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Posts posted by Mandzak-Miniatures

  1. 2 minutes ago, Lhurgoyf said:

    I felt a little empty too, but to their credit they've got basic foot troops, elite foot, cav, a big hero, 2 flavors of little hero, and an artillery piece. I think that's about the same as Ironjawz? At least within one.  I think it's enough to sink into if you love the look.


    Personally I let out a huge sigh of relief when I saw them and didn't like them. Finally a new kit I don't have to pine for.

    Same, I like the main dude, as I think that kit has a load of potential for painting and conversions. Curious to see how large he is. Still hoping for a large colossus.

    the army is supposed to be elite, despite them being shown in vast numbers.

    side note, tombstone guy is probably the worst looking model I’ve seen from GW in awhile. His face and hair, his armor. The only good looking thing are the three severed heads

  2. I understand the lack of news for CoS since it was a big reveal for the boney-boys, Skelecrons, not-tomb Kong’s.. but they really blew it on communication with how the new book works and what it means for those armies to generate some sort of hype. Especially since it seems there is no new terrain or spells for them. It was the right time to talk about it after the Tithe reveal (which wasn’t fully revealed despite them saying just the day before ALL would be).

    i hope they take this time for blowing it, again, and reflect on it while they smoke lit cigars with hundred dollar queen money watching their stock ticker go up haha.

  3. It would seem that the army is a hodgepodge. The mounts in the art have different skeletal animal heads, some figures look statuesque and others more skeletal.  Also looks like some design is taken from the morghasts.

    I for one welcome my new AoS-necron overlords

    • Like 1
  4. It would seem that the army is a hodgepodge. The mounts in the art have different skeletal animal heads, some figures look statuesque and others more skeletal.  Also looks like some design is taken from the morghasts.

    I for one welcome my new AoS-necron overlords

    • Haha 1
  5. 10 hours ago, darkspear said:

    I do hope they do away the faction restrictions in each cities given that the range is streamlined.  E.g everyone has access to wanderers, dispossessed etc.  Rather than the existing one which is Stormcast and Free Peoples plus plus.



    I second this. I would prefer this bandaid book act like a “SM codex”. Cities are essentially just chapter tactics that cater to certain play styles.

    • Like 2
  6. I think the humans in the images are just people from the town carting the towns tithe of bone to these guys. If the tithe isn't enough then this guys empire takes what is necessary and moves on.

    It's "pay me enough and we wont kill you and we'll move on".

    I imagine they want the bones to continue to grow and bolster their forces/ constructs. Sounds awesome.

  7. 8 minutes ago, xking said:

    Every so often that we mention of there is magical beings in the Mortal realms, such as Djinn, efreet or other elemental or magical creatures.

    Will we ever get these things in model form.

    I think the best thing you can do is just make your own. I’ve always liked Araby, so I’ve taken it upon myself to do an AoS version that mixes in elements of Ind as well.

    very excited for this book!

    • Like 1
  8. @Dieselfruit

    Do these other cities have unique battle line units?

    do they still have their previous unit restrictions?

    -Tempest's Eye
    -Living City
    -The Phoenicium
    -Excelsis (what is this?)

    anything about creating your own city?

  9. 3 minutes ago, ManlyMuppet88 said:

    I don’t remember reading that. Did they say it at the event?

    Typically when something is revealed, it’s followed up with more info and then pre orders.

    instead of Cities of Sigmar and orcs we got surprise SM for a month..

    • Like 1
  10. While the empire general on horse may be gone, perhaps there will be an additional wars roll to make a Demigryph Knight a “general” out of that box. Wouldn’t be ideal, due to limited option, but at least there would be a mounted human hero.

    then the other two knights could be apart of his “crew”. I recall there being mention that a hero can have a posse of some sort

  11. 2 minutes ago, Fairbanks said:

    Horses that have been axed by GW since the start of AoS: Most Empire Knights, Silver Helms, Glade Riders, and all of those Bretonnia Knights

    New models that have had Horses: Varanguard

    Not to mention that horses don't scream the same kind of Fantasy world that AoS has built from the beginning.

    Death faction has plenty of 'horses' in ghostly, skeletal and zombie forms

  12. 5 hours ago, Lord marcus said:

    I'd prefer they bring the empire great cannon kit back. It's objectively better. That and it features in some of the artwork

    I agree, the Great Cannon was awesome. Though I must say the crew for it might be strange. Then again I think the crew for all the empire weapon teams are weird. actually most things are weird with the exception of the great swords, hunters and bird riders..

    I do hope that they give the option of a hero on said bird rider though, it just uses up one of the guys in the box. I believe things like this have been done before.

  13. 12 minutes ago, tom_gore said:

    Anyone else notice that with that Beastgrave box, they just gave BoC players new plastic models for a Beastlord and a Bray-Shaman?

    Anyone hoping they will do the same for Bonesplitters when they enter the fray (and they will, or it is the greatest injustice ever done by GW)?


    I find the shamans “clothing” weird, like the lizard man blood bowl teams clothing and overall cartoonish sculpts

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