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Can't decide list for Saturday.


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Got a 1000 point doubles tornement partner picked at random on the day. It Saturdays and still can't decide what army to use. Help

Flappy death
Crypt Infernal Courtier (general/ ruler of the night/cursed book)
Varghulf Courtier (tomb blade)
×3 crypt flyers
×3 crypt flyers
×3 crypt flyers

-1 rend across everyone, extra attacks because of the deadwatch, great moment so I can grab objectives or what ever I need. Varghulf can heal with tomb blade


Vlad (general)
30 skeletons 
10 skeletons 
Terrorghist (old scroll not new)

Fun list, solid battle line for holding objectives, terrorghist to eat other big things (the scream 3 d6 - bravery is going to hurt skaven and overlords) Vlad and isabella tag team other heroes.


Konrad (general)
Necromancer (cursed book)
20 zombie
20 zombie
Corpse cart 
10 wolves 
180 summoning probably banshee.


Re roll on casting coz of konrad.

40 zombie super unit buffed by cart, wolves buffed by cart and 2 banshee I can summon in to hurt low leadership units and slow down my enemy advance or early objective grabber (slap on mystic shield and it's a pain to remove)



I know I've got 2 overlords, one skaven, one stomcast and a dragon lords army in the tornement so far

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