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Skaven verminus gunrats list 2k


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Hello, Im a new to aos still collecting models. I would like a feed back for my skaven army


Skaven warlord

Skaven chieftain with battle standard



Stormvermon 30

stormfiend 3 (warpfire)


clanrat 30

clanrat 10

clanrat 10

Rattling gun 3


jezzail 3

jezzail 3


verminus clawpack


As you can see the theme of the army is rats backed up by lots of guns. I like having 2 units of jezzails. Either I can group them together or divide them into 2 to add more distractions to opponents. But I dont know if i should decrease their number so I can add more clanrats...(or queek cuz he looks awesome)


All feed backs are appreciated. Thank you!





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