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2k Mixed Destruction HELP!!!


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I have a tournament at the end of the month and I'm trying to put a list together that can compete without being too dickish. I'm going to run 3 units of Savage orrucks as battleline. I have 4 Beastclaws I know I want to run 1 frostlord on stonehorn and 2 thundertusk huskards, should I run a 3rd huskard or a base stonehorn to tie people up? Also what addition units should I run? or should I not run 4 Beastclaw big boys? I'm not running 40 arrow boyz, I don't have the time to paint them and don't feel like rolling that many dice. I'm open to suggestions otherwise.

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2 hours ago, Beau said:

It's a tournament man. Go as dickish as you need to be. Everyone else will be.

Depends entirely on the local scene.

@crazyhorse1321, your requirements are very vague. What else do you have, aside from four Beastclaw big guys? It'll be a lot easier to help you put a list together if we know what you have available, what you have painted, and how much you will be able to paint in the coming weeks.

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