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[H] Ogres, Dwarfs [W] $$$


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Hi All!

I'm selling some Ogres and Dwarfs. I've also got a HUGE lot of Hobbit stuff, Walking Dead All Out War Something to Fear, Dreadball Lot, Bolt Action Sealed Starter, Malifaux and Thousand Sons dice. Please make offers, including shipping anywhere in the US. If you have any questions or need more pictures, please let me know.

Ogres: $300 obo

These are also fully painted and ready for the tabletop, with lots of fun conversions! This makes about 3000 points for Age of Sigmar.

Skrag the Slaughterer (Butcher with Cauldron)
Yhetees x3
Tyrant x2
Ogres x9
Ironguts x9
Gorgers x4
Leadbelchers x14
Marauder Giant

Dwarfs: $200

These are mostly built, a few are painted and some are from Battle for Skull Pass. 

10 Irondrakes
19 Ironbreakers
6 Slayers (1 BFsP)
20 Miners (10 BFsP)
23 Thunderers (BFsP)
35 Warriors (20 BFsP)
16 Quarrelers
2 Organ Guns
1 Cannon (BFsP)
Plus the contents of a BfSP Dwarf Sprues
Broken Gyrocopter and lots of bits


More pics here https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipM6W2vyMj99EoERn0ADaVAH2Kox26WAXysogxYuHbOyPaI5E3cYj7-ESiJaSoL1Sg?key=aTJ3YzBxUnV2R3I0QzY5NnM5WVZwZS1haVdrMlVR

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