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The Scions of Midwinter an SCE Plog

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The Scions of Midwinter – A Celestial Vindicators Warrior Chamber

Since AoS arrived I’ve spent my entire time playing a mixed destruction list based mostly on the greenskins armies I owned and ran in 8th edition WHFB. Whilst this has been immensely enjoyable (and reasonably successful) I felt it was time to explore some of the new armies and factions available for AoS. Lots of people at my club have turned to Chaos and we have a good range of Nurgle, Khorne and Tzeentch armies about so I opted not to go that direction and the complete lack of anything new meant that Death was essentially a non-starter either. So on to Order, which seemed like a good counter-balance to my Destruction hordes, and that this change in direction coincided with the new release of the Kharadron Overlords so it seemed a match made in heaven. Having got all excited about skyfaring duardin I quickly became unhappy with them as a choice, and I couldn’t put my finger on why… I usually have a big soft-spot for dwarves in fantasy settings. Anyway… after a lot of discussion with my gaming buddies and a good look at the other options I went for SCE, particularly keen to look at working a balanced force with a little more focus on melee rather than the all new pew pew.

As a result, The Scions of Midwinter were born. I wanted something common across all of my armies and with my destruction all based on a winter theme and the revolving around a core of Beastclaw Raiders it only seemed fitting to design a chamber that has been plucked from the heroes of the tribes and free-peoples fighting the constant incursions of the forces of Everwinter.

So, I started looking at paint schemes for my SCE, I’ve never really been one to follow a GW scheme and I wanted something grittier than the all shiny gold that you so often see. Here are a few of my earlier experiments where I was keen to try and use colour combinations I haven’t used so much in the past, particularly yellow and black where I had a sort of Iron Warrior look in mind.


As the experimentation continued I began to look at purple highlights on the armour and moved towards green on the shoulderguards. Some of the amazing lacquered results I was getting using the new waystone technical paints gave me some great ideas about having a completely lacquered armour look, which tied to my leaning towards the Celestial Vindicators Chamber as a force meant I ended up moving to this lacquered green/teal armour and ultimately on to the Celestial Vindicators colours.


There are still loads of things to try out as far as spot colours go and getting the white right to balance the deep lacquered armour but I’m liking the worn and distressed look the layered washes and technical paints are giving, so a little further weathering is definitely something I’ll be looking into. But this is my first Vindicator, he's stil WiP but he's getting there.


I’ve also begun to think about the founding of the chamber and some small conversions that might creep into the models, perhaps some pelts and other winter themed items, maybe even looking at a sort of space-wolf inspired fetish idea for the relictors and heroes. Also going Celestial Vindicators means I will need to begin looking at converting a lot of the hammer Liberators into Warblades, so lots of nice opportunities to develop my conversion skills.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks mate :)

reminded me it was time to update this.

Getting closer with my colour scheme, painting is still a bit rough around the edges though. but here are a few more:


still not entirely sure i've got the balance of white and red right... think i might switch the tabards to blue/white and the leather skirts to the red.

Knight Questor:






Prosecutor: definitely need to light the wings on him though


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