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Stepping out of the shadows


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Greetings.  As the title suggests I have been a lurker for a while, and I am now stepping out of the shadows.   Can't say I am new to age of sigmar, as I played it near its beginning but the group at that flgs wasn't into AoS but just 40k.   My new Flgs has a bit of interest, which is growing.  I was also debating on which armor to start, and well I waited to see what the new steampunk dwarfs would be, and since they are now released, I decided to go with them.   

However still a bit newish to AoS I have been playing warhammer 40k since 1997, and I played fantasy from fifth edition to 7th, never got into 8th, I wanted to, but there wasn't much interest in the fantasy setting at my old local store or area.    I also spent some time as an outrider back in 2000-2003, and I worked at a GW store for a year after my time as an outrider.   So I have plenty of experience playing the games.   recently I have been slowly getting one of my sons to play the game, and it's a nice experience to be able to share part of my hobby with my son (playing it but he isn't into painting). 

As a lurker, this site has been great Inspiration for which armies to build, painting schemes, and just getting an idea on how AoS is growing.   So I look forward to now being apart of the community.

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