop to a greater or lesser extent.

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  12. Its hard to know what a new edition actually means now. 7th to 8th in 40k and 1st to 2nd in AoS had some really big changes. 8th to 9th 40k has been minor. Battletomes / codexes carry between editions now too.

    I wonder if now it's more of a marketing thing than anything else. A new edition being a time when lapsed / curious players are more likely to get back in.

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