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Posts posted by Ahn-ket

  1. 53 minutes ago, Tropical Ghost General said:

    He's currently one of the anniversary models though it's getting changed in July when the AoS and 40k anniversary models get changed. Whether or not it will still be available hasn't been confirmed yet. 

    Maybe we get a nighthaunt start collecting with him after they change the anniversary models

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Seraphage said:

    We still can't buy him somehow from somewhere right ?  What about from GW in Nottingham ? Gonna be visiting for Heat 3 so would be a great opportunity !

    Nottingham should be a way to get it aside from store birthdays

  3. 9 minutes ago, Yamarahj34 said:

    Can you take Arkhan? I thought it worked like the other Legions...if you bring a mortarch it has to be the specific one for the legion (Olynder) and they have to be your general.

    He can take arkhan but only If he takes lady o as general 

    In addition the necromancer can't take overwhelming dread only the three LoG spells could be choosed

  4. 1 minute ago, Nasrod said:

    Nope. The regent summons them with his Command Trait. Regent and 3 Crypt Flayers = 370/400 allied allotment. :) So yeah, potentially 6 Flayers and 2 Banshees.

    I know OK 🤔 6 flayers and two banshees + the harridans all with bravery reductions could be good 

    But i'm not sure if you could buy and use the FEC endless outside of a FEC alliance

  5. 18 minutes ago, Nasrod said:

    General idea is to use Flesheater Court mercenaried to make up for the fact we cannot have Terrorgheists. Archregent gives us access to 3 "free" Crypt Flayers if they are good (For only 30 points more than 3 Flayers) or 20 dudes to pseudo deep strike onto objectives if the enemy has a strong Bravery game. Add Cadaverous Barricade and the idea is to use this endless spells to funnel enemies into a position to be bravery bombed.

    Necromancer sits in the blob of Skellies, Guardian sits with the Reapers.

    Lord Executioner is technically our tankiest hero so he holds the Brooch to try and recoup spent command points and also becomes an important-to-kill support hero with the bravery debuff aura.

    If you want to lean harder into bravery and don't like Pallisade, you can drop the wolves for another 10 skeletons, but I think the extra wall + utility of a fast moving, expendable objective holder is superior.


    ●Abhorrent Archregent - 200 pts
    ●Guardian of Souls, Nightmare Lantern - 140
    ●Necromancer - 110 pts
    ●Tomb Banshee - 80 pts
    ●Tomb Banshee - 80 pts
    ●Lord Executioner - 80 pts (Aetherquartz Brooch, General, Tragic Emanations)

    ■Skeleton Warriors x 40 - 280 pts
    ■Skeleton Warriors x 10 - 80 pts
    ■Dire Wolf x 5 - 60 pts

    □Dreadscythe Harridan x 15 - 270 pts
    □Grimghast Reaper x 20 - 280 pts
    □Crypt Flayers x 3 - 170 pts

    Endless Spells
    ◇Horrorghast - 60 pts
    ◇Cadaverous Barricade - 30 pts
    ◇Prismatic Pallisade - 30 pts

    1,950/2,000 pts, 1 extra CP

    Are the three flayers listed the ones the archregent pops up during Game?

  6. 1 minute ago, Acid_Nine said:

    hey guys you probably got this a lot but I just found 52 LoTR army of the dead in the basement and I was wondering how close they are to chainwrasps? could they be a good model counts as? 

    Simple answer yes use some myself

  7. 7 minutes ago, Nevar said:

    Speaking of updated app... I suddenly see a Necromancer on Nightmare in the list of leaders... but it is clearly outdated with it's abilities and spells referencing skeletons and zombies specifically instead of 'Summonable' and it does not have the Deathly Invocation ability.

    Is that just a legacy unit, or is there any reason to hope it gets updated?

    A speedier Necromancer would be a lot of help in keeping up with all my speedy spooks.

    Its an older version

  8. 9 minutes ago, Saren said:

    I don't have the book at home but basically you can take some units from Fyreslayers or Flesh Eater Court in any army. There are some restrictions in the units you can take (thus the Royal Terrorgheist or Royal Dragon Zombie not being allowed) and you also don't earn the command point from your first turn if you have mercenaries with you.
    I also know that every units summoned from mercenaries units gain the "mercenary" keyword. Other than that there might be a few more rules (I heard there something link to the bravery of mercenaries units) but I only took a quick look to the book at my local store.

    Do they profit from alliance rules like the 6+ death save ?

    How many points ?

    Only FEC and fireslayers?

  9. 3 minutes ago, Saren said:

    From my understanding you can take a Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist in your army with the mercenary system. It's 400 points and only the Royal Terrorgheist is not allowed to be taken. And it's not even the keyword that isn't allowed, it's specifically the model itself (and the warscroll with the Ghoul King doesn't have the Royal Terrorgheist keyword anyway).

    How does the mercenary System works?

  10. 48 minutes ago, DieterLaser said:

    Hey guys,

    quick Question regarding our "From the Underworlds..." -Abilitie, because i've seen different people handle it differently:

    When setting up a unit in the battlefield am i allowed to put one unit in the underworlds immediately (e.g. 6 Units in total, 3 Drops) or when i'm next in line Setting up a unit (6 units, 6 drops)?

    Its one on field one in underworlds (one drop each) 

  11. 4 minutes ago, SleeperAgent said:

    I mean its not like he missed anything. He showed the pages LoG covered and read out loud all the things they had. 

    As it stands, I feel Nighthaunt is stronger, which is very sad. As being a 2.0 army that is woefully underpowered feels bad. Hopefully the GHB helps out. Hopefully we get our terrain soon and it is on par with the others. The Penumbral engine is trash imo. Even if it were free it's bad. Random is bad, wholly within is bad, not blocking your opponents from the benefit is bad, and payign the points for all those combined is bad. 

    Right they had to put out free terrain and endless spells for all armies since LoN 

  12. 15 minutes ago, soots said:

    honestly think LoG is underwhelming alternative to LoB who also have most of the nh units and the -1 bravery debuff. The only way to make it a viable option is to remove nh from LoB which i think they will do. So my theory is to use NH we will have to play LoG

    Yeah LoB has -1bravery but IT don't work with herridans cause you must allie them in LoB in LoG they get it

  13. 25 minutes ago, Qrow said:

    I saw you say this previously, or maybe it was on a facebook post... are they normally 2000 point armies in the pics? Genuinely curious because I have never checked before.

    Also, what pic specifically? Because I desperately need to see if there are dreadscythe harridans in it.

    Its in the Unboxing of forbidden Power on warhammercommunity 

    I'm not sure If it shows 2k armies cause the order one goes over 3k

  14. 2 hours ago, Neck-Romantic said:


    Nerfing the enemies bravery still allows Olynder/Tomb Banshees/Mortis Engine/Terrorgheist/Dreadscythe Harridans to land their abilities easier and for far more damage.

    Plus with our Bravery nerfs being AoE; the enemy can only Inspire 1 unit per turn too

    Terrorgheist aren't allowed cause of keyword restriction

    IP can ne used once per CP if i'm remembering right

  15. 7 minutes ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    Another example army 

    Lady O

    Briar Queen




    3x10 chainrasp

    Briar Queen retinue chainrasps

    2x20 Harridans

    12 Myrmourns

    Horrorgheist ESpell


    Swap Terrorgheist and/or Briar Queen for Mortis engine/Mourngul + KoSoES to synergize myrmourns or stack -3 to hit

    Under LoG or normal NH If LoG the Terrorgheist isn't possible to use

  16. 7 minutes ago, Andrew B. said:

    I've always wanted an excuse to try and take every 'roll against bravery and take mortal wounds' effect. The fact those of us who bought SC:Malignants can finally use that Mortis Engine is just a cherry on top!


    Any idea whether it's legal to take a terrorgheist in the list?

    No Terrorgheist cause of keyword restriction

  17. 3 minutes ago, kozokus said:

    I don't see any allegiance keyword on this bataillon. I see no reason not to integrate it in your LoG army. Welcome to resurrecting 12 myrmourn for 1 cp.

    Each battalion is fixed to the tome and alliance it stated in 

    Cause LoG is a new alliance its stated as an ally battalion

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