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Everchosen mixed 2k. Can it work?


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Morning guys. First time poster, long time reader! 

Im relatively new to aos after playing fantasy for a long time. Iv finally been convinced to join the sigmar scene!

Iv been back and forth on what force to collect. Painting and modelling is very important to me, as well as being relatively competitive. So the army I build has to contain models I really like. Hence my list must contain big dragon archaon and varanguard! 

Heres my list. Advice is more than welcome (nothing except the 2 previously mentioned units is set in stone!)

Archaon 700

Bloodsectretor 120

Khorne lord on juggernaut 140

10 Chaos Warriors- Mark of khorne 180

10 Chaos Warriors- Mark of Khorne 180

30 Bloodletters 300

3 Varanguard 360


Thanks for reading!


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The problem with Archaon is that at 2000 points he severly handicaps your army. Plain and simple sadly. 

His command ability is a really strong trait, but it requires a handful of Heroes and an adequate amount of troops to really let it take effect. 

Having your only other hero be void of a command ability means you're paying more for less. EDIT: Completely forgot about the Jugger Lord, disregard this.

On top of that, you're paying 700 points for what is ultimately 20 wounds. That same amount of points could get you 70 wounds of Blood Warriors for example. 

That being said, you've got a fairly strong list which can stomach some abuse, and you'll probably always go first, but your units are going to individually face a lot more focus from multiple units since so many points are sunk into Archaon. 

This is all based on theory admittedly, as I've never had to play him. But my Skarbrand and Mighty Lord of Khorne could theorhetically remove him with ease, and I can take both of them and some more bodies to spare with the amount of points Archaon taxes you.

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Thanks for the reply. I hear everything you say about archaon, i know he handicaps my army at this points level. I just can't get away from wanting to use the model :D

In terms of his command ability. The jugger lords will be useful in boosting archaon. I had also considered a Slaanesh lord aswell for his command buff but I can't think of a suitable conversion and there's no way I'm using the booby snake! 

I also considered switching out the bloodletters for 20 blood reavers and a sorcerer lord but figured the bloodletters especially in 30's and with a bloodsecretor can be quite a powerful unit. 

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I understand completely, I was merely giving you a heads up since you wanted to be competitive you should know that you're going to be fighting an uphill battle. It wasn't meant to discourage, just ensure that your expectations were set. 

Your list is fairly solid with the stout warriors to help last coupled with the Bloodletters for offensive power when combined with the Bloodsecrator. If your opponent loses focus of them and keeps his eyes on the giant madman riding a dragon then they'll likely make it into combat before suffering too many casualties. 

Just remember that 700 points to someone like me is Skarbrand, a Mighty Lord of Khorne, a Slaughterpriest and 10 Khorne Marauders that are buffed by the 'priest to use as a screen. 

Know what units Archaon is the most effective with and focus on removing them as fast as possible. If he can ultimately get his points back in the game then you've done well. I'd make the warriors into a wall that he can use to control who's charging who, punish units that forget about the Varanguard and then sink the Bloodletters into a horde.  

Shooting armies will be a tough nut to crack though. You just don't have the numbers to be effective if your opponents get one or two rounds of fire in before you're in combat. Make use of terrain as much as you can. 


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Thanks for the advice. It's very much appreciated. I'm yet to actually play a game so it's all helpful! 

Do you think 2500 points is more of a sweet spot for archaon or bigger?

I'm determined to use him. Hopefully once Iv got a few games under my belt. I can see what works best with him and tactically how to counter different threats. If eventually I tire of taking my big centre piece and 1/3 of my points investment off the table in the first turn, I  may save him for bigger games!

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He is definitely suited towards 2500 to 3000 point games and larger. Getting Nurgle, Slaanesh, Khorne and Tzeentch units all on the table is a huge boon. 

Skyfires, Blood Warriors, Blightkings and Seekers of Slaanesh are all brutal if you have appropriate boosters nearby who's command abilities can be activated by Archaon.

Building a big, nasty undivided force with a few nasty commanders will nake Archaon come alive. Focus on Marauders with shields as chaff as theyre about the best 60 points in the game. A Warshrine would also be a must-have. 

Until then, play with your list. Play a few games with the same list before you change anything out, too. Age of Sigmar is still complex enough for you to forget things in the heat of battle. Play and see what works, then slowly trade it out as you collect more models.

Here's an example of an ideal Undivided Archaon list to shoot for. Maybe not the most optimized though as I'm really only an expert on Khorne. 

Allegiance: Chaos

Archaon (700)
Gaunt Summoner of Tzeentch (120)
Lord Of Chaos (100)
Wulfrik The Wanderer (80)
Gutrot Spume (120)
Lord Of Khorne On Juggernaut (140)

3 x Varanguard (360)
- Ensorcelled Weapon
- Everchosen Battleline
10 x Chaos Marauders (60)
- Flails & Shields
10 x Chaos Marauders (60)
- Flails & Shields
10 x Chaos Marauders (60)
- Flails & Shields
5 x Putrid Blightkings (180)
- Mortal Nurgle Battleline

1 x Chaos Warshrine (200)
- Mark of Chaos: None
3 x Tzaangor Skyfires (160)
10 x Seekers Of Slaanesh (240)
5 x Skullreapers (140)
- Goreslick Blades

Soul Grinder (280)
- Mark of Chaos: None

Total: 3000/3000

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