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Khorne Daemons for Sale


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I have a cupboard full of stuff which I never use, and a fiancee who wants more space for her photography stuff so....


First up is my Khorne Daemon army which has been sat in a box for the last few years, which I will part with for the right offer!


Army consists of;

Bloodthirster - old style one in finecast

60 Bloodletter with 2 command groups

6 Bloodcrusher inc champion, musician and standard

15 Chaos hounds (which I used as flesh hounds)

KR case with the foam lovingly cut to suit the above


Everything is fully painted and based on squares. I took this army to a few tournaments back in the day and picked up some painting nominations

I will take some more pictures soon, but for now some pics to let you get an idea of the painting - the rest is to the same standard apart from 2 bloodletters who are basecoated only for some reason? - I'd be happy to either send over my recipes to their new owner or paint them up to match myself if it makes a difference?





I would ideally like to shift the lot in one go because I am lazy and would rather end up with none of it, rather than some of it still taking up space!


Forgot to add, I am in the UK and would be after cold hard paypal for this. I have no idea about postage costs yet but I will obvs weigh it and work it out before a final sale. I'd want to send it via a courier for obvious reasons

Alternatively I am London based so could meet somewhere to make a transaction (and feel like a cold war spy)









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